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58336367 No.58336367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Name the coin I need to unfuck myself, I’m literally willing to buy anything

>> No.58336390

It's joever

>> No.58336477

Get on minoxidil asap. I was like that at 24 but ignored it an now am basically prince charles

>> No.58336553

Try buying

CA: 0x4137aa36ec5eb18a37d8b5294d1619f2c9549d6c

Making 1000x and getting a hair transplant. It's probably guaranteed to make women like you for the first time. Until then POWER TO THE PLAYERS

Oh and tg Gamer_Coin I guess

>> No.58336560


>> No.58336569

>Get on minoxidil asap.
This, also I don't care what anyone says. Do not take finasteride, it will kill your penis and possibly your will to live. It did it to me.

>> No.58336629

I'm doing topical minox, topical finasteride and Derminator 2 for about 8 months. I had watery semen about a month after I started finasteride but now I have thick loads again. Boners are still good but I got a tadalafil prescription from Amazon pharmacy just in case ($13.40/month without insurance, no doctor visit required). Finasteride is definitely no joke but my bald spot is almost completely gone now. It thinned my hair out terribly for the first 5 or 6 months. Looked way worse but now it's better than when I started. I use topical finasteride (to minimize side effects) and I dilute it with minoxidil according to this chart:

>> No.58337496

Finasteride ticker FSTR and Minoxidil ticker MNXD.

>> No.58337525
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>> No.58337556

Oral Min and 0.5 Dut.

Don’t overthink it

>> No.58337557

When should I expect the effects of finasteride and minoxidil to start taking place? I've been taking them for 3 months

>> No.58337594

No reason to even ask that question. 99% of people take these meds with no issues (they just don’t feel the need to post about it).

I’ve been on 5mg of oral Min and 0.5mg of Dut daily for 6 years. Absolutely zero side effects. I have dozens of friends who are on this same regimen and they also have zero sides.

>> No.58337608

I’m freshly turned 19 and my hair is starting to get fucked (horrible lifestyle and diet until a few months ago). I wanna hop on fin but I don’t wanna nuke my dht in case I have a last growth spurt in the upcoming summer. If I don’t I will hop on it, I have enough hair that I can hide the issue for a few more months. Thoughts?

>> No.58337659

19 is really young. Does your family have a history of baldness?

Regardless, the best approach (IMO) is to be aggressive with treatment. Don’t bother with Min unless you’re on a DHT blocker. Personally I would start with the nuclear option. Get on Dut right away. If you have side effects switch to Fin. I have never known a single person IRL who experienced side effects with this stuff. I’ve only ever heard it from Reddit incels.

It’s a long LONG process. That being said, my hair at 29 is visibility more full/dense than it was at the age of 21.

>> No.58337660
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That's rough brother.
Not a coin, but a product. Keeps unironically helped me with my goofy ass receding hairline. Prepare to paypig them for at the very least two months worth of product though, it's not very fast, but it doesn't take forever either at least.
Shitcoins, BTC and Satoshisync and projects focused on bringing more functionality to BTC/focused on BBC. I mean, BTC. Only way to go now that everyone is practically salivating at the thought of their fave shitcoin getting its very own ETF no matter how shitty or small. Shout out to my LTC boomer fellas.

>> No.58337673

Certainly didn't expect to find kino advice on treating hair loss in a "recommend me a shitcoin" thread but thanks. Saving these posts for later.

>> No.58337680
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but btc is baldingcore anon. one good spontaneous dump and poof, stress kicks in, adrenaline pumps steadily, doomer thoughts cloud your judgement. Then you sell at the wrong time, poof, even more stress. A year of this and wallah, you are bald.

>> No.58337681

Sorry, I meant the effect on my hair. I've heard it doesnt work on some people

>> No.58337688

What the fuck is even the correlation between hairloss treatment drugs and penile dysfunctions? How does that shit happen?

>> No.58337693

My dad’s temple faded at 19 and had mild crowning but actual balding happened in his very late 30s and wasn’t gone till his 40s. Being an engineer he ate like shit, slept like shit, and spent 80% of his waking hours behind a laptop screen. I’ve done the same but without even a salary… My hair is still pretty decent but seeing my temple go from a 3head (used to get made fun of in mid school for having a 3head can u imagine?) like my mothers to a proper 4 head is disconcerting… I just don’t wanna nuke my DHT yet because I think I might have one growth spurt left until the end of the summer. My hair is still pretty thick/coarse but I can’t middle part anymore without self consciousness.

>> No.58337698

oh brother you've got zero clue how many drugs and even average everyday food components can mess with your peenie. too many to count unriocnially.

eat raw onion. not a joke, not a basedboy statement, literally eat raw onion like four times a week, one onion a day preferably. your dick will survive the inhumane horrors of today's lifestyles, to which you probably adhere to like 95% of people.

