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58337838 No.58337838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend bought a horse and I want to break up with her now.

We were talking about getting married and having a kid but then she made this astoundingly stupid decision and there was no talking her out of it. Now I can't see how I will pay for her, a kid, and her horse, so she basically has to keep working to keep this thing, and the money isn't even going to a 401k or college fund for the baby, it's going to this stupid fucking "luxury" animal.

This really sucks because it was going well and she basically tanked everything overnight with this gay horse. I hate horses and horse girls. Haven't even processed it yet because it honestly breaks my heart. Plus she'll have to get rid of the stupid fucking thing anyways when we break up because she can't afford to live on her own. For her sake I hope she finds some dipshit cowboy to support her and her horse soon.

>> No.58338017

bump someone encourage me or tell me I'm being retarded, dubs win

>> No.58338027

Leave her. This is a beyond retarded decision on her part

>> No.58338037

>then she made this astoundingly stupid decision and there was no talking her out of it.
Yes break up she doesn't respect you. After you break up think about why she had zero respect for you and fix that part of you and get another girl.

>> No.58338065

I'm not attracted to women who respect me, I've decided to die alone

>> No.58338073

You're being a baby
Just knock her up already

>> No.58338086

Dubs and OP fucks the horse

>> No.58338096

No I'd rather die alone than resent my wife for wasting a ton of time working instead of taking care of the kids just so she can pay for this animal that takes up the remainder of her time.

>> No.58338109
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Is it at least a good hors? If it's got good genes you could pimp it out to pay for the expenses.

>> No.58338133

sell you car and ride the horse everywhere

>> No.58338134

What kind of horse? Race? Origin? Heritage? Age? Med history?

>> No.58338147

So just because a woman has chosen to be with you for the time being, she's no longer allowed to be her own person, make her own purchases or have fun? It's all "you need to bend over backwards to my demands and list of things you can't do"? She's right, you don't deserve her, this relationship seems toxic af and she needs to break up immediately with your idiotic toxic controlling ass.

>> No.58338156

paranoid about doxxing myself but its a garbage horse, 4 y/o draught mutt with "good feet", she's currently paying to have it trained and the vet will be checking to see if it needs to be shot in a few days

>> No.58338169

...how much was it?
>t. actual horse guy

>> No.58338177

I mean this entirely as a no-homo question, but how large is your penis? There is a disturbingly accurate correlation between horse girls and size queens. Does she keep 9 inch dildos around?

>> No.58338176

Humans that love and respect animals are good. That being said buying a horse is multi retarded if you’re not a high networth individual. Dump her.

>> No.58338185

If we were dating for funsies and our finances were separate I wouldn't give a fuck, but we've been talking about trying to have a baby imminently and I don't feel like paying some dipshit to watch our child so she can spend half her time working and the other half fucking around with a horse. I'm sure you'd be able to sympathize with her if she wanted to be a SAHM and I was like "no babe you need to work so I can maintain this porsche I financed at $1100/month for track days".
She can do whatever she wants - except actually she can't because like I said she can't afford this without my support and will have to sell the fucking thing when we break up anyways

>> No.58338193


Where do you live, I'll send you my gf if you can cover the haul

>> No.58338195

only you can ensure that it is shot in a few days anon

>> No.58338196

found the hors girl
i made horse tacos once. truly a “beast of burden;” the burden being chiefly on my toilet

>> No.58338229


>> No.58338232

It's a mare but yeah

>> No.58338235
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My girlfriend bought a horse and I want to break up with her now.

We were talking about getting married and having a kid but then she made this astoundingly stupid decision and there was no talking her out of it. Now I can't see how I will pay for her, a kid, and her horse, so she basically has to keep working to keep this thing, and the money isn't even going to a 401k or college fund for the baby, it's going to this stupid fucking "luxury" animal.

This really sucks because it was going well and she basically tanked everything overnight with this gay horse. I hate horses and horse girls. Haven't even processed it yet because it honestly breaks my heart. Plus she'll have to get rid of the stupid fucking thing anyways when we break up because she can't afford to live on her own. For her sake I hope she finds some dipshit cowboy to support her and her horse soon.

>> No.58338245

That's it? I think you're making a big deal out of nothing, but I've been married for close to 10 years now. In my opinion, if your girl likes horses and can make that a regular hobby, and she has a job to pay for it, I think it's better than her having no hobby at all.

