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5834235 No.5834235 [Reply] [Original]

I've been seeing some fud from some pajeets and neckbeards lately.

Look—face it, you lost out. Your dream of getting in at 50 cents is fucking over. It's never going to happen again.

Inb4 it's oversold. Get the flying fuck in because it's going to a dollar and more. Period.

P.S. If you are even thinking about FUDing this to try to get the price down, you should probably unironically kill yourself poorfag. And as a matter of fact, I'll manipulate the prices to ensure that it does so to hedge against you dipfags.

For the rest of you lads, rest easy on this trip to the fucking Kuiper Belt.

>> No.5834641

When do you think XLM will start moving up again?

>> No.5834679

When you stop checking your portfolio

>> No.5834781

Everything corrects, it will retrace. Don't be so mean. Buy I'm at 4500 SATs.

>> No.5834789

XLM went up $ 0.5 when I stopped checking it
You're welcome

>> No.5834868

I'm going to get involved if it even thinks about falling 5200sats.

It was whale orchestrated throughout the day until some fucking faggots decided to pull out. Trying to get dips and got locked out of trades.

Let's see what asia does in a few hours

>> No.5835078

Stellar is everything good about Ripple, except it's decentralized. It can host dApps and ICOs like Ethereum, except it has better development tools and is more user friendly. It's backed by IBM and Wells Fargo. It's currently handling cross-border payments, effectively neutering the ChainLink/SWIFT hype. It's got an upcoming exchange called FairX coming out that will change the entire crypto game.

XLM will be the Bitcoin/Ethereum killer.

>> No.5835154

Gooks have next to no influence on this coin right now, XLM still on 50% of the markets of XRP

XLM is going high.

>> No.5835213

topkek its out of fuel boys

>> No.5835237

why is it taking so long?! where are the normies?

>> No.5835275
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hope yall are buying this dip

>> No.5835294

Fucking shit I was going to sell at $0.95 and buy back in but I didnt and now it's heading for .80.
Fucking shit.

>> No.5835298

thats a pretty red dildo you have there

>> No.5835353
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>> No.5835369

Whats going on? Whales playing who can be the biggest retard?

>> No.5835447

its fucking over, grats on the new bags

>> No.5835480

I wish I wasn't a brainlet or else I'd try to accumulate

>> No.5835507

Why do I have a feeling Bitcoin is going to slaughter this?

I mean, it will probably bounce back stronger than before, but isn't it a good idea to get out of the alts now?

>> No.5835526

Fine by me. The more they drive down the price the more I can accumulate.

>bought in at 2100 sats and 3000 sats

I need more.

>> No.5835541
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>bought in at 10 cents
>you right now

>> No.5835579

Bought in at 1600 comfy as fuck

>> No.5835672

Jelly my dude. Still pleased with my gains and will be sleeping comfy.

>> No.5835676

I know this place full of TA haters but show me any coin which had this kind of run and didn't correct? Smart money is now on the sidelines waiting for the real dip

>> No.5835767

Fuck. Steller Twitter account is suspended for some reason. Went down within the past 30 minutes.

>> No.5835774


I have lost 15k lumens already trying to sell ath's and catch a dip

>> No.5835808

thanks for keeping my weak hands from buying, anon.

>> No.5835843

Scratch this, was a different account.

>> No.5835872

What you call smart is what I call dumb money leaving the money at a discount of power.

This has less to do with TA. It's pure ideology and that's all crypto ever was.

I guess dumb money will wait. I'll prepare some wojacks on account of them missing out on the gains this week.

>> No.5835938

Got in at 22 cents and am comfy at 38k.

Bought to buy 1200 more.

Stay salty nocoiners.

>> No.5836056
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@ $0.15

>> No.5836057

Binance Down?

>> No.5836143

thingken of selling my fat stack to get into eng dip but I feel like it might be a mistake even after all this mooning

>> No.5836170

we will see - trust me I made a ridiculous amount from XLM and I believe in the project but it needs to cool down

>> No.5836254

Is bullshit. In the CFA curriculum there are something like 8 textbooks on fundamental analysis. One chapter in one of those books is about technical analysis. It's bullshit.

