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File: 1.23 MB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20240405_130511_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58301872 No.58301872 [Reply] [Original]

Is this website scamming people?
Can't find no info about this website and they would pay me,I'll share more screenshots.

>> No.58301888
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20240405_130451_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 200$ doing this shit,but now I'm fucked.

>> No.58302055


>> No.58302354

I need. Help you guys

>> No.58302383

Nigger you are retarded, I can tell from the domain name alone that this is a scam. If you sent them any money, it is gone and you are never getting it back. Don't interact with the website again and definitely don't deposit any more money no matter what they tell you, because you will lose that too. It's gone. Cut your losses and move on.

>> No.58302397


>> No.58302415

Also, if you signed up to their website with the same username/password combo you have used anywhere else, go and change those passwords right now or their is a high probability they will hack those accounts.

>> No.58302457

I don't know who's more retarded, you, or the nigger who built the site who doesn't know how to use flexbox

>> No.58302800

That's I'm killing myself right now

>> No.58302811
File: 12 KB, 640x734, 8e3 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok. check your social media accounts first normoid

>> No.58302974

I look em up in the internet, but nothing would show up,I'm fucked man,I'm killing my self tonight

>> No.58302985

wait how much did you lose??

>> No.58303006

I was making money,I didn't know it would go this bad

>> No.58303026

15266 usdt. it says it right there.

>> No.58303053

so what was the thing even doing? how were you "making money" lol

>> No.58303134

Our platform is an international platform, and in order to ensure the safety of each user's funds, we use digital currency wallets for payment. Since this is a global company with users from all over the world, they will pay us at the universal exchange rate of USDT, but we can convert it to USD and deposit it into our bank account.

>> No.58303221

chinese scammer, text book

>> No.58303280

Wait, so it's supposed to be a like currency exchange? "Clients" send them USDT and they sell it for them for USD? Why the fuck would they need your money then? What were you actually doing that would generate a profit?

Anon, link this site. I'm intrigued

>> No.58303303

Might not be the real deposit, OP probably thought he could get 20% returns a day lol.

>> No.58303304

>send us USDT and we will send back USD
Oldest scam in the book

>> No.58303327

Damn maybe that was the entire bullrun if we got tech illiterate poop skinned people like OP on here already

>> No.58303347

How did you end up $15k in the hole???

>> No.58303358

Plz help, I'm about to kill myself, I'm over 16k in credit card debt

>> No.58303375
File: 378 KB, 680x621, b4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was joking about kys btw
can't make up a loss if youre dead wtf, dont do that

>> No.58303384

I have to send that amount in crypto currency, so I can have all money back,the total would be about 29k

>> No.58303403
File: 711 KB, 2766x1606, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shitty website.

Do not send more. They are doubledipping you. Send more, lose more. It's scam of course.

Where are you from? How bad is a 16k loss to you? You can come back from it in most cases. It is sad, but not life ruining in vast majority of the world.

>> No.58303412

You’re not getting this money back. Go to the police or something and move on. Life is hard deal with it and don’t make stupid decisions next time. Get a normal job

>> No.58303420

top signal if it's this easy to scam retards from 16K

sorry for your loss, let this be an expensive lesson, don't commit isekai over it

>> No.58303423

I'm in the usa,I'm military, I was making good money, but the combo commission happens and that makes the account go negative

>> No.58303433
File: 16 KB, 645x770, cd9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh youre military? kek lmao

>> No.58303434

i refuse to believe someone could be this retarded
did you not at least try test amounts first to see if they'd pay you back
how were you making "good money"??

>> No.58303435

>I'm in the usa,I'm military
You are fine then. A minimum wager living frugally could come back from this so you can too.
It sucks, but you will get past this. I lost €10k gambling, sucked too.

>> No.58303439

lol imagine getting your balls blown off for israel

>> No.58303444

>did you not at least try test amounts first to see if they'd pay you back
That's one of the ways they get you. You make $20-200 and then go in with the big guns.
"Test" is retarded. It's either a scam or it's not.