My now wife stopped working 3 years before we married because I told her to and I've supported her and our kids on a single income ever since then, and we live in a major coastal US city. My biggest pet peeve is if my wife just sits around lounging around the house all day. Like I don't care how much money she spends, but I'd rather she have some kind of hobby or something than just watch TV and scroll on her phone for 12 hours. I realize others will disagree with my opinion on this though.

>> No.58338247

Thats pretty cheap for the amount of meat you get

>> No.58338265

Where do you live? A horse can have a cost of 0 a month if you live in the countryside and don’t pay for gay shit like a vet and trainer. It should only demand time, otherwise it’s a moneypit.

>> No.58338269

>that's it?
Bro that's just cover. That gets you in the door to start paying $500/mo. for horse room and board. Then you need it seen by the vet. The farrier. It needs supplements. If you get it for $900, it needs $3000 of professional training before you can ride it. If you don't own your own $10k horse trailer and truck you're paying someone a few hundred bucks to start whenever you need to take it anywhere.

>> No.58338272

a friend of mine got with a girl from a rich family and I shit you not, a year after she got her inheritance she built a horse farm. 5 horses on her own + a track that other horse people can use for a fee, or at least that was her business idea.

Giant fucking compound, probably worth north of $1-2 million, and the only thing my friend told me was that they "Do not make any money whatsoever"
He complained to me that they could have lived of the dividends from the inheritance, or bought a nice house near our capital city, anything would have been better but now he sees himself dying on that god forsaken horse farm 30y down the line

>> No.58338289

This OP is a narcissist. Making everything about you. Yikes

>> No.58338290

Saving to buy some land but currently paying to board it.

>> No.58338291

Riding a horse gives her bumpy sexual pleasure

>> No.58338536
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but why do you hate horsegirls?

>> No.58338637
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how does hors taste?

>> No.58338721

I think you should marry the horse that way you will always have the girlfriend but with no possibility of divorce. The horse is your bargaining chip and becomes a huge trump card in these dark times. Basically a twofer.

>> No.58338856

Dubs and OP eats the hors

>> No.58338951

Thats pretty cheap no? Doesnt matter anyway the upkeep cost is probably 900 biweekly alone

Spending 900 without your consent isnt the issue here but the costs that come with it, you make it sound like she cant afford it alone even now? If thats the case there is really no other way than break up, someone just buying a liability without consent of the partner even though she cant even afford it alone is a big fat flag

You will be the baddie here in her opinion but women not being accountable for their actions is nothing new

>> No.58339036

Mormon girls aren't horse girls anon

>> No.58339275

My mother is a horse girl
She is literally incapable of seeing that she should get a rich rancher husband if she wants to own horses
They are THAT stupid
Horses are meant to run free
Stop being stupid

>> No.58339286

>a friend of mine got with a girl from a rich family and I shit you not, a year after she got her inheritance she built a horse farm. 5 horses on her own + a track that other horse people can use for a fee, or at least that was her business idea.
Women are programmed to think they are Barbies while being fleeced of their capital. Imagine buying any of this shit.
You don't want any part of their delusional barbie insanity. Horses are meant to work and be free. It's animal torture stabling them in the dark all day and walking them around then boiling their frustration down to animal psychology when the reality is psychology is fake and the women are straight up insane and delusional

>> No.58339288

This. She went out and got a male horse, right? You just know.

>> No.58339341

Damn bro, this is some shit. Glad I am a born again virgin. It's messed up what you be going through, but good luck nonetheless

>> No.58339379

My gf makes more money than me and dropped 5 figures on a horse last year. Good horse but animals are dumb, I refuse to pay for any of that shit or help her out with it so she does all the work and pays all the bills. It helps her build work ethic and makes me respect her more, and her butt is getting even nicer

>> No.58339393

whats wrong about a horse?
they cant be that expensive in upkeep, can they?
just put em on a pasture and they eat grass I mean that shit is basically free

>> No.58339401
File: 144 KB, 1235x1220, unfortunately.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tipical woman behavior.
There is only one obvious choice now.
Turn your gf into a Horse porn bimbo for pay per view online cash.
If she won't do it, try to make anal gaping porn with the horse.
If this is not possible you have exhausted all your options and will unfortunately have to leave your gf for good.

