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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58330271 No.58330271 [Reply] [Original]

How do ww curb out the “young men staying with parents and destroying housing market demand” problem?

>> No.58330285
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Boomer bags must be protected at all costs.

>> No.58330296

You forgot
>how do I profit from this?
And the answer is go all in on video games, porn, and guns.

>> No.58330298

Honestly? 90% of men have proven that they aren't really useful or needed. If you aren't:


Then there's really no point to you. Women have proven to be more successful and useful in the workforce. One strong, smart, attractive man can impregnate hundreds of women.

All incels and undesirable, average men should be exterminated.

>> No.58330307

I mean, that's pretty based.

>> No.58330308

Nice never buying. Rather waste 2k a month in SEA or some cheap euro country than stay in the west and give sheckelberg 2k for a room plus tip. I’ll come back once the housing market crashes. Looks like we are winning biz bros

>> No.58330310

Destroy the housing market and then they will move out.

>> No.58330503

Yea. I mean I still hate her and the rest of the boomers, but I can appreciate the basedness of this interaction. Well played, boomer. Well played.

>> No.58330851

30 still with parents.. i am not gonna fucking buy your house for 500k i rather buy bitcoin and retire in thailand fucking prostitutes..

>> No.58331112

Exactly. Why would I buy a home now or when I make it? I can move to a different country and hire a bunch of locals to shoot anything that moves in my vicinity.

>> No.58331134

she is gambling her dead husband's money bro

>> No.58331152

>buy all the housing and keep supply low so you can charge huge rents
>destroy all the jobs so nobody can pay the huge rents
>confused pikachu face

>> No.58331172

This is how "Managed Markets" and "Stakeholser Capitalism" always work.

>> No.58331180

You don't. It's almost as if the sexes don't really like each other and don't interact with each other outside of sex when they aren't forced to.

>> No.58331340

The overarching problem is our government’s system of checks and balances has all but completely collapsed. The executive branch shouldn’t be spending billions of dollars. Joe Biden should not be “forgiving” billions of dollars of student loan debt. The legislative branch isn’t telling him no and our judicial branch isn’t stopping him. That’s just one example, of many. While our Congress drafts bloated to the point of unreadable omnibus spending bills the Senate approves and Biden signs them. Nobody is saying no to anybody in this administration. Not following law or enforcing law is as destructive or possibly more destructive than not following or enforcing what is already written. There should be no border crisis. We have laws in place for that. There should be no slave labor in this country. We have laws in place for that. Banks and corporations should not be as huge as they are. We have laws in place to prevent that. But right now our entire government is operating rogue, swelling and sending tendrils of control into everything like a cancer. The smart boomers made money (and held onto it) so they appear to be living in the lap of luxury, when in reality their current lifestyle is on par with what WAS considered middle class about 30 years ago. With trade opened to China, NAFTA, out-of-control immigration both legal and not, corporations growing exponentially, and our government spending endlessly, we are all going to die homeless and poor.

>> No.58331396
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Thank you based immigrants. I unironically don't care if young people die as poor incels, just please keep pumping my real estate holdings until after I'm retired.

>> No.58331776
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Based take. You're correct.

>> No.58331785

Fuck off roastie

>> No.58331796

It will be some incel from /rk9/

>> No.58331803


Women aren't useful at all in the workforce. They are useful for birthing and raising kids though. Ironically enough a woman in the workforce, avoiding a family, is the most net negative individual in the country outside of welfare queens.

>> No.58331830

They're both very feminine in their thought processes so possibly.

>> No.58331847
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Yeah. She probably offed him too by spiking his prune juice after working as an accountant for 30 years. Consider the audacity.

>> No.58331890

This is NOT backed up by statistics. Young women are infinitely more successful than young men, career and development wise.

