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58342942 No.58342942 [Reply] [Original]

Is it unironically over? I was promised 150k after halving but I am starting to think It's another sell the news.

>> No.58342965

"after halving" means several months after halving, anon. Of course there will be little dips in the short term, but mostly just crabbing. Nothing happens until 2025

>> No.58342987

So I still have time to buy?

>> No.58342994

yes, for sure april and may at the very least

>> No.58343036

Why 2025

>> No.58343049
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the 4 years cycle are programmed into btc's code
so the equivalent of 2021 is 2025, we are currently in 2016/2020/2024

>> No.58344360

It's an elliot wave I believe and there's liquidity issues this month. We likely go down further for a bit and then pump. Hayes wrote an article https://cryptohayes.substack.com/p/heatwave

>> No.58345298

people just falling for fud because they chase pumps and listen to scam influencers tell them when to sell and buy.

>> No.58345792
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>Is it over?
No? You want ETFs to launch Bitcoin into six figures in less than a year? Are you retarded? Fucking look at historical data retard, EVERY SINGLE TIME there's a halve BTC experiences a minor pump, then a strong correction dump for months before it moons and hits a new ATH.
Screenshot this and rehearse it daily so you calm the fuck down. Buy Ethereum, buy Superverse, buy BNB, sell everything once things look like they'll get really ugly and then wait a month or two. Buy back in, hold and forget for another two months.

>> No.58345809

So you are telling me the correct play is to short btc... since there is pretty much a guaranteed dump coming.

>> No.58345983

nothing is guaranteed in this market

>> No.58345993
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>I was promised 150k after halving

Yeah, but that's after October.
Now we crash back down to the 30s.

>> No.58346046

>EVERY SINGLE TIME there's a halve BTC
What, so twice? Three times? Not saying it isn't going to happen, but you act like this is something that's been happening for centuries. It's all new, anon

>> No.58346088

It can't be sell the news, because it's not news. It's a pre planned event with no variability in its outcome.

>> No.58346130

good. gotta slurp at 20k.

>> No.58346133

probably similar to era 2 and post halving dump or we just keep on pumping and we peak earlier then every other bullrun and then bear market and idiots will buy thinking we are still in a bull market

>> No.58346154

they wanna control us all, pulling threads and letting us drown in the gutters...

>> No.58346160

fuck your underground nintendo dsi exclusive gay ass game

>> No.58346162
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Pretty much, yes. Would be wise of you to prepare good shorts.
Obviously it's not a literal historical event that has been happening for centuries kek it's just what has happened every single time thus far. People say it's different this time because of external factors but I'm not buying it, I believe it will happen again.

>> No.58346169
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tactical hit and run guerrilla warfare.

>> No.58346170

I don't even look at the price anymore I just buy $50 every day and since I got into crypto 3 years ago. I'm up massively. Dgaf just hope it stays low long enough even this price it's still an easy 300% by 2026 and I probably keep buying there too.

>> No.58346171

well not everyone is a schizoid faggot just like you

>> No.58346175

>the 4 years cycle are programmed into btc's code
is this a saying, a joke, or what?

>> No.58346177
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>> No.58346186

I think the newfag is referring to the halving that happens approx every 4 years, but that's not exactly it.

>> No.58346187

>And that's a good thing!
Incredibly based. People literally avoid looking at charts like they are allergic or something.

>> No.58346191

respectable strat bro. keep doing that.

>> No.58346197

you didn't know the halving is programmed? like, literally in the code?

>> No.58346223

what? you retards I'm talking about the halving itself. it is not news, there can be no surprises. it's unironically a hard coded event that happens the exact same way every 4 years.

>> No.58346259

Right but the probably is pretty high.

>> No.58346268

Pretend ( or don't ) that Im an idiot. What does the halving do to the price?

>> No.58346315

150K is rather bullish.

120K is more likely given we broke ATH just before the halving. Also the halving doesn't start until the 20th of this month, and even then, I'd personally expect a crash or correction. I imagine it'll lead to a steady incline back to 75K or so sometime between October - December. The bullrun will most likely begin shortly after that. Most people will expect BTC to go over 150K and want to cash out then, it might be wise to consider a lower price range for an exit plan.

>> No.58346402

In terms of intraday or intraweek activity? Probably nothing as it is hardly a significant market event in the short term. The price will go wherever it pleases just like the last few weeks. of course that won't stop anons from retroactively trying to rationalize random movements.

