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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58317849 No.58317849 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting at a tech company in May, switching from Design to Sales. Both are customer-centric and problem-solution oriented so I'm bringing a lot of transferrable skills. I've had 4 interview rounds and they were pretty impressed with me.
I just can't be arsed to do design work anymore dealing with all this nitpicky bullshit, and with Sales I just need to sweettalk my customers, qualify them for our product and manage the information I gathered for 30% more pay plus comission? Sign me the fuck up.

This feels like a chance to turn my life around.. do you have any tips for me Anons?
What should I look out for?

>> No.58317859

>with Sales I just need to sweettalk my customers,
A lot of sales is just being a cool guy that people like.

>> No.58317860

Be cocky, confident and sales is easy
Why weren’t you a good enough artist to hack it in design?

>> No.58317910

lol I think I can do that

I'm more of a sweet vibes kind of a guy, but confidence shouldn't be a problem as soon as I know the product and sales tactics.
Design is interesting but it's just not my jam anymore, I've ventured more towards making art instead of design where I'm always waiting for last minute changes from my customers

>> No.58318081

This anon, learn how to talk and make your customers feel comfortable

>> No.58318136
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>> No.58318316

thanks Anon!
My user group is mostly people working in HR, so I guess it'll just be middle-aged moms? I've worked a lot in service when I was still studying so I definitely know how to sustain some kind of professional friendliness

>> No.58318375
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>How to Win Friends and Influence People
>Integrity Selling for the 21st Century: How to Sell the Way People Want to Buy

If you haven’t read either, give these a try. Neither is perfect but they’ll give you an idea of how to approach a sale without being pushy or coming off like a used car salesman.

>> No.58318462
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thanks for the tips fren! I've wanted to read the first one for quite some time, guess this is the best occasion for it.
good thing is that I'm selling something that's actually helpful or time/money-saving. the more I can identify with the cause the better I'll be at selling it.