>> No.5836342

ya man , just like XRP

if you didnt buy at 20, it was 40, then it was 70, then it was 2.50, nearly overnight, kys

>> No.5836493

loaded up on xlm @ .29

if it's under $1 still a good time to load up some more?

>> No.5836541

This coin doesn't need norms, it will bleed out LTC, BTC, ETH, XRP, and others in slow time. This is the coin that will consolidate most of crypto.

>> No.5836563

i love xlm, however everything is pointing towards a (minor) correction.It isn't going to break the 1$ this week.

>> No.5836703

what exactly is pointing towards that, anon? There's literally no patterns you can honestly follow. If you don't go all in you're gonna miss that same wave that XRP rode.

>> No.5836774

I'm thinking about moving everything from XLM to ENG for a while. There's much more room to grow right now.

>> No.5836778

You do realize only like 15% of XLM is in circulation and they plan to literally give the rest away to niggers and pajeets.

>> No.5836857

fuck off with baseless nonsense anon

>> No.5836895
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the FUD is just getting worse and worse lul it's like you enjoy being poor

>> No.5836932

See for yourself

>> No.5836936

oh, i will go all in :) if it's past the 1$ barrier, it's gonna be ripple all over again. However, it's out of fuel right now. I will not post memelines and TA, but the trendline is down atm.

>> No.5836978

Ok sorry guys I took some profit. Still in with 14k XLM and coming along for the ride to $3

>> No.5836995

Last time I fell for this type of fud IOTA was 48c

>> No.5837198
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We have another 8 hours then its off

>> No.5837214
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Well good think fairx is coming.

>> No.5837216

Same, took out enough so I am partly in BTC again in case daddy wakes up, ready to fly the Stellar rocket tothamoon

>> No.5837396


>> No.5837512
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Been in since $.20 Still feels comfy

>> No.5837547

Nice. I cashed out to fiat. have gone over 6x this last month so I'm gonna treat myself

>> No.5837655

I invested 120k at ~20 cents, waiting to get 1 million out of this at least. at 560k atm

>> No.5837715

Man I'm having so much fun collecting weak handed coins like a super fucking mario brother.

This is too fucking easy.

>> No.5837784

im holding 3k XLM
just bought another 1500 worth of BTC should I keep going all in on XLM? seems worth. XLM would be all I have though

>> No.5837877

damn, good job

>> No.5837890
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>> No.5837929

This "dip" just looks like sideways movement to me on the 15 m cans.

>> No.5838000

I'd go all in at that level. Gotta pump those rookie numbers up.

The volume to price is crossing over. Go.

>> No.5838052

Anon let's police these prices. Make sure they stay up.

>> No.5838053


It's stabilizing wtf u talking about

Get ready for next moon

>> No.5838140

For real we've been sitting stable at around 82 cents all day. The moon is coming again once the chinks wake up.

>> No.5838154

i thought it couldnt go up anymore yesterday and didnt buy. how stupid am i. still though, surely it can't keep going up like this? i'm gonna fomo in and then it stops going up, i know how this works. tell me im wrong

>> No.5838190

>XLM would be all I have though
literally the most guaranteed ride atm. this ride hasn't even started, once fairxio is out xlm will go nuts

>> No.5838241

You're wrong. Why risk having your future self call you a faggot twice?

>> No.5838257

This post made my eyes roll back into my head.

>> No.5838298

When is that expected?

>> No.5838331

fairX isn't coming out for at least a month, possibly longer. That is forever in crypto. XLM will probably pull back to 60 cents or so

>> No.5838346

What's the end game with XLM? Will it reach $5?

>> No.5838367


You do know if you do some research and find out that by the time FairX comes out, there will also be a shit load of ICO's coming out on the Stellar Network?

Do you also know that Stripe and PayPal (rumored) are waiting for more liquidity on the Stellar Network

Oh nvm you just lurk 4chan

>> No.5838397

Nah you're just a deluded brainlet. Go buy some more digibyte and bitbean.

>> No.5838415

It's back up to 90 now

Every cent it goes up or down is 300 dollars to me

>> No.5838416

bought on the 27th, sold on the 30th. was happy with my gains, didnt want to get greedy and lose it. now everyday i talk myself out of buying more thinking i'm being too hasty. tomorrow i will kick myself if it goes up again

>> No.5838430

Look at the coins that trade directly for usd. Now look at xlms current price.

