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58331851 No.58331851 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetically, if my pet hamster Cheeks wanted to avoid transferring a quantity of ETH into a CEX and acknowledging a series of taxable events, how would Cheeks go about transferring his ETH into something untraceable and more easily spendable?

Please, no drug money laundering suggestions. I've seen Ozark. It didn't end well for the cute-ugly blonde hick chick.

>> No.58331877

since crypto has no adoption
cashing out requires banking services
you will get fucked on the way out

>> No.58333198

Could theoretically do crypto-for-cash via mail

>> No.58333945

on kycnot.me check an exchange then trade it for monero. that's where the trail goes dark. then trade the monero for something else, for example LTC then with LTC buy gold or silver or gift cards.

>> No.58333988

Or just buy precious metals or drugs with monero and sell that.

>> No.58333998

This on localmonero.

>> No.58334000

you can't buy precious metals with monero directly. atleast that i know of. Gold and silver sellers usually accept BTC, BCH and LTC.

>> No.58334020

>create ordinal with clean wallet
>buy ordinal for stupid price with other wallet
>bonus points if you hold the ordinal for over a year to get the long term capital gains rates
>clean wallet now has one taxable transaction at 15% tax
this is in minecraft of course

>> No.58334018

Now, I have not checked at all to see what kind of premium they are charging over spot. So buyer beware and etc. But it is possible and I'm sure it's better than taxes.

>> No.58334084

>> Monerometals.com
sketchy ass wordpress site with 5 items listed. it's not a reputable big selling shop. its more likely you will get scammed if you try this service. 8/10 reputable gold selling shops online also accept BTC/BCH and LTC.

>> No.58334242

buy stolen laptops then sell them at the flea market. never fails

>> No.58334258


Cheeks sounds fucking based

Cheeks shitcoin when?

>> No.58334426

monerometals.com is legit and has been around for years.

>> No.58334540

>sketchy ass wordpress site with 5 items listed
MM is well-known and trusted by the Monero community.

>> No.58334582

Don't you run into a ton of issues when selling the precious metals IRL? For example, having the attendant ask, "hey, where did you get these precious metals you're selling for cash without a photo ID"?

> trusted
> Monero
I'll admit Monero has its place, but please, be reasonable. Monero schizos are just tech-literate preppers. They trust nobody.

>> No.58334649

Wouldn't this be obvious af

>> No.58334662

If I trade a bunch of shitcoins messily within a year then finally convert the grand total to ETH/BTC, then wait one year before cashing out to USDC, will that all be wrapped up neatly in a one-time long term capital gains event?

>> No.58334715

The concern there is how you go about hiding the initial "messy shitcoin" txns. Even if you Monero'd into a clean wallet, the question becomes: how did you come into possession of that Monero, when was it purchased, and can you please show bank statements or other suitable ledger demonstrating that it was purchased by you?

In Minecraft.

>> No.58334729

Fuck me I better start reading and organizing the server logs sooner than later. Thanks admin

>> No.58334741


The appeal with Monero converting to physical money (gold, cash, Visa gift cards, whatever) is that you don't have to deal with aged transactions and would never be in a position to declare it on your taxes. Unfortunately, that would mean paying in cash or fucking Krugerrands everywhere you go.


>> No.58335349

LTC is a pointless step here, just spend the Monero (do not hoard)

>> No.58335621

What did you do with the Monero? I can't spend it at my local big box store. Sure as hell can't pay my mortgage with it.

>> No.58335758

your local big box store doesn't even carry cocaine

>> No.58335890

In my country you can easily go to an exhange store to change cash for crypto
obviously you might pay a 1 or 2% fee or whatever but thats way better than giving 50% to the government

>> No.58335910

We're talking about exchanging crypto for cash, sir.

>> No.58335922

goes both ways.

>> No.58335942

Crypto ATMs or something?

>> No.58335946

monero not needed ppl just use tornado cash

>> No.58335957

You go to a store, there's a person, you tell him what you want to do, and then you either send him your Crypto (last time I did I believe they wanted to transfer between accounts in an exchange), and then they give you your cash.
Otherwise, you give them cash and they give you Crypto.

>> No.58335983

Which country?

>> No.58336014

its the same if you want to change USD, Euro, or whatever. There's (not really)underground exchange stores everywhere. Always has been.

>> No.58336052

Hard pass.

>> No.58336060

have fun with your 99% tax rate

>> No.58336102

Have fun with your shit standard of living.

>> No.58336119

Crypto for cash is the way to go. Find your local dealer. If there's none, take responsibility and become one. I would help, but you're probably a fed.

>> No.58336146

You're mixing up things, Argentina doesn't have a shitty standard of living if you're a wealthy gringo (even a lower middle class American qualifies as such). Not all countries which are technically third world are like Africa, anon.

>> No.58336178

How do you manage to get away from the 50% of your country living at or below the poverty level?

Nice try, fed. I'm still not paying my Minecraft taxes.

>> No.58336214

Again, not Africa. The rich tend to create neighborhoods for themselves and keep the poor out, either by police force, or by gated communities, which are extremely common in those Mexican countries.

>> No.58336224

XMR is the lead coin for buying gift cards. Then you buy at big box stores. Save your income for purchases that need transparency.

>> No.58336603 [DELETED] 

So if you don't have details to the exchange you purchased monero + messy shitcoin txs, and you've cashed out then you're basically fucked?

>> No.58336645

All the card stores that accept Monero have shit rates. Bitrefill is all you need.

>> No.58336706

Hypothetically speaking, if one were to fail to document and lose access to collect details of converting into minnyrow and all the messy txs before that, they would be in a pickle if they have already cashed out to a bank?

>> No.58336825
File: 25 KB, 500x625, 16.-Athiya-Shetty-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hypothetically speaking you are a cuck
honestly speaking you should have bought BRC20 tokens.
sarcastically speaking, you are quite attractive

>> No.58337357

>I've seen Ozark.
Thanks for ruining it you nigger. Monero isn't for laundering, it is money.

>> No.58339001

No idea man.

>> No.58339086

My hunch would be that you can calculate a rough estimate for your profit and just say that you bought ETH/BTC on private sale. Fill in the Form 8949 appropriately.

>> No.58339359

-Spend Monero on shopinbit or similar
-Spending monero on coincards or similar
-Exchange monero for cash on agoradesk or similar
Transfer into monero obviously