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File: 418 KB, 1600x1067, lites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58305354 No.58305354 [Reply] [Original]

Litecoin is likely going to 10k+ soon

After years of crabbing, institutions are going to buy my bags. Thank you institutions for coming to the rescue where anons failed.

>Yeah, I'm gonna buy shitcoin #100000000000000000. Yeah, gambling in worthless shitcoins that crash to zero and spawn as frequent as low IQ poor people, that is what is gonna make me rich, my crypto money is going into that instead of litecoin

fug u anon for this. Based normalfags will make me rich this time

>> No.58305535


>> No.58305549
File: 26 KB, 600x656, 859533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at me, would I lie to you about litecoin? Lite to your face?

>> No.58306232

litecoin has been dumping vs bitcoin and the rest of the altcoin market for almost a decade now

but sure this time will be different baggie

>> No.58306327


>Litecoin didn't go up because anons didn't value it
>Institutions are buying in to offer it to normalfags as the next best thing after bitcoin (ironically along with Chainlink as well, because it is actually a serious project in crypto) - and with reasons, litecoin is actually a top 3 crypto coin

It´s already different

>> No.58306335

>Litecoin is likely going to 10k+ soon
I would cry and buy everyone in /biz/ a pair of sweatpants or 6 pack of pbr

>> No.58306353


The more objective measurement to say is that Litecoin will always be valued at 1/4 of Bitcoin

And that Litecoin's halvenings will cause bullruns of their own, not as savage as bitcoin's ones but still very noticeable

>> No.58306551
File: 288 KB, 740x640, ltc chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold a large stack of LTC and realistically I doubt we see 1/4 ratio at any point (given the premium for BTC 'name brand'), but stabilizing at 1/40 seems plausible and likely.

Of course, we'll probably shoot past that during peak mania, plus LTC always pumps last as people rotate profits in. This all means that even if BTC tops at ~$100k this cycle, LTC should hit $2.5k-3k easily, which is a 25x from here. That's incredible given how low risk LTC is and how late we are into the cycle.

Personally have an avg cost of ~$75 and will scale out once we pass $3k for the easiest, safest 40x in all of crypto. The fundamentals alone make this total boomer bait. It's not even normalfags that will buy our bags, it's institutions, family offices, etc. The more anons fud LTC the more bullish I become.

>> No.58306599

What institutions?

>> No.58306634

>Litecoin is likely going to 10k+ soon
I’m bullish on LTC but that’s excessive

>> No.58306663

Pbr me asap

>> No.58306667

10k first anon but you'll get it

>> No.58306677

anything that is not on SOL rn is not gonna even 10x this month, you better start putting money in some SOL-based project, like 1intro or another shitcoin

>> No.58306682


>> No.58306698

None. It's just the typical alt-peddling of "bitcoin has nice things going on for it, therefor in a just world my alt is entitled to the same just because okay". Like if you hypothetically made another clone network of bitcoin tomorrow, I suppose by the same reasoning you will also feel entitled to have muh institutions bid up the price of your fledgling network.

>> No.58306715


Same ones offering bitcoin ETF will be offering the litecoin ETF

Yeah gambling.. the smart man's way. Keep ups updated on those profits

>> No.58306734


Litecoin on top of all of its bitcoin-related achivements, is also all on its own the #1 crypto for actual transactions as currency

That is the title of the coin you are calling a "bitcoin clone" - when in fact it was not even created to be a clone of bitcoin, but rather, a complement to it, which it also holds that title and only it holds that

Now post me the #1 top tier title your shitcoin of choice has gotten. dumb fuck

Litecoin after bitcoin is the most legitimate project in crypto, and its only worth $100 right now because of your groupthink, which institutions wont even bat an eye on the fact stupid retail people have been asleep on litecoin, they are going straight for it

>> No.58306775

Could you name them though or your sources for this?
Anyone can hype and right now that is all I see

>> No.58306919

grayscale has bought a lot this past week, but desu they have bought a lot over the years, not sure its done much for the price.
but grayscale is the one basically unloading their btc to blackrock as we speak.

