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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 250x248, comfy_round_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58306738 No.58306738 [Reply] [Original]

comfy rugged
get fucked you retarded shills

>> No.58306797

Kek. Anyone still holding this coin kinda deserves the bear down desu. What a shitcoin

>> No.58306817
File: 32 KB, 720x644, apu thumb's up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a 2x and solded, put it into APU kek

>> No.58306918

I'm financially suffering fuck all of you

>> No.58306922

we tried to tell you, but you smug posted about how this was going to be a billion dollar meme.
>muh based dev

>> No.58306956
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>> No.58306966

This. By far the most insufferable group of people I have ever seen shill on this board.

Main reason I never threw any money in.

>> No.58306986
File: 88 KB, 1000x800, 1712335219945936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good choice fren

>> No.58307015

They are unironically too retarded to be running a coin, they have no concept of marketing and just keep aping money into random services while ignoring everything else. Their chart looks like shit right now and they do nothing, but WE SO COMFY BROS.

>> No.58307020

They laughed at and mocked me when I said this exact thing a month ago. I don't care how based the dev is, this is a dirty business.

They got lucky with the Barron refugees, that's all.

>> No.58307208

exactly, the tg is full of the most desperate and incompetent retards I've ever seen, there was only one way this was ever going to end

>> No.58307220

somehow i sold this shitcoin at the exact top, that was a comfy 10x

>> No.58307619

rug rug rug yar boat

>> No.58307973

well it was expected
VERY expected to be honest. how did it gather so many followers?? it was almost cult like the amount of threads it had per day

for real? not even a x5? shit what a crappy coin

damn, welp i'll guess i'll just look for other coins to trade and shit with dextools then. Good luck in the future i guess.

>> No.58307979

made a -20%. Only just got out before the rug. This was my third and final solana shitcoin. Done with that clown shit. Whatever happened to based white devs don't rug?

>> No.58308023

It's solana, you take a x1,5-x2 and fuck off, 99,99% coins there are rugs. Good choice, you would didnt hold till 0

>> No.58308171

The dev didnt rug, a whale sold as the coin was already crashing and all they could think about is hurf durf lets have a meme contest. They deserve to lose money imo

>> No.58308728

This shit is fucking dead. No volume, coping tg baggies, creepy, childish, ugly meme. If theres any baggies left just cut your losses and sell, that shit is going to zero.

>> No.58308824 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 792x382, jkdbd34909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great chart!

>> No.58309222

coin could've been something but that chart is just unbuyable and its not recovering. I don't believe the team is malicious but they're terrible at marketing and drumming up any energy which has killed this thing stone dead.

>> No.58310080

It seemed like they had more people than they did because the same core group would samepost eachother to oblivion to give the impression that people actually gave a shit to talk about their shitty coin.

The entire thing was disingenuous.

>> No.58310242

Most tg are like that, a circlejerk with jeets shilling because they have nothing better to do than "work their bags". But let me let you in on something, the illusion that a tight community matters in shitcoins, especially on sol, is nonsense. Most mooners go to where they do because they are propped up by money laundering operations. You see this countless times with dead shitcoins, inactive tgs, or almost dead communities, suddenly its alive and kicking again, only to die once more while the insider whales cash out on exit liq.
The only thing I will say is, what matters to a certian extend is that the shitcoin has some limited outreach to twitter, because thats where pnd groups usually find stuff to pump their dirty money into. Marketing matters to a very limited extend. It only matters most for the first few hours of launch , which can decide how high the blowoff top is , also based on devs selling.

>> No.58310903

Exactly, they are actually really nice guys, just incompetent, which is foolish in this arena.

>> No.58310945

>white dev wont rug me
lol lmao even

>> No.58311032

legit kinda sad, in theory if they suddenly were blessed with top tier marketing the coin could still take off, but seems like a pipe dream at this point.

>> No.58311457

it's even lower now

>> No.58311468

All that sht will rugg eventually

>> No.58311474

This guys love the scam
and hate real project like Tau/AGRS

>> No.58312374

well. go and give them a hand then? u can buy cheap atm as far as i can tell

>> No.58312455
File: 637 KB, 866x764, comfy ltc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoulda bought LTC then youd truly be comfy.