>> No.58339404

thats just the price for any hobby. you seem like a baby. my gf had a 100k horse, with 4k / month stable when she was young.

>> No.58339413

>thats just the price for any hobby. you seem like a baby. my gf had a 100k horse, with 4k / month stable when she was young.
The fact you can come on 4chan and read shit like this is insane. Women should be burned at the stake again

>> No.58339433

>whats wrong about a horse?
>they cant be that expensive in upkeep, can they?
Unless you already live on a ranch a stable will be 40k a year, more for all the extra shit women buy into
There is no reason to own an animal like that unless you already have the means to do so and let it be free in a large enough space

>> No.58339453

What’s it like knowing she jerks off the horse and then inseminates herself with its cum behind your back

>> No.58339466
File: 232 KB, 1157x1238, monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesnt sound so bad, my gf bought I shit you not a fucking Chimpanzee.
a fucking Monkey and the monkey claims half of the house for himself now, he can open doors, he can turn the water on and he likes to move stuff out of the cabinets and throw it around.
you wont believe how much I hate this Simian.

>> No.58339474

I was reading this thread thinking wow you fucked up by letting her buy anything, but wtf it's a 4 year old mare? Holy shit anon, learn how to love horses. That mare will put out for 20-30 years while your marriage will maybe only give you a few. Plus mare pussy is actually better, no fucking lie. All the "hotdog down a hallway" jokes fall flat on their pure muscular ability.
You'll be in the barn alone all the time cleaning and caring so might as well get something nice for yourself out of it.

>> No.58339485

Like Swedish meatballs kek

>> No.58339492

My girlfriend spent our crypto to by her horse.

>> No.58339522

just start a horse riding for kids biz, try to make sure that horse pay for itself.

>> No.58339533

Your girlfriend is a dumbass. Why the fuck would anyone just up and decide to buy a horse?

>> No.58339570

women are like that

>> No.58339577
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Womyns 101

Epsteen happy horse farm

>> No.58339584

I'm an incel

>> No.58339599


Feels like like the same methodology that created (you) you little nigger

>> No.58339619

you left out the most important detail

>> No.58339694


The problem isn't the horse. The issue is sharing expenses equally. Her hobby? She should cover the costs herself. This doesn't exempt her from contributing to the expenses for common goods. Want a horse? Okay, but if we're planning on buying a house (or anything else we purchase together), you still need to cover your share of the expenses.

>> No.58339714


>> No.58339745

dump her and buy LINK

>> No.58339762

Checked. I'd leave.

>> No.58339784

The price for any hobby? Bitch I bought a pile of fishing stuff from a yard sale 5 years ago for $50. Still fishing and not buying shit. Fuck people that need to sink 10k into every hobby that they get into.

>> No.58339804

ok cleetus

>> No.58339875

genuinely feels like peter griffin buying a. retarded horse

>> No.58339884

bro that's cheap as fuck
you go lucky
Honestly if you can't afford that then you can't afford kids

>> No.58339900

a 100k horse is beyond insane if I were her father I'd beat her to death and feed her to the horse for the shame she caused to the family

>> No.58339909
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Dude i know money is tough but making this fuss over $900 is stupid, i literally made that much with an AGRS airdrop two weeks ago. If you put two hours a day on scanning for tokens on twitter you can make that money back and maybe even more.

>> No.58339999

$900 upfront…+training costs ~3k +minimum 1-2k per month every month (food, meds, supplements, farrier, vet)

Plus random pet costs but 5x cause it’s a horse (toys, brushes, hoof cream, saddles,bridals, tools)

>> No.58340014

Anon instead of breaking it off you should fuck the mare in front of her. She will scream and run far away and then you'll be single AND have a horse to fuck for the forseeable future. It's a win win.

>> No.58340050

you live in a farm, right?

>> No.58340117


>> No.58340168

Checked for expensive

>> No.58340222

Never fuck with a horse girl. She finally “got the pony.” Not only is it getting a puppy on steroids but she no doubt has a sexual complex going on so shits gonna get weird fast.

>> No.58340278

I miss the times when this place wasn't reddit.

>> No.58340291
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>doesnt even have a ring yet
>already monopolizing and domineering over your land
cucked by a literal horse lmao.

>> No.58340328

Pack up and leave, immediately. That’s like a guy buying a boat while still being a broke wagie; utterly ridiculous. Also, if she went against your wishes or advice while still dating, she will run roughshod over you once married and do whatever she wants. Ask me how I know.