Think. REALLY FUCKING HARD anon. THINK. What could possibly happen to xlms price?

>> No.5838514


>> No.5838525

wait, you saying xlm is going to start trading directly for usd? or that it already is? or something? it go up now? more? still?

like, i know their logo is a rocketship but fucking come on, it's going up fast already

>> No.5838569

FairX.io you fucking normie faggot, the coinbase killer

>> No.5838607
File: 25 KB, 300x300, yeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get rid of your bags last minute and buy in at 5885

>> No.5838616

FAIRX is claiming to be the first mainstream cash for crypto/altcoins.

stellar is on the top of that list and partnered with fairx and multiple banks

>> No.5838638

I just woke up...
bought in at 0.873 during last moon...
time to make some gains...

>> No.5838646


>> No.5838708

> It's back up to .95 now


>> No.5838719

Panic sold at 6300 to buy in at a dip

>> No.5838722

been holding since .50c so like...3 days. still. excited for my gains. only have 107 shares but I think this will be the most promising starting point.

t. poorfag :(

>> No.5838780

...6 months from now

>> No.5838790


>but it needs to cool down

>doesnt understand how bull markets work

ok m8 go back to developing code, let the real men make money here

>> No.5838805

Poor fag to, I'm just wing trading to make a bit of extra cents

>> No.5838818

I sold at 5500...waiting patiently for a dip to buy in. Feels bad

>> No.5838837

https://i.imgur.com/d4JIJIE.png You can't possibly be this dense

>> No.5838888

LMAO at the doubters!

>> No.5838914

Almost forgot this one too

>> No.5838918

why do you make me select links desu? upload that shit

i'm so lazy why do you think i'm all in crypto?

>> No.5838939
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>be me
>got in at $0.26

feels comfy man

>> No.5838959

already back in at 6050

>> No.5839002
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>> No.5839035

Is it too late to clamber aboard? Will accept the dregs

>> No.5839036

I had 5k at $.03 and I sold at .10 like a brainlet. Got back in at .24 at least, and I used my earlier gains to ride the verge pump so I don't feel too justd

>> No.5839057


They're already accepting people to do beta testing.

When FairX hits XLM is $3 screencap this

>> No.5839120

i will buy next dip
when? .000055 or .000045?

i assume it will go up from there, but there might be another dip depending but then its gotta go up right? this is a major 2018 coin and i want back in

>> No.5839157

>be me
>got in 10 minutes after IBM partnership at $0.02

>> No.5839186

I had orginally bough in at 21 but I fucking sold like a idiot and it pumped to 26 before I FOMO'd back in, lost like 1k stellars =/

>> No.5839192

no dip my dude. were at the floor p much. this is moon territory

>> No.5839198

Same! Missed the Ripple Moon and was about to FOMO at ATH when a based anon red pilled me on why this was the better fork... went balls deep... 5 days later went up 3.5x

Thanks based anon... wherever you are...

>> No.5839236

Thanks anon, I needed that. I started getting weak hands on my 23k stack for some reason.

>> No.5839235



>> No.5839287

the real question. where is this coin in 2020

>> No.5839309
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We're all gonna make it biz, we are the rocketmen

zero lumens retards are forever poor

>> No.5839319

fuck you i'm buying now
if you have betrayed me, i will find you

>> No.5839351

Have about 6k of this... will I make it?

>> No.5839392

you won't regret it anon-kun

>> No.5839393

where all coins will be, in dumpster

>> No.5839406

You guys need to take a chill pill and HODL your lumens

Go take a walk in a park

>> No.5839438

that sell wall at 65 though. will it keep bouncing off? i cant tell if we are going to eat this wall now or later

>> No.5839455

Will probably dip to 5400-5800

>> No.5839469

if you're feeling weak I can hold onto those for you..

>> No.5839479

leve you computer and go outside stellar is a long safe hodl

>> No.5839492

i believe in you

>> No.5839566

Don't know what it was, just forgot Wells Fargo and IBM for a bit mixed with the thought of "This must be too good to be true" Thank you for your offer, but I can endure

>> No.5839572
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Too many daytraders on this now, gonna make the swings a little to volatile as we make our way to Interstellar.