>> No.58346459

Historically the halving is proceeded by an 18 month bullrun. As another anon has mentioned the halving happens every 4 years and afaik the price will bottom out roughly 1 year after it tops out. In order to time the top you can use the pi cycle top indicator (which may or may not be relevent this cycle due to institutions finally admitting they trade crypto).


>> No.58346485

>Nothing happens until 2025
Last time we went parabolic in October, 5 months after the halving.

>> No.58346621

Makes sense thanks...

>> No.58346634

The same retard is going to panic buy fomo IDC the moment shit starts taking off

>> No.58346787

i'm not implying he is wrong and i read his boring and niggerish ways of writing since he shilled file coin, yet he bet that a huge sell off would occur but the fed save the day, his words actually, so he might be right about the diagnóstico but he can also be wrong like that time due to unforeseen circunstances.

>> No.58346797

It happens 18 months after the halving, not instantly

>> No.58346814

FTX fuckery. For sure there will be fuckery with the ETFs. But the peak will still be in 2025.

>> No.58346818

if BTC crashes to 30k i would have enough money from my shitcoin gains this year to buy a whole bitcoin. That would make me 1 of only 800,000 people in the world to own a whole bitcoin

>> No.58346841

Era 2? If you mean the 2016/2017 bull run, this one is looking a lot like that one.

>> No.58346852

So you're telling me I should wait till after the halving to enter and then hodl?

>> No.58346869

I own a whole bitcoin, it doesn't feel like enough.

>> No.58346881

You should have been dca since Jan 2022

>> No.58346908

I know, but I'm from a little shitty country with currency controls and a super-IRS and it's the first time I'm free to move money around outside "traditional" local investments.

>> No.58346933

Functionally it's crabbing but there are notably larger swings lately.

>> No.58346942

Halving didn't even happen yet, wtf retard

>> No.58346946

No one cares what your name is faggot.

>> No.58346980

Don't believe it? Check the blockchain.

>> No.58347698
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Nigger san please, we even have memecoins launching apps now. It's far from over...

>> No.58349232

Oh yeah, you've got much time to save up for SUPRA TGE

>> No.58349249

Solana Meme holders ain't bothered, MMON is becoming the next biggest hit of the season. Dive in now asap.

>> No.58349590
File: 9 KB, 275x183, 1665489766200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, things just got slower; anyway keep your shit ready just in case, I'll sell everything I have in dextools as soon as april is over

>> No.58349609
File: 269 KB, 1498x675, Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 8.04.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's over. All the indicators are there. Everyone is dumping on new holders. The cycle came early this time.

The halving is a meme. 100k BTC traded per day, a change of 800 to 400 new coins per day is literally nothing.

>> No.58349657

The time is running out, anon. Accumulate as much as you can and HODL until peak bull. Don't just focus on accumulating BTC, also diversify into other L1s (QANX), AI (FET), and RWA (RIO).

>> No.58349706

this bullrun fucking sucked wtf

>> No.58349771


>> No.58349927

parabolic? we didn't even reach the previous ATH until mid december, is that parabolic to you? i call that crabbing

>> No.58350277

I've been dcaing since bottom with the intention of selling 50% once we "zoomed" past ATH. I haven't sold shit and now I'm scared that I will roundtrip again. I don't need the money but it's gonna hurt again. I feel like a moron for just banking on the halving, it feels sus this time.

>> No.58350367

It ain't over yet

>> No.58350380

Everyone always sells before a halvening, that's why it historically crashes before hand. GBTC is still being dumped massively as well.

Despite all that the price is hovering at ATH. I sincerely hope you have sold and are sidelined right now beartard

>> No.58350759

Yes, the pump hasn't even started yet. I already made 10X so far on QANX, and now I am waiting for another 10X.

>> No.58353162

150k would mean another 1,347.74B USD to the current marketcap
where do you thought would that money come from?
retail is in, normies are in and institutions are already priced in

>> No.58353427

ETFs pumping billions into it

>> No.58353936

How can both
- time be running out
- BTC have a bright future full of gains ahead

it's one or the other. Either there will be plenty of time, or future growth will be severely limited.

>> No.58354044

>retail is in, normies are in
both are absolutely wrong takes
they are all sidelined, waiting for a crash we'll probably never get
just look at the german survey from yesterday's thread, or even at /biz/ in general. Everyone is sidelined expecting a dump

>> No.58354117

There are also trillions of dollars sidelined in bonds due to high interest rates. The problem is the FED not lowering them in the near future due to inflation.