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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 92 KB, 602x449, millionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58307718 No.58307718 [Reply] [Original]

How did you become a millionaire? Im still working towards this goal. My networth is over 300k, but trying to find a way to hit a million dollars in the next few years.

>> No.58307758

Saas Sales -> ETH/BTC -> held for 5 years.
Started company.
Swing trade stonks from wsb

>> No.58307760

Worked as a wagie in tech and bought bitcoin

>> No.58307783

Sold service contracts to industrial businesses. Within a year built up to the point I was bidding and winning contracts worth millions. At that point I was a millionaire. For a contractor, a million dollars in revenues is an extremely small amount and very easy to reach.

>> No.58307852

My fucking house 4xed. It just means more taxes to be very desu. Also crypto gave me 250k or so.

>> No.58307928

>My networth is over 300k,
Definitely larping has killed this board.

>> No.58307987

>Definitely larping has killed this board.
$300k net worth is average for a 30 year old american and median net worth for a 50 year old.

it's not some shocking number. Probably close to half of americans hit that number just by owning a home.

>> No.58308019

I bought a shitload of LINK at 20 cents average and held this rancid bag ever since.

>> No.58308035

Well you meet an intelligent woman, combine your incomes, and save for a deposit. Then you get a mortgage and buy a shitty small house in an average area. After a year your incomes have increased and so has your equity. You go back to the bank, get a bigger mortgage, and buy a nicer house in a better area.
After another year your incomes are still rising along with your equity and you sell your nice house and get an even bigger mortgage to buy a block of 4 2bdm units.

The repayments are pretty big, but by living in 1 unit and managing the other 3 you find rental income not only pays the mortgage but there is a surplus going into the bank each week.
Now you can turbo-save with no mortgage weighing you down.
Within 6 months we had enough to buy a business and escape working for the man.

>> No.58308045

How does that work? Do you have wage slaves that you call up to do the work for you once you win a bid?

>> No.58308265

americans don't own homes they are rentoids

>> No.58308380

I bought apu at 1m mcap

>> No.58308434

kek what poors do to cope
I'm worth 300k at 30 solely off waging - get a career you commie parasite, I knew this had to be done at age 13, what the FUCK is your excuse?
also have another 600k in ETH (so about 300k after taxes in my country)

>> No.58308513

>Do you have wage slaves that you call up to do the work for you once you win a bid?
yes, but I can do a million dollars worth of work over a period of several years pretty much by myself if I want to. That's not a lot of money or work for a contractor.

>> No.58308514

Living with your parents and not paying rent? Might as well be a trust fund baby or just inherited it. The median home takes 7.5 years of median wages to pay off a home, compared to just 3.5 years like 40 years ago. Things are objectively bad and revolution is coming. "Reform" will happen after enough people snap and go Postal.

>> No.58308569

I moved out at 23, I've had mortgages for 7 years now
piece of shit studio for 350k at 23 (50k down pay saved from 3 years of waging next to my studies), sold it and upgraded to 70m2 apartment for 700k last year
turns out all you have to do is not be retarded and work hard? guess that's impossible for the parasite narcissist tiktok brains

>> No.58308631

Surprisingly, if you look at the statistics, 66% of American adults cannot come up with $500 in an emergency. The median worker's credit card debt payment is equal to their mortgage payment, which just happened this year, first time in history. Let me speak plainly, you may say it is easy to make a million dollars, I say you better think about compassion because an angry mob is forming.

>> No.58308652

yeah, the average american is an ingrate who thinks they can live like their gay rapper idols without any effort
literally most privileged people in the history of humanity but you're too entitled and retarded to capitalize on it
ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GET A NON MEME DEGREE, that is it. If you do that, your life is better than 99.99999% of humans who ever lived.

>> No.58308761

All you need to do is hustle bro, have no free time for friends and family bro. Have you seen that most Americans have no friends now? Simply not enough time for friends, not enough time for kids, only work long hours and import foreigners, number go up. This ends when people have had enough and violent revolution begins, simple as. In the mean time, drop out and tune in, be a hippy. Starve this system of oppression.


>> No.58308815

>my life plan is for the world to end
you do you, I'll enjoy the arbitrage of not being lazy and basically being able to pay bums to do shit I don't want to do
I work for one day and have the buying power to make someone like you work for me for a week (indirectly or not)
life is great

>> No.58308898

I will be NEETing, thanks. Until I get livable wages I'd rather play video games and get high.