Im chill af

>> No.5839574

yeah thats what i'm thinking
maybe i'll put in an order for 5800 and go to bed, hope for the best

>> No.5839793

You wish

>> No.5839803

i just thought it was funny to say. i won't find you and if i did i'd just give you a dirty look. my stink eye comes so hard and fast it will give you whiplash and then you'll apologize to stop me from looking so disappointed in you

i still havent decided if i'm buying now or at 5800 or so. i think many people are thinking the same and this coin wont be sliding down too far before it gets picked up again. a safe hold if i can get strapped in

>> No.5839817

A quite nice bull flag forming...

>> No.5839901

yeah that sell walll at 65 and 70 though
i say we bounce off tonight and try again in the morning after a dip to 55-58 but what do i know

>> No.5839992

Depends on BTC movement, but it went to 5856 just five minutes after I wrote that, so it's not that unheard of. Also I just wish it to moon considering I have 1.35 BTC in XLM

>> No.5840044
File: 196 KB, 1426x2282, tod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a poorfag and I only started doing this shit yesterday

Never stop, snakey

>> No.5840089

since around 25 cents this hasn't dropped more than 10-15% after a dip, this is moooon material

>> No.5840135

Been holding 6,985 rockets since 32 cents/2600 sats. My body is ready.

>> No.5840252

after hours of planning and thinking, i finally placed an order for 100 lumens at 58
gonna be rich

>> No.5840255

protip: don't diversify until you have a reasonable stack my guy

>> No.5840256

newfag here. where do i buy lumens?

>> No.5840328

go on coinmarketcap and check the markets tab

>> No.5840355
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>> No.5840385

i disagree
he should be balls deep in as many moves as possible so he can learn from mistakes before he puts more money into it. nows the time to experiment

>> No.5840557

I probably shouldn't, but I'm just experimenting to learn how shit works at the moment. Its only ~100 bucks so I won't be that bummed if it all goes poof.

My main holding is in XLM, I just bought small amounts of other coins because why not

>> No.5840575

You were saying?

>> No.5840659

It says you can get it on gatehub but i dont see an option

>> No.5840664

fomo'd in at 60
i don't believe it will go lower then 55 and that it will be back up and over 60 for good tomorrow at the latest. i could be totally wrong, i am the guy that sold lumens on the 30th thinking tht was as high as it gets for a few weeks

>> No.5840834

Absolutely, unless BTC shoots for the heavens. It will still be back and above 6k sooner or later, but it would in that case take a bit longer for it to get back into its trajectory

>> No.5840912
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>> No.5840956

is btc at 19k in 12 days (then going down again) shooting for the heavens? because this is what i anticipate

>> No.5841198

>20 REQ and 65 XLM
What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.5841249

happens just before coins go up every time

>> No.5841319

a random trade 1000 sats below current rate?

>> No.5841431

IT's a whale trying to get out so quickly that he doesn't even put up a wall, just dumps. party's over see you guys in a few weeks

>> No.5841461

It was a lot trades in a very short period of time. Probably a mix of mostly bots and some panic sells

>> No.5841466

>tfw 101 Lumens and too scared to sell off and buy during dips

>> No.5841481


weak hands m8, nothing to see there

>> No.5841507

overnight. asians pumped it up to .9 last night and will do the same some time during night.

>> No.5841641

Its a typo. He wrote 50 instead of 57

>> No.5841701

which website is this?

>> No.5841725

fat fingers

>> No.5841732
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5870 sat on Binance

6228 on Bittrex

A whale is accumulating. Hope you arbitrage bot jockeys are cleaning up.

>> No.5841794

I'm gonna put $400 on Raiblocks (soon Nano) and $400 on based Stellar

>> No.5841802

Are you serious? It's Binance, the best exchange.
It's gotten a bit laggy the last half a month because of all the new users and the insane volume increase, but it's still the best

>> No.5842035

XLM is a moon coin. IBM has been stagnant for the last decade. Buffet personally told IBM that he wants into the crypto world but can't because the markets don't want him to appear foolish or trendy. IBM promised a huge bump in their stock next quarter due to fintech research. This is were Stellar comes in. True Story, but your too stupid to believe me...

