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5830150 No.5830150 [Reply] [Original]

since the node operators will have a certain return on capital they will need to hit to maintain economic viability, meanwhile the SC owners will need to keep fees as low as possible, the economics will be a bit of a tightrope walk. i view getting the economics right as the biggest challenge to LINK earning me a lambo long-term

the question should be: what will the aggregate amount of LINK held across all nodes be? and in the future is it conceivable that there will be enough fees payable to node operators to give them a sufficient return on their capital for operating their nodes? if no, its not economically viable long-term, imo

thoughts on this?

>> No.5830203

the pic is an actual representation of chainlinks state right now lmao

>> No.5830334

LINK is doomed to fail. Sergey can't even count past 10. He just does drugs all day and talks about hexagonal shaped blockchains interfacing with triangular shaped blockchains and weirds everyone out who he talks to.

You're buying a coin by a drugged out autist and his bored developer sidekick with no partnerships, no product, and no future. Just look at that shit volume. Nobody wants to buy this shitcoin.

>> No.5830344

Thanks OP, definitely saving this in my memefolio to shitpost to the next link shill

>> No.5830416

The token economy is absolutely fucked. Sergey never thought his scam would get this far and he'd have to explain the mess he's made. There's no real way for LINK to gain value, Sergey never planned to get this far before dumping his 700,000 tokens on us.


>> No.5830536


Yup. Sergey can't count past 10. He didn't intend for real people to buy into his vague idea, and expected to quietly exit with the free money.

This is a scamcoin. Sell before news spreads and nobody is left to buy. With the volume as low as it is, its getting close to that point already.

>> No.5830560

OP you're retarded

>> No.5830651

Why, pajeet please tell us

>> No.5830656

you honestly have no idea what you just said

>> No.5831005

Not an argument

>> No.5831094

Would like some serious responses to this, I've unironically been considering selling some of my link for the past couple of days.

>> No.5831185

Actually I have a PhD in crypto economics and mathematics. What OP is saying is a legitimate concern. I saw Ari Juels speak at a conference recently where he mentioned tokens and asked him about the token economics of a node staking system like the Chainlink network is planning to use. The problem is that node operator incentives are fuzzy at best and not even figured out fully by the team (see the gitter for Steve stuttering about this). When I brought it up to Ari Juels, I told him that in the way the network is expected to be used, the fees payable to node operators would actually decline as requests become more ubiquitous because as the network grows it becomes cheaper to use. This makes sense if you took a few advanced cryptoeconomics courses. Ari admitted that it was a great question but that they were "actively pursuing research in that area." I sold my LINK immediately after that and saw a significant dump on the binance charts. It's pretty clear these guys are pulling you along making you think they're doing something revolutionary when the incentives aren't even fully determined yet.

>> No.5831322

How much link to be a node operator? Any numbers thrown around?

>> No.5831369

Enough to make a SC owner whole if your nose fucks up * the number of SCs you will be assigned at any particular moment

>> No.5831382

I know you're larping but come on, no PhD in 'crypto economics' would take 9 sentences to say "I don't know what supply and demand is"

>> No.5831393
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>> No.5831580

regardless of long-term links dump midweek and pump weekends so accumulate

>> No.5831759

Thing is, I've read req updates where they explicitly mention potentially working with link. Would they say something like that so loosely without have already explored the possibilities in more detail?

>> No.5832084

Demand will go down because the network will become cheaper to use. There, explained in one sentence. Happy?

Did you see what happened to Confido?

>> No.5832155

No what happened?

>> No.5832554

Ok just looked it up. So link exit scams or whatever, if they can't come through with their product, wouldn't this threaten lots of tokens/projects? As an oracle I thought link was going to be widely used. Are there any alternatives?

>> No.5833052

This is just creating a problem that doesn't exist. To whom are you referring with SC owners? I assume it's blockchain users and in that case they want to keep fees low in fiat, but will want the fiat price of link increasing at all times. The genius thing in tokenization is that it has all the participants interested in the increasing valuation of the token. Competition will set the fiat price of using nodes, but cheaper nodes don't neccessarily mean lower token value. I suspect it will be the opposite

>> No.5833231

>all the participants interest
except for the poor fucker who has to pay for 1 LINK in 2019 or isnt it?

>> No.5833541

Should I sell some link then? Is there a chance links not going to come through?

>> No.5833606
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>Demand will go down because the network will become cheaper to use

>> No.5833642

The poor fucker will sure wish he bought in 2018, but he'll be fine buying in 2019 and selling in 2020. If he needs to use a node he doesn't really care about how many links he'll have to pay, he only cares about fiat

>> No.5833666

Did you even understand what he said you dumb cunt? Lol

>> No.5833674

kek this guy is actually genuine

>> No.5833901

It's a free market dumbass. You have to let the market decide what it will cost. Each node sets its own price -- this is how price discovery happens.

As for the price, if it works, businesses will pay huge premiums to use a vastly safer decentralized oracle.

>> No.5833980

Buy more

>> No.5834055

Yes I understood, but what I was really asking was how probable is it that link can follow through. The key point being >>5833901 "if it works"

>> No.5834070
File: 149 KB, 750x761, 1505505656816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They haven't even figured out how staking is supposed to work, technically and economically. This shitcoin is going nowhere, and any Chainlink-"investor" is nothing but a clueless idiot.
I would advise you to sell this crap asap (market sell) and buy something like ICX or ZEN.

>> No.5834106
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>> No.5834676

LOL top fucking kek

still accumulating eh? ;)

>> No.5834859


first comment

>> No.5835163
File: 80 KB, 1125x362, Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-04 um 01.25.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5835227

again, if the economics between node operator and SC don't work out that will never happen.

>> No.5835337

it's funny how for you faggots useless ripple tokens are valued at over 100bn but Chainlink tokens which a lot of them will be locked in nodes/penalties cannot have any value
keep fuding, your double standards are to obvious

>> No.5835362

and i've shilled ripple when?

>> No.5835385
File: 97 KB, 923x836, 1511670641121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent way to much time researching LINK only to realize that it doesn't matter because in the end speculation will drive the price due to it's partnership announcements and the fact that it's one of the VERY few tokens that has real utility just makes holding it easier. My largest holdings are in LINK and will stay there for the foreseeable future.

>> No.5835430

This is actually such an absurd statement I'm going to start spreading this FUD lol

>> No.5835476

not an argument.

>> No.5835498

I'm not saying you personally shilled ripple, but somehow all other utility tokens with way worse holding incentives than in Chainlink's case are ok, but link tokens are hurr worthless durr

going by that logic only btc/monero and other colectibles can have growth potential

>> No.5835702

>yadda if it works
>agrees with me
>calls me a dumbass
yeah ok dumbass

>> No.5835723

You have actually came up with something so absurd I can't argument it. The ultimate FUD, sounds like something worrying and is impossible to understand

>> No.5835848

what exactly is absurd?

>> No.5835968

is absurd that you're talking shit about link tokens when most other projects have way worse token economics, let alone shit like ripple which doesn't have any reason to gain in value whatsoever, for the banks it doesn't make any difference whether 1 ripple is 1c or $10

>> No.5836252

Just plain stating if the economics don't work they don't work. It's like saying if the economics between consumers and amazon don't work amazon is shit.