>> No.58337707

You’re nuking your DHT which is the fuck hormone. But it recovers after a few months for most people based on most studies. You choose a few months of lessened libido vs lifetime of hairloss if you’re sensitive to dht.

>> No.58337719
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balding btcmaxxie here. can confirm. also money wont buy you your hair back.

>> No.58337741

>hair thicker at 29 than 21
Makes perfect sense based on studies I’ve read. Fin builds up so over time you can actually get by on lower doses. In gook countries they often prescribe even 1 mg because over time it doesn’t matter anyway. I will get on it because I don’t want to go bald but like I said, I think this summer will be my last summer of height growth cuz I had a random spirt these last few months. Which is really odd because I was an early bloomer, don’t have a gh deformity either.

>> No.58337773

That can't be fixed, but since you're after a gem that can print, I suggest you look at LMWR and DUA.

>> No.58337796

stop wearing headphones all the time. Mine grew back after I swapped to wired earphones.

>> No.58337853

Zinc, vitamin d, magnesium, rosemary&jojoba oil, dermarolling, red light therapy, regular sunlight, nofap/semen retention, and most importantly prayer and reading the Quran took me from a nw3 to a Norwood 2 (probably nw1.6).
This is all in the span of about 1 year, no joke. Inshallah, next year will be at nw1. Then in a couple years nw0. God willing

>> No.58337884

oh god i cant beat off all day, my will to live is GONE!!!

>> No.58337926

You saved your hair now you just need to swap to open-air speakers to save yourself from tinnitus.

>> No.58338142

it could take 2 years, but desu, if recession slows or stops, that means it is working. I am watching my brother who is on no meds transform into joe rogan while I am maintaining a NW 2 (vertex) for the past 2 years

>> No.58338144

BALD token

>> No.58338148

what about hair transplants? isnt that money buying your hair back?

>> No.58338236


>> No.58338434

Cope on base seems like the ideal candidate


>> No.58338478

15% of people feel a lowering of libido, it's not a loss of DHT, but rather dht becomes harder to fix itself in tissues. Every case so far has fixed itself within weeks
There has only been one case of permanent impotence due to finasteride and it was inconclusive if it was the sole cause, the patient took other drugs (roids)

The penile dysfunction occurs because finasteride is actually a drug that impacts the prostate and the capacity for dht to fix itself on tissues on the body. That means both your scalp (causing male pattern baldness) and your prostate. But again, it regulates itself.

Dutasteride is a newer formulation of finasteride, and most people have an easier time with it, since it has a lower rate of temp. lowered libido.

T. a degree.

>> No.58338487

do not wait even a month. get on finasteride or minoxidil now. it takes a long time to take effect and will even cause shedding in the beginning.

>> No.58338513

Buy AAST, wait for a few months and you can buy a new hear after that.

>> No.58338709

Minoxidil doesn’t do shit
Never tried fin but I have a hunch most people who use it don’t regain hair, they just ‘maintain’, which could be a placebo

>> No.58339607
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Saw Plametter

>> No.58339634
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>> No.58339689

>Minoxidil doesn’t do shit
Depends on the person. Some people grow hair like a fucking gorilla. Other people are immune to it. That's why you should take oral min. Body is much more likely to absorb it with oral ROA.

>Never tried fin but I have a hunch most people who use it don’t regain hair, they just ‘maintain’, which could be a placebo
Correct. This is a big misconception about DHT blockers. Basically when you start taking Fin, you shed all the "weak" hairs and they grow back stronger. This gives the impression of regrowth, but fin by itself is not prompting hair to grow in places where the follicle is dead.

This is also why some people claim Fin made their hair worse. It's normal to go through a pretty massive shed (I go through about 2 sheds a year) and it can be pretty brutal. Just gotta stick with it.

>> No.58339748

I'll share my experience with this...

When I first got on Fin I literally had no idea low libido was even a side effect. Doctor never mentioned it to me and I simply took my pill and went about my day. Never experienced a single side effect.

Fast forward 18 months and I saw a post talking about low libido, sexual disfunction, etc. For some reason I was terrified, even though I had experienced literally no negative effects after 18 months on meds. Did more research. Fuck this is kinda scary.

Literally that night was the first time in my life I couldn't get it up with my gf. Blamed it on Fin. ED kept happening. Wtf.

Then one night I simply forgot about my "dilemma" and had zero issue getting hard, and it's never happened since then.

Moral of the story: I literally scared myself into experiencing side effects. The brain is a weird thing. I'm fully convinced a large portion of that 15% you mentioned falls into this same category.

>> No.58340876

The mental thing with medication is definitely true from anecdotal experience. When I first got on adderall I got lowered libido cuz I had read about that side effect and was worried sick about it but then I forgot and a few days later everything was back to normal.

>> No.58340947

I'm on fin now, my dick still works I even cum in my sleep.

>> No.58341008


>> No.58341024
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Good fucking luck anon

>> No.58341169

Down with king chuck the woke

>> No.58341266

How does semen retention help with hair loss ?