>> No.5842139

Yes Berkshire Hathaway has a huge position in IBM it all makes sense. IBM stock = $158 therefore Lumnes = 1.58 by tommorrow afternoon.
If you believe it and meme it it all comes true.

>> No.5842209
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Am I the only one seeing this??

>> No.5842213

It's not gona go anywhere today, is it?

>> No.5842269
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>> No.5842283

sideways or up until the 15th and then everyone who possesses a lumen starts to illuminate and teleport to africa and feed the poor black kids.

>> No.5842417

ibm is probably evil though. do we want their bloody hands all over our internet coins? i'll take the free money i guess, but eww

>> No.5842488

IBM has been wrong on the moon shots of the tech world for the past 30 years. They completely missed the boat on operating systems, the internet, internet search. They couldve been the worlds largest company if theyd played their cards right.

That's why i think you're right. I think their upper management has learned some humility and is open to new ideas. Blockchain in 2018 is the internet in 1992. I think IBM is tired of missing out and is going to FOMO into blockchain as hard as it can.

>> No.5842525
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>> No.5842573


IBM made POS systems shut the fuck up you unintelligent fuck

>> No.5842649

i have enough free money to realistically buy into either ripple or into stellar

why should I invest my money into stellar if ripples ass is covered by big name banks, and is going to be marketed by the same banks

>> No.5842675

DYOR fag noone cares about your $200 in pocket change

>> No.5842741

IBM sold the keys to the kingdom for a fucking song


>> No.5842761

or forgot to change it.
I've done it before.
Though not as bad but still.

>> No.5842763

Volume and daily chart indicators are good reason to believe that this still has another 5-10x to go before it stops. We'll see the same as we saw with Ethereum last year, and with Ripple and ADA now, except that XLM is further behind in the process, so has more room to grow, and will do so more quickly since everyone knows what is happening, and will FOMO in. Factually, we're shooting straight past $1 towards $5 in a much shorter time than everyone expects. I've been saying $5 before January 20 for a while now, while normie retards here claim "$1 by Feb is optimistic." If you don't see how high this is going to get, and how this is just the start of the moon mission, then you lack a fundamental understanding of the nature of the market.

>> No.5842829
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>Binance, the best exchange

>> No.5842833

sweet. Ripple it is.

>> No.5842834

Trying to buy in how long does withdraw from kucoin to binance take? My eth has been processing for over an hour

>> No.5842885
File: 65 KB, 632x1024, 1504798181141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name a better one kiddo

>stealing my images too
top fucking gigakek lad

>> No.5843038

Well this has a much smaller market cap than Ripple, so it has a lot more potential gains left in it.

>> No.5843140

xlm is the only coin to hold if you have limited money it will be the ripple 2.0 in a few weeks.

>> No.5843143

Whatever ripples price is, XLM can 2x it.

>> No.5843249


No gives a shit about your ignorant pathetic ass who wont spend 2 minutes to do research

Go kill yourself you spoiled brat

Someone else will buy your position anyway while you FOMO into his bags

>> No.5843325

Does this look like a ripple thread to you?

No, it's an XLM you brainlet. Get the fuck off this board faggot.

>> No.5843421
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, 7D896603-0036-4BD7-A22D-88E0C93DBDFC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember to buy high after it moons like you always do, /biz/ friend..

>> No.5843483

because if ripple really is the big name bank coin, they're gonna tank when it becomes clear no actual bank actually wants to be actually fully on board or at all.

then they realize stellar is a better tech coin, from the same creator even, and that stellar was created to do what ripple does but without sucking big bank centralized cock so hard. the cock that already pulled out... people will flip over to stellar and stellar will moon beyond belief even more then they were otherwise mooning

>> No.5843656
File: 206 KB, 1363x569, 2018-01-04 13_37_43-0.87200001 STR_USDT Market - Poloniex Bitcoin_Digital Asset Exchange - Iridium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's ready?

