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58302031 No.58302031 [Reply] [Original]

the conversation has moved to Twitter.
CLG interviews SN two hours ago and because of fud, no one bothers posting it here,
Well done, fudders. Hoisted by your own petards.

>> No.58302081

Why does Sergey Nazarov spend so much time interviewing himself? Maybe he could code or something. Does he even know how to code, the Mr Wonder boy of crypto who happens to have majored in philosophy?

>> No.58302097

I really wish they wouldn't post videos that were so incredibly gay. I don't even understand what demographic that was for.

>> No.58302151

>watch me contradict myself in only 2 sentences
they're not even trying now jfc

>> No.58302188
File: 35 KB, 654x527, 1608032265850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we all becoming sergey esque bros i too have that shitty ass beard and the dead eyes

>> No.58302230

I hold Link you stupid mouthbreathing faggot. How did I contradict myself?

>> No.58302283

Post yfw it's been Sirgay all along.


>> No.58302339

I'm watching this video and Sergey's head is substantially larger than Zach's. Strange interview.

>> No.58302453

I unironically have gained 70 pounds from the day I bought chainlink for the first time. Summer 2019? Have the beard and the dead eyes too

>> No.58302482

watch from 12m07s
he's telling us a systemic failure is coming
he said this years ago
he's saying the failure of the banking world is coming
it'll likely happen in the aftermath of the next scamdemic, when the existing system has failed, imo
he said this years ago

>> No.58302618
File: 41 KB, 564x563, IMG_1006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe everyone here just realized that link isn’t needed?

>> No.58302640

It lines up. We are 30 trillion in debt and counting, most small banks are in jeopardy of going under, and only the biggest 5 American banks are "safe". FDIC insurance would not cover the catastrophic annihilation of the banking system. Many commercial properties are underwater or failing.

Systemic failure is coming. Hold BTC, do not hold govt bonds

Oh yeah don't hold LINK either, going to $1

>> No.58302736

why am I watching this shit

>> No.58302761
File: 79 KB, 710x920, 1694859641162951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE based Rabbi schlomo chainlinkG-d?! wow! Let's judt check the pric-AAAACK

>> No.58302771

Anyone else noticed how Sergey is looking worse and worse? As if he experienced some crazy, hard to stomache shit

>> No.58302794

Why are his eyelids so slow?

>> No.58302804
File: 940 KB, 3546x1456, 1525390296068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the conversation has moved to Twitter.
who cares, its not like anything they say will get me to sell or unstake, I've been all in since pic related and I love the seethe from fudders just as much now as I did seven years ago

>> No.58302818
File: 15 KB, 882x758, 400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to hide the lies...

>> No.58302820

thanks for posting this so i know which youtube channel to block and report. everyone should do the same never watch their bullshit lies

>> No.58302823

Almost like SBF... stealing billions from people comes with a heavy burden on your soul

>> No.58302861

>create one and zeroes on a computer
>claim they are worth trillions of phoney fiat currency units made up out of thin air
fake monopoluy money backed by fake monopoly money.
what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.58302923

I can't imagine the amount of stress he's under lmao

>> No.58302956
File: 31 KB, 735x533, 5193d2c59498d59c14f3f10797f5b1a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create one and zeroes on a computer

>> No.58303072

Not really, no.

>> No.58303089

>it's not gold but nm
>omg 1s and 0s

>> No.58303090

>4 hours

>> No.58303241

we are SO early

>> No.58303245

>7 years

>> No.58303263

you identified the videos as gay, while not knowing what demographic they target. given the former you should know the latter

>> No.58303276

>8 years
>they wouldn't sell
>9 years
>15 Rs/hr
many rejoicings

>> No.58304205

>because of link fud
you're really overstating the "potency" of fudcucks anon
on here they might as well be blocked if you look at their threads
95 percent of their posts are obvious samefagging with a new ID + same writing style popping up every time, because its the only way they can keep their threads alive