>> No.58340387

Just tell her to get rid of the horse you absolute faggot.

>> No.58340435

rolling for tartar du cheval

>> No.58340485

You've got a good head on your shoulders OP. Cut your losses.
In future, to screen out women who make poor financial decisions, avoid anyone who is in college debt or has a car payment.

>> No.58340541
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>buys a horse
classic woman's shit test. She really didn't want the horse, she wanted to mess with you to see what you do, somehow you failed the test and now she's confused
>I want to break up with her now
Good for you, anon. Tell that bitch it's either you or that gay ass horse. Tell her that friggin horse is a liability in the long run and you can't have the house stinking of manure. She'll respect you if you sound like you mean it

>> No.58340576

based horse girl

>> No.58340676

Checking everyone.


Gross and checked, >>58339288, you are also gross and checked.

Checked and nice bobo DOINK.

Checked and holy fuck that would be a deal breaker. Chimps are terrifying - I don't trust them for a fucking second. It's like white women-pitbull whispering to the extreme.

Checked and true

I don't think those businesses charge enough as-is. The horse is expensive, now you also need a trailer and 4 hours to make a couple hundred.

When women get bored and have enough security, they turn to pets to try to fill the void of being bored. Honestly, I would take it as a bad sign in the relationship, costs and time aside. I know plenty of miserable women who collected pets like pokemon with men they hated, and when they got into new relationships, poof, the pets all disappeared.
>We need a dog
>We need 2 dogs
>We need ferrets
>We need a pig
>We need birds

Reptile and rat girls are the worst, but horse girls are something else. Either your family was wealthy, did everything for you so your "hobby" of occasionally visiting your horse at stable deluded you into thinking YOU can actually care for horses OR you're so delusional about the care you think you can not only afford it but also personally will have the time to do it.

Checked but maybe she bought some super duper supremely bred Chad horse.

Checked and accurate

Checked but, not sexual. With women it's "Savior"-al. We debunk any Freudian nonsense when we see it.

Phew. Well, OP, just s reminder - It's easy for a bunch of randos to tell you to dump a girl who made a very bad decision, but a reminder, depending on your age and looks, the dating pool isn't exactly a place I'd want to dip my toes in. That said, I would fight her. Give it a good fight, you need the practice. >>58340328
is correct, women will run you over if you don't put your foot down. Good luck.

>> No.58340679
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>> No.58340683

post horse

>> No.58342085
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>still thinks in fiatbux
You probably don't have any gold or silver, do you? Can't have a financial future w/o it.

That being said, everyone needs a cheap hobby and an experience hobby. My cheap hobby is pirating movies and my expensive one is picrel. Her expensive hobby is the horse. She just needs to fund it 100%, no help from you. Good luck OP!

>> No.58342150

Every woman is like this anon, if you want to be with one, you will have to be the financially stable one, and that usually involves making more money. Unironically, quit being a pussy. Make more money, enough so that the horse isn’t a concern anymore.

>> No.58342165

Kek. Imagine not being able to afford a stay at home wife and horse. Sounds like she’s with the wrong guy.

>> No.58342262
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>> No.58342336

OP, what's your and your GF's sources of income? Do you both have established carreers or are you flipping burgers and she works part time I'm retail? There's a good amount of details missing to form a full opinion on this.

>> No.58342369

kinda like beef but it’s less juicy and tender
you can buy it in Canada but some of the cashiers will look at you like you’re the devil himself

>> No.58342572

Considering the Romanians or whoever were selling us horse meat labelled as beef for years, probably similar to a cow.

>> No.58342594

horse meat is good, I had it a couple times in Italy
haven't seen it for sale in canada though, maybe quebec? I live in BC

>> No.58342637

Lmao what a faggot

>> No.58342701

you just know

>> No.58342711

If OP is ever serious about his plan to split up, that is exactly the type of line to open with when you're dealing with a horse person.

Seriously though OP, you're not wrong. What many city people don't understand is how much time and resources a horse takes up. Plus she will smell like shit and horse piss each night after doing the stables. Also, she'll interact with other women at the stables and many of those will have had bad relationships with men. Don't ask me why, but the correlation is there for some reason.

The upside is that daily shuffling shit will keep her in shape.