>> No.5843700

WTF is this mexican standoff? 5 minutes and no buys or sells, just this paywall stopping everything

>> No.5843745

i mean seriously
big banks are going balls deep into ripple? my ass they are, as soon as this delusion bubble pops ripple is over.

it's like ripple gets all this popularity at school lately cause maybe he's going to the prom with a beauty queen. only the beauty coin never actually returned his calls and is a massive bitch that nobody likes anyways. and when ripple shows up to prom all alone, the whole school realizes this ripple kid is actually kind of lame. and its the younger brother lumen thats the cool one

>> No.5843824

>beauty coin
beauty queen

beauty queen is big banks in this analogy by the way. in case that wasnt obvious

>> No.5843837

holy shit its about to crash, there is no buying volume

>> No.5843890

it's a good move, buy now while it's stable, it's due for another moon

>> No.5843943

people don't seem to understand that the banks don't need to use xrp to use ripple's payment tech

>> No.5844003

already did my friend

>> No.5844122

binance is fucked boys

>> No.5844249

that explains a lot

>> No.5844309
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hahaha im fucking dead.

>> No.5844337

Ripple is centralized garbage. The XRP isn't need to interact with the Ripple network. Read the last line again.

XLM is decentralized and is everything that Ripple should be. Lumens IS needed for the XLM network.

Banks might use the Ripple network and not care about the coin.

>> No.5844472
File: 35 KB, 346x380, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at 9.24.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant transfer coins to binance.... dafuq?

>> No.5844524

>a centralized crypto
kinda defeats the whole fucking point of crypto
no wonder its number two coin right now, because its fucking retarded

big bank rumours lol
ripple is gonna fall so hard

>> No.5844530

The yellow jew has taken everything from us..

>> No.5844534

inb4 mt gox 2.0

>> No.5844553
File: 18 KB, 530x140, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at 9.28.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the moon?

>> No.5844626

Why isn't XRP needed?
Doesn't a transaction burn part of 1?

>> No.5844699

You're a smart anon.
"All in" fags can get rekt.

>> No.5844770

These are not just rumours anymore. Why even speak when you know nothing about the project?

>> No.5844888

RippleNet works without XRP. Ripple started out by marketing RippleNet to FI's, which in reality offers the needed infrastructure for XRP use. XRP has its benefits, but this retard is warping the reality to fit his own narrative.

>> No.5844937

binance is down because they are patching for meltdown/spectre

>> No.5845017

If they're not running arbitary code they should be fine anyway.

>> No.5845056

someone said they run on AWS, which means they need to be careful

however amazon said that their AWS instances are already patched soooo idk

i hope they don't gox us but i dont want to submit ID to get all my coins out asap.. so i think i will risk it and do my daily 2 BTC... maybe

>> No.5845116

>someone said they run on AWS, which means they need to be careful
>however amazon said that their AWS instances are already patched soooo idk

How are they supposed to "patch their own servers" then if amazon has the servers?

>> No.5845168

apparently you still have to patch your OS, but amazon patches their instances? idk, maybe that means amazon takes care of the hypervisor and top level OS

let me find that news release again..

i also didn't find a confirmation that binance uses AWS, someone just said it. but AWS does run a shit ton of stuff

also it doesn't prevent binance from saying they got hacked and stealing everyones coins.

>> No.5845192

maintenance for binance and bittrex


>> No.5845214

>also it doesn't prevent binance from saying they got hacked and stealing everyones coins.
You know, the current cpu exploit is the perfect excuse though...

>> No.5845246

Wonder what the BTC whales are thinking. Will they sit and watch as ripple tries to dethrone bitcoin?

Or will their hate for XRP cause the whales to go balls deep in XLM and moon it past ripple just as a giant fuck you to central banks?

>> No.5845258

because big banks going balls deep in crypto right now is about as likely as the toronto raptors switching to baseball. i don't care what you say, at the end of the day it's not happening. and when you people wake up to that fact your bubble is going to burst so hard

>> No.5845284

I cant wait for decentralized exchanges (thats not ether delta)

Main reason why I'm 25% ZRX

>> No.5845311

stable at 0.93-0.94$ on Bittrex

>> No.5845546

they make 55 million $ a day on fees right

crypto would crash if they stole coins
also if the owners of binance are known they would end up dead unless they went 100% off the radar

are the owners of binance known?

>> No.5845644

because big banks not going balls deep in crypto right now is about as likely as the toronto raptors switching to baseball. i don't care what you say, at the end of the day it's happening. and when you people wake up to that fact your Bitcoin bubble going to burst so hard

>> No.5845682

so happy to have gotten in when I could, fuck all of the haters who said this was a trash coin you played yourself poor fags

>> No.5845760

banks are good at getting money. if there is money to be made in crypto then they already got they big toe in it.