>> No.58312475

Sol fucking people up rn.. I’m glad ocean and fun bags I have ain’t experiencing any issues, eth will always be the king

>> No.58312703

Should I slurp or is this over?

>> No.58312808

probably over desu look at the volume

>> No.58312813

i cant say. fud is mixed bag with this one. its cheap at the moment. did it get started from biz or wtf it came from?

>> No.58312826

I was there and got the OG airdrop.
Volume needs to pick up or its going to zero, perhaps buy backs to revive the chart as hardly anyone wants to buy this ugly chart. Either way don't overinvest because a comeback is unlikely.

>> No.58312836

I suppose the initial group of investors started from biz yes.

>> No.58312847

how come they fucked up so bad when team didn't rug then? usually sol shitcoins get rugged in days/weeks.

>> No.58312862

By being smug and obnoxious. Nobody believed those threads were organic.

Dev might be retarded too, albeit an honest retard.

>> No.58312901

well. to be fair.. none of biz shill threads are organic... i might ape in few sol. i kinda like this meme and if dev didnt rug maybe it has pullback potential. maybe retarded move.. but its cheap

>> No.58312971

sol is rekt. nvm then

>> No.58313031
File: 168 KB, 512x512, 021_grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?

>> No.58313127

Well there goes my last solcoin to trust.

>> No.58313153

last one would be sol itself. but it looks its also rugging itself so... back to btc i guess

>> No.58313207

ADA is pretty good, but you should have gotten in before it gigapumped a week ago.

>> No.58313288

total SHITlana shitcoins/shills death

>> No.58313310

This redditor has been seething over comfy ever since he sold too early.

>> No.58313327

This exact kind of hostile smugness is exactly why nobody wants to buy your bags. Reevaluate your strategy.

>> No.58313570

Over, save your money

>> No.58313582

This, Devs ignore input and continue to meander thinking some influencer or service will come unfuck the chart. TG is nothing but bagholders coping and jeets bitching.

>> No.58314413

you couldn't even hold 2m and now you're still bleeding out at 400k, it was never "too early" to sell, you clueless retard
what will the cope be when you're back to 100k? can you even devise one with your low IQ?

>> No.58314772
File: 162 KB, 701x900, photo_2024-03-30_00-33-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, what the fuck is this thread. COMFY pumped from 30k to 2.5 million and you're still complaining? The dev still hasn't sold a single COMFY and burned 100k of his own money for liquidity. Think he will abandon this project? It's only the beginning, this is obviously a long-term project and i will be laughing my ass off at these threads in the future. You faggots could actually make it with this one but prefer to spend your Saturday evenings making retarded FUD threads. Pic related comfybros in the future

>> No.58316332

If you want to know what is likely ahead for this coin, just look at the chart. We are seeing a larger pattern of the previous rally and pullback play out. After a period of consolidation, it should be all up again. And the timing of this will probably coincide with the a market rally following the halving.

>> No.58316637
File: 507 KB, 724x751, GDel6zJbEAAcSZw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Devs ignore input
This is a blatant lie, the dev responds to everyone, even the Indonesian jeets begging for airdrops in a friendly manner. Personally i'd tell them to fuck off, but it shows how professional he is. All the FUD is related to the price, been hearing this since 100k at every stage. Just buy a bag or stay sidelined once it inevitably moons. It's literally the only comfy project on Solana, with the COMFY ticker being strict listed. Poorfags act like they can't throw 100 $ into this at a low MC and hold, which is exactly why they will never make it. All it takes is looking at the liq to MC ratio to see the potential being presented here.

>> No.58316677
File: 249 KB, 320x240, trannystomp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also funny how these threads pop up, i come across them randomly yet the fuddies don't say anything in the TG. There hasn't been a single person banned for bringing up legitimate concerns or trying to help. This is as honest of a project you can get on Solana, see for yourself. Remember, always do the opposite of what /biz/ says.

>> No.58316835

Dumbfags. Keep crying as I continue accumulating AAST