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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 225x225, solana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58332047 No.58332047 [Reply] [Original]

wen? where? how do you stay ahead? gimme the sauce, need the riches.

>> No.58332404

Wish I knew, OP. I just play catch-up on dexscreener like all the poors. Thought I was getting the hang of it, then... bang, rugged by benny.

It doesn't help that Solana is such an unscalable piece of shit. At peak times I'm forced to watch and weep as my 2x, 3x, in one case 10x flies by before the transaction failes. :P

>> No.58332424
File: 63 KB, 986x653, 1000045659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in eva anon

>> No.58332437


1. Be in a good community where people help each other up

2. Ignore CT, presales, etc.

3. Get into small coins while they are small, preferably ones where the devs have already left so there's no one waiting to dump on your head

4. Build a community around those coins

5. Work and shill together

>> No.58332491

whats that?

yeah, been rugged. still poor.

>> No.58332543

It's a still small 30k mcap revival going on now

>> No.58332563


It would help if you gave us the contract address.

>> No.58332578

Yeah, its a community revival, neon Genesis evangelion coin. You can join in the tg and check it out for yourself at evangelioninstrumentalityproject

>> No.58332676

Somebody else posted you the tg already so no need for me to elaborate

>> No.58332713


Then Dreyk is the one you are looking for. Plus the memeability of Drake behind it

>> No.58332878
File: 169 KB, 1280x706, instrumentality-elp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anime action is on base though. Why sol?

>> No.58332902

Biz has been good to me these past weeks, I’ll give back

>> No.58332938

Solbank (SB). Thank me later.

>> No.58333013

where do you all try to find the next hidden gem? lets pump some random source and ape in the same coins.

>> No.58333022


>> No.58333027
File: 126 KB, 337x355, 83984203821382174218438747823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best advice for all the faggots here: sell your SOL and buy ETH, with SOL you can't do anything, at least with EVMs you can enter affordable raffles on Eesee and buy shit on OpenSea

>> No.58333071
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WOOSH @noikecoin has the mamba mentality
buy the bottom now or suffer

>> No.58333074

Chainrink (RINK)


Dev still in and holding firm, active on telegram and twitter. It's settling and building a good base post listing. Looks promising to me!

>> No.58333146

the point is not to shill the coin you are holding now, but the source or something so we could share, like tg channel so we can all buy the same coins and pump it.

>> No.58333241

what are you talking about faggot, SOL rn is the best coin to become rich, have you not seen the amount of ppl who do 20x with shitty alt coins?

>> No.58333244

>best advice for faggots
thank god im not a faggot

>> No.58333300

i try to find popular coins that have dipped a lot.
Bought some HARAMBE and SLERF

looking to scoop POPCAT and MEW if i see they drop to support.

You guys have any tickers?

>> No.58333311

and must have locked liquidity

>> No.58333465

Solana is old tech
ETH is a piece of shit
All the action is on BASE right now

>> No.58333551

$Kpop $cj

>> No.58333552

Solana is the BSC of this cycle. It is a complete shitshow with the issues like shutdowns, congetion etc but volume is there.
I play there too but I;m not ignoring the fact that it'e being shilled as great when it's not. It has the same issues as ETH like tax farming and not to mention that shills conveniently ignore that it's owned by fucking coinbase.
ETH mainnet is only worth it if you have enough money to ignore the gas and even then your options are limited (this is good imo)

>> No.58334235

How about SIZE?

>> No.58334272


>> No.58335361
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>> No.58335396

How can you tell if dev left? And if they can alter code?

>> No.58336012

bumping this. So far I can only assume dev wallets are the first one buying the coin

>> No.58336381
File: 227 KB, 378x429, 1659056371545692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orca is one option, 1Intro is another. SOL is currently going through a rough patch due to the problem it had with its platform and many of the projects based on its technology lost credibility, those that survive that have a good future ahead of them.

>> No.58336389

It's a community revival, that's why. Come merge with us.

>> No.58337174

yeah, but you can also flip some memecoins and make yourself a big bag

>> No.58337178

SOL is gonna be bumped, mark my words

>> No.58338200

Thank you again for your wonderful advice over the years /biz/
Remember when you were shilling FUN? I bought.
Remember when you were shilling Stakenet
XSN? I think I got 5 ETH worth of that since you were shilling it non-stop. What the hell even happened to that? I took a break for a few months thinking it would go up eventually like every other solid project.
RLC? bought.
DBI? bought.
Now I was thinking this memecoin seems promising. It has a lot of support here. But it's usually other memes that end up having success. I keep telling to myself not to listen to you guys but then I get my hopes up over some shitcoin you guys are shilling.

Maybe I should just keep my ETH, SOL and BTC and be happy with a 2x or 3x this cycle.

>> No.58338210
File: 116 KB, 1430x679, not so comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great. my pic didn't upload either

>> No.58338339

Check out brrrchain. It's a new dex/lp/staking platform. They're having a presale now, but you can also buy the old tokens and migrate them if you don't want to participate in the presale (they were distributed as farming rewards). The dev is really responsive and will be doing a pinksale ama soon. They've already partnered with a lot of memecoins, so they have community support for marketing and stuff.