>> No.58342718

Your gf is going to fuck the horse unironically

>> No.58342723

horse pilled it's over for OP

>> No.58342740

OP there is only one real solution, one-up her and buy an elephant without consulting her

>> No.58342743

>happy wife happy life

Guess you’re the problem, Timmy. Kys

>> No.58342766

>happy wife happy life
Happy spouse, happy house. Done.

>> No.58342786
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happy partner happy shartner

>> No.58342808

Whole lotta incels in this thread. If you love her, you'd respect her decision and support her. If you can't be man enough to do that than you don't deserve her.

>> No.58342824

This. Most Women are retarded, even more so now with social media cooking their pea brains in dopamine with feminazism and independence. My wife spend tens of thousands on cheap fake jewelry. I made her try to sell it at a flea market. Lmao she sold 200$ worth after 6 hours. It didn’t even cover the rental space. Utter humiliation. She’s still buying junk fake jewelry like fake Cartier and shit. Women are hopeless. I told that bitch to at least some gold jewelry or silver. At least she could sell it for scrap, but she said I was hurting her feefees. Pathetic. I’d leave her if we didn’t have 22 children already.

>> No.58342935

She wants the BHC

>> No.58343165

Happy significant other, your life will be smooth as butter.

>> No.58344257
File: 23 KB, 201x201, 1595931337082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kill the horse. if she buys another one you know for certain she's a lost cause

>> No.58344302

>Horse girl
wew lad you're cooked.

>> No.58344332

Horse anon, put me in screencap.

Buying a horse in this moment shows that her decision making processes are fallacious (unless the story hasn’t been fully disclosed). Consider this when making a choice.

Godspeed anon. You got this.

>> No.58344370

If you really love her then poison the horse. But if she's this dumb it's best not to continue a life with her.

>> No.58344388
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My girlfriend and I dream of getting a piece of land to raise horses and mules. However if my girlfriend bought a horse on a whim before we even buy the land and set it up for livestock, I'd dump her ass for being an impulsive moron.

>> No.58344398
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>> No.58344545

>animal abuse
That's fucked. I'm all for killing four and two legged predators, but horses are in the same category as house cats and dogs. Except pit bulls, they're just hollow-point magnets as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.58345516
File: 1.72 MB, 849x1083, pharah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Old-lita, amirite? I mean that actress is not even 12 years old, what is this? Some mexican show where adults dress as children? /thread, I guess

>> No.58346167

Is OP kill? Did his horse girl blow his brains all over the barn with her six-shooter? Yee-haww partner! Giddy up!

>> No.58347018

Lmfao, absolute brain dead decision hooollyy. I've heard one horse can can cost anywhere from 1-3k a MONTH to stable and train. Ahahahaha

Literally imagine spending 2k a month on a fucking animal, there's no way.

>> No.58347171

>2k a month on a fucking animal
If OP's girlfriend is making $10,000 a month, not unreasonable. But odds are she isn't. My mortgage is $1,200 a month. If she's paying more than a mortgage payment a month for a pet she has to keep at someone else's property, she's a dumbass and you should find someone better.

>> No.58347228

George Lucas and his special editions, Jesus christ. Someone stop that man.

>> No.58347235
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Glad I'm not OP. That's not disrespect, that's disloyalty. She's more loyal to an animal than a human. Red flag behavior.

>> No.58347251

>animal abuse
Well, I'm all for doing it humanely, but the chick might notice somethings up when she finds the bullet holes. I'm all about humane hunting, though. I really do try not to take shots I'm not sure of.

>> No.58347824

Shoot the horse.

>> No.58348236

If you fuck the horse BEFORE her, you can beat her at her own game.

>> No.58349044

Did she come to her senses and sell the horse?

>> No.58349178

I'm from Australia and most people here just keep the horses in a fucking yard and they eat grass. This "it takes 1k a month for a horse" shit is pure retardation. If anything they probably are net benefit because you don't have to mow. But if you have any form of garden or crop you're fucked that horse is gonna fuck you raw.

>> No.58349414

She's going to end up making an OF and-or sucking cock for cash just to keep the horse. Definitely leave her.

>> No.58349519

>keeping a fleshlight that cries as a pet
>an expensive pet wants an expensive pet
Yeah dump her.

>> No.58349711

I bet the trainer will ride her good while you are out for work