>> No.58306926

Why does Litecoin always look like a silver bullion coin in these gay threads?

>> No.58306941

its an old boomer coin so thats how internet journalists displayed btc and ltc imagery beginning 10+ years ago.

>> No.58306949
File: 121 KB, 768x430, ltc whitepaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because its literally in the whitepaper.

>> No.58306953

Silver to Bitcoins gold. It's why greysscale started ad to its trust significantly after the Bitcoin ETF was approved

>> No.58306985
File: 173 KB, 1594x907, Litecoin boomer 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love litecoin. Fast transaction speeds, incredible throughput, non-existent fees, great adoption, scaling, longevity and recognition. I honestly think it's a great coin. However, I think it won't be able to breach $1000 this cycle, because greyscale own 1,652,384 LTC. The moment we really start pumping ($300-$400) greyscale will begin to dump their LTC for major profits, heavily suppressing the price. I theorize this is exactly why LTC just barely broke its ATH last cycle. I think the same will happen this cycle. I really hope I am wrong.

>> No.58307012

cool and stuff but where do you actually get to use it?
What can you buy with litecoin directly to benefit from these advantages like fast transaction speed and non existent fees?

>> No.58307033

>where do you actually get to use it?
Litecoin is literally the only coin I've ever used as a currency kek

>> No.58307067

Well I'm just curious if any stores accepted it for example or if its more on a person to person level then that is fine too, I just wanna know

>> No.58307095

Let's say you want to buy an oz of gold at a metal dealer online. If you use crypto, you save about 3% on card fees. You can spend $50 to do a Bitcoin transaction (negating the discount) or you can just use Litecoin.

>> No.58307100

litecoin is gay

>> No.58307127

So they sell gold and silver for litecoin directly?
I know some take crypto but I don't assume they just take all crypto but only the coins they want themselves

>> No.58307134

I advise on investments for a family office and I’ll tell you we’re currently all in sol/avax about 70/30 split.

>> No.58307148

>So they sell gold and silver for litecoin directly?
No, nobody does.
The only reason LTC and BTC or any other crypto have any value at all, is because some retard out there is willing to take it in exchange for $.

>> No.58307156

some websites do accept BTC though

>> No.58307165

>some websites do accept BTC though
and then they immediately convert it to $ in 99% of cases

>> No.58307183

That is their problem not mine, I just want to be able to spend it directly without having to do that step for them

BTC is shit as money though so would make sense if something else was also used

>> No.58307212

so what moron. its their problem what they do with it once its out of your hands. they accept payment in litecoin/bitcoin

>> No.58308322

I like litecoin, I really do. But digibyte is superior tech on all fronts- TPS, decentralization, security, etc. It will eventually be noticed by the big SHA256 miners. There's more upside potential and that's why I have a big ol' bag of DGB. In the mean time let's keep an eye on the hash rates....

>> No.58309157


Say that to Litecoin's face not online and see what happens

>> No.58309532

This nigger has no fucking idea what he's talking about. Practically every single major online bullion dealer including the largest one apmex accepts BTC ETH and LTC as payment.

>> No.58309733


In crypto, the most solid projects seem to be BTC, Litecoin and Chainlink actually lul. And of course, eth and eth competitors, but who is the dominant one seems to still be decided

While both lite/link have crabbed for a long time, they seem to be the things institutions are now coming for

Maybe boomers and chainlinkers will finally stop being THE cuckolds of crypto now

>> No.58309935

Put 50% of my bags in LTC since I think its one of the safest x2 between BTC, ETH and LTC right now, but i dont think it will go past prev ATH (hope i am wrong tho)

>> No.58309982


Given Litecoin's reputation I think it will only take a x2 + FOMO for people to come in

If not, if anons continue ignoring it, we'll have to wait for an ETF likely

>> No.58309997