>> No.5846246

Good on you anon

>> No.5846401


You have no idea how many Koreans are actually afraid of Stellar overtaking Ripple

hahahahahah oh i cant wait for the real FOMO to hit.

>> No.5846443

Why you saying dollar? My research groups are saying $3 by March and $5 Hodl. There is literally no FUD about this coin. It's an actual working ecosystem with amazing partnerships - not like other ICOs with just a white paper

>> No.5847123

I think he meant $1 by tonight, or otherwise very soon.

>> No.5847535

definetly will hit $1 tonight.
Seems like the rocket is departing right now

>> No.5847576
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oh good binance is back up

so they're less likely to pull a gox at the moment

>> No.5847767

Their fucking Twitter says early 2018. As in Q1 and early in it.

>> No.5847918

$3 mid feb
$5 by april
screencap this

>> No.5847996
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This is not 1980 anymore, IBM means shit.

Ripple has banks in it, they will actually use XRP, marketcap will be 100trillion, see you in the streets pajeet.

>> No.5848042

we got into crypto to serve big banks?
i guess so otherwise ripple would be retarded

>> No.5848073

Wish XLM would get listed on bithumb and bitfinex. My God that would double within itself.

>> No.5848085

>100 trillion
Not even the linkies are this deluded

>> No.5848106

I’m thinking about trading all my xlm for icx in a few weeks before 24th news what do you guys think?

>> No.5848144

Quick smoking meth.

>> No.5848164

>100 trillion
reminder that banks don't even use XRP they just use the Ripple protocol :^)

>> No.5848253
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>IBM means shit
hehehe this guy

>> No.5848268

I think you're a retard.

>> No.5848413

Let us not forget Stellarnauts, adoptions and support is a long way.

Support everything Stellar related, and not just on 4chan

>> No.5848434

Will stellar ever hit 8-10 dollars?

>> No.5848523
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800 billion marketcap?

>> No.5848542

Checked but you really are young aren't you? And it seems you do literally zero research besides /biz/ and pajeet discord groups. IBM was what #5 most valuable brands 2 years ago? It's sad anon. Just do us all a foot and post less bullshit. It's clogging up the board. You're like an annoying woman who only talks and doesn't listen, but worse because you have a slightly larger clit.

>> No.5848549


Max is double of whatever XRP reaches.

Except XRP is the new king, so expect your xlm to be $0.02 in a month

>> No.5848579

It would have to get Ripple's market cap, and XLM could/deserves to take Ripple's spot.

>> No.5848608

>800 billion
mcap would be 125b anon, still a bit large but that's XRP's mcap
The floating supply is separate from total because the extra tokens aren't being distributed in the short-mid term

>> No.5848764


>> No.5848767
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Checked anon, you must be smart, rich, and big dicked. Please tell me where I can buy some Ripple? I've heard of Ripple and banks buy can't seem to buy just Ripple. Thanks in advance, smooches.

>> No.5848906

your stack has to be a lot larger than 107 to graduate from poorfag terminology

>> No.5848966
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Trips of truth

>> No.5849070

Nice math, anon.

For real though. That won't happen for a while.

>> No.5849077

even if it goes down a fair bit soon it will just fucking go right back up again, don't even stress

>> No.5849090

lisk pumping get in faggots

>> No.5849324
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It makes the most sense. Bitcoin is fucked - even my pleb self can agree. I mean I see the most normies you've ever seen (except loaded like we dream of) bitching about bitcoin - I talked them in to buying in. Anyways, who has more money than anyone? Banks and the (((ones))) that own them. They missed bitcoin. Don't think they didn't notice this. They noticed and had more money than all of us combined then figured a way to take bitcoin down while making fucking more money than bitcoin ever has by taking it down. Witnessed as its the only explanation for what we are seeing right now. And fuck XRP - little niglet stole more sats from me than I could count before the moon.

They want your sats and its a done deal, might as well make a deal with the devil.

>> No.5849409

>got 24k lumens as part of airdrop to btc holders
>sold at 4c because it looked like stellar was going nowhere