>> No.58308933

I asked a serious question here about how I saved up 600kish and how I can turn this into over a million. All I got was joke and unserious replies and crypto bs. This board is suppose to be about money and how to make it and it’s just turned into some Indian scam coin board.

>> No.58308935

you reap what you sow

>> No.58308944



>> No.58308975

When this place descends further into 3rd-world dumpster-fire status, yes, the powers that be get a bitter harvest. Already 25% of young men do not work, at all. Unless things change with the money printer this will get worse. In Weimar Germany men refused to work. They also had transgender bs, pretty much what we have now. Same reason: making a living wage is extremely difficult for the average person. So now is the time to work less, eat less, explore your spirituality, spend time with friends and family. The hyper-materialist phase of our civilizational cycle is over for now.

True. I recommend that you stay in 4-8wk treasury bills yielding 5+% until we have a serious market correction, greater than 30% drop. I plan to buy commodities, energy, and shipping. For short term look up LW and buy this 22% dip in the last two business days. Easy 5% gain over the next four weeks, in my opinion, and support is strong at $80.

>> No.58308978

Lmao just buy 9 bitcoin, and you will have 1mill this or next year

>> No.58308993

such a hilarious perspective considering americans have a better existence than 99% of the planet, and there's no chaos of this character in those other countries
but you'd bet your life on it, cool, sounds moronic and copey

>> No.58309015

3 month CDs, Tbills like >>58308975 said, Goldman high yield savings at 5%, etc. You are to the point now where making it should be pretty automatic as long as you don't spend a chunk of it. Keep your hands in your pockets.

>> No.58309029

The Economy is made up of human beings, and the nature of humans is that they are mammals, stupid shit-throwing monkeys. Get over it. It always happens that civilization declines when money printer go brrrr and men decide to drop out of working. There are other variables as well but when faced with a Tsunami of Idiots the best things is to get out of the way and avoid being crushed. Hard work is a virtue, but only in moderation. Work, earning, money, this is maybe 20% of a balanced life that also prioritizes health, family, friends, spirituality, nature. Weekends are for enjoyment, not for the side hustle. Hustle culture is old-fashioned hamster-wheel thinking.

>> No.58309038
File: 37 KB, 400x504, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not ETH?

>> No.58309090

What classifies as a non-meme degree tho friend? For the most part engineering, compsci, and bio are also part of meme degree status now. I honestly think trade school is actually the route, literally every degree is a meme atm.

>> No.58309114

I consistently bought into BTC and ETH over the last 6 years. I also buy stocks and max out my 401k every year. My NW just crossed over $2 million a month ago.

>> No.58309208

>what constitutes a non meme degree
one that guarantees a job on the other side, or spoken in plain words: something useful
if you are of the belief all degrees are memes, then do a trade (after I wrote this I noticed you actually mentioned this yourself lol)
personally I am a software dev, every single interview I had resulted in a job

>> No.58309293 [DELETED] 

That's Europoors, Euros are rentoids. The majority of Americans live in houses.

>> No.58309302 [DELETED] 

Anon, I've owned 3 different houses in my lifetime, I'm 30 yo. Networth is 275k.

>> No.58309320 [DELETED] 

>have no free time for friends and family bro
Yes, movies that show the workaholic dad as the "bad guy" have warped your perception.

>> No.58309325
File: 225 KB, 1456x722, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about that?

>> No.58309333 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck you're insufferable.

Why don't you just end your miserable existence?

>> No.58309350 [DELETED] 

My degree is in engineering and I make six figures.

Engineering is actually hard, that's how you know it isn't a meme degree.

>> No.58309380

Money talks, bullshit walks. Fuck you, pay me a livable wage. No pussy, no work.

>> No.58309441

slingin drugs, bippin merch, dodgin feds, and spikin hoes drinks. that's how i got started. then I went legit by putting every dollar I had into ethereum mining. now i'm team vitalik for life. i can live off my stakes

>> No.58309471
File: 40 KB, 171x171, 1712079391060828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh vey, your countries are going to need to do some "developing".

>> No.58309616

Bought shitcoins on SOL early, sold them not too early. Shinji, etc.

I was gonna say easy enough but on second thought it isn't

>> No.58309988

Took a $1 bill and drew some extra zeroes on it with a sharpie.