>> No.58331907

Because of affirmative action and female in-group preference, sure.
Now I know you're baiting but whatever

>> No.58331921


Making money in a make-work modern corporate environment is not the same as "use". Those legions of analysts, consultants, managers, HR reps, accomplish net zero and are arguably more a source of friction and impasse in the working environment.

They had to spend decades pushing women in through state laws, regulations, subsidy, promotion, and infiltration of important departments like HR, which are responsible for hiring and culture. They invented "DEI" to forcibly push unqualified women everywhere. This economic system is an inefficient, heaving monstrosity and when it all collapses and regresses you will see.

Your college degree in business was worthless. All of that debt was for naught. You do nothing as a consultant. QED

>> No.58331948


and meanwhile let's look at male dominated work


Basically any time something actually has to get done, like ACTUALLY, not just discussed, or planned, but literally DONE. It's a male role. The level of waste in white collar America is untold right now, and it's part of the suicidal plummet in fertility rates. Women are wasting time doing nothing in make work office jobs when they should be raising good families.

>> No.58332113

Simping faggot

>> No.58332213

>stuff getting done
Only a sales cuck would group sales with the rest of these professions

>> No.58332282

You don't. Let the prices hit the floor.

>> No.58332301


It was a reach honestly, but it does improve economic velocity. It's a physical thing you go out and do so that products and services get exposure.

>> No.58332433

You don't which is why you just import a billion Mexicans and budget Mexicans forever. If that ever somehow runs out when America is the largest Hispanic country (soon) we can always import Africans. Imagine entire cargo ships retrofitted for shipping Africans here to work. I'm a genius. Housing CANNOT go down.

>> No.58332508
File: 67 KB, 640x857, 1671028613192166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of living in America anymore? You can't start a business anymore, the tax complications are worse then crypto, a sp500 will push you out before it's anything, and that's ignoring local regulations and laws that will stop you first anyways. There's no identity or language for European descendant American, everybody grouped into English language larping as Nordic Italian whatever. Hell, in 50 years all the migrants will just be a big blob of spanish speaking, no Mexican group, Puerto Rico group, Brazil group exc...

>> No.58332518

I live here because I was born here and my parents live here. That's literally it. I'd fuck off immediately if they weren't a factor.

>> No.58332546

This. Most European countries also don't want you unless you're brown or a highly educated white person. Staying in America is just a matter of familiarity at this point.

>> No.58332597

Fuck you bitch

>> No.58332734

young? lots of people in their 30s and 40s live with parents now too. the economy is fucked. we're sliding backwards into having multiple generations living in the same household for decades like most other countries do.

>> No.58332760

Women programmed by school are agents of the state to make you keep the clown circus and boomer funding running 24/7
Remember when you are in kindergarten and the carpet has low poly firemen and nurses on them? And then they say what do you want to be on a white sheet with a blank line under it, and chastise you when you don't say state servant?
Because they want you to forget the one state servant

>> No.58333396

You can just buy citizenship in bulgaria and then move to any EU country you want to
Also probably other EU shitholes with even cheaper citizenship

>> No.58333425


>> No.58333479

don't care, locked in my house at 2.6% and am never selling, it's even too big for me, 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, sometimes just to change things up I switch rooms I sleep in just for the lols, I also walk around the house naked and can be as loud as I want, I'm 28 and it warms my heart to think of all my peers who are still stuck with their parents or renting some shitty apartment with loud neighbors.

>> No.58333534

what state?

>> No.58333557


>> No.58333564


lol. lmao even

>> No.58333589

Burgers don’t realize how much worse everywhere else is

>> No.58335260

she's 16 you sick fuck

>> No.58335417

Real estate is a scam. Why would I pay actual money to live in the middle of some shithole city surrounded by niggers?

>> No.58336048

Eventually someone will find a way to recruit all these "undesirables" into an army and lay waste to the world.

Enjoy your contempt while you can, only misery and rape follows scorning those that have in them the power of violence.

>> No.58336111
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>Because that's what you're supposed to do okay?!