>> No.58303453

I been having a down bad life,I joined the Army so I could get away from home,now I'm all by myself here,I'm ending this tonight,I wanted to be happy,but I can't, life always gives me shit,I can't do this anymore ,all I wanted was to build a family and 2 kids,nothing ever goes my way,life just sucks,and because I was a fool,I don't deserve to walk in this earth anymore

>> No.58303485

Man don't kill yourself. Go for a walk, try talking with someone, anything. In a few years you'll wonder why you worried in the first place since it's not a bigger amount than 16k. It's gonna be alright. If you lived in your car and worked for a completely dogshit wage, you lost 6 months of the rest of your life. On a median scale, you lost maybe 3 months of your life. It will be alright.

>> No.58303499

Did you pay with a credit card? Can't you get help from your bank fraud prevention team or something? You fucking retard at least try to do something

>> No.58303503

Is there anything I can do,since it's allthe debt in credit card debt

>> No.58303513

It's all crypto currency, I was using PayPal

>> No.58303549

There might be something you can do to lower the debt interest, but money is likely gone. Contact someone who actually knows shit where you live.
There's probably a crypto fraud hotline or something for people in your position.

Just don't panic, you'll be fine.

>> No.58303603

Can't do shit without an invitation code. I'm not installing WhatsApp to try and schmooze my way in with their "support line" either.

I did some digging and it looks like it's supposed to be a click farm or "data optimization" where you basically solve captchas for money. They give you like $10 then WHOOPS ERROR, you have a negative balance. Just put in some money in and they'll pay you back. They pay you back a few times to build trust then hit you with the 4 figure charge. Once they get that you get locked out and they fuck off. Looks like it got more than a couple redditors with different(now abandoned) websites
look familiar?

>> No.58303620

Youre cooked bro. Maybe try suing the government for giving you brain damage

>> No.58303651

Sooo I can do this scam for a while, earn a little bit of money and then just fuck off as soon as they ask me to put any of my own money into it?
Sounds like a decent deal desu.

>> No.58303652

Bro,I was searching all over the internet, but nothing would show up

>> No.58303658

>combo task

>> No.58303662

>Is this a scam
If you have to ask, you're boned. Contact your bank/PayPal and see if they can claw the transfers back.

>> No.58303663

i couldnt find anything about the site u were using either. only relatable thing i found was another wbsite using the same slogan "STRATEGICALLY LED. CREATIVELY DRIVEN. MOBILE FOCUSED."

>> No.58303673

Don't make me feel bad wtf
literally 16k's a joke, you won't know it until youre in the next memecoin and look back and laugh at how beta you are
you'll make it, just got to try again, it's a game of averages in internet money

>> No.58303676

Bro why didnt u make a thread BEFORE depositing any to indonesia

>> No.58303695
File: 201 KB, 1125x855, 1711121022428243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP did you get this shilled to you from a TG group?

>> No.58303711

>replies with apu

>> No.58303765
File: 11 KB, 618x231, CYBERCOPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guy, google "teadsapp-global.com" and the third result is a reddit thread about a scam where someone says they were burned by a website using the same name. The fifth result is a scam detector that gives them a 3.8/100 trust score. Anyway I traced that website to a server in Hong Kong so your money is now Chinese money.

Fret not though, FBI and interpol are on the case!

>> No.58303793

>I'm military
that explains why you type like an ESL

>> No.58303985

Well ,it seems there's some light at end of the tunnel,I call the bank ,report it for fraud.
It seems they're going to decline the charges but it's not guaranteed

>> No.58304000

I hope it goes well, but remember it is not even close to the end of the world if it doesn't get declined.

>> No.58304005

my second trips in one thread.

>> No.58304209

It wont,thanks trips

>> No.58305002

Well I can sleep in pieces tonight, I hope

>> No.58305032

We’re all gonna make it.

>> No.58305182

Call your bank and say someone stole your credit card

>> No.58305200

you are one dumb motherfucker

>> No.58305633

Call your bank dude, say you were scammed. They will help you out.