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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58301146 No.58301146 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so FUCKING tired of missing out and not making it I've been on this board since 2017 and have invested in the wrong fucking things numerous times. What is your strategy in 2024??

>> No.58301207

Same bro
It hurts

>> No.58301219

Continue holding BTC.

Same strategy since 2011

>> No.58301222

im in the same boat, recently said fuck it and went all in on memes. things are starting to somewhat look up now, if we get atleast 3-4 months of bullrun I think ill be good

>> No.58301261

DePIN is the narrative this run
peaq / krest
you're welcome

>> No.58301951

Maybe the thing that's keeping me alive is the possibility of icbms flying off around this gay planet..

>> No.58301985
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Buy a little bag of DogWifBlueHat on BASE and wait, we're at 30k mc, we're autistic enough, we won't stop until this fucking dog with a fucking blue hat is at least 1b.

>> No.58301998
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buy and hold Apu

>> No.58302045

My strategy this cycle is apply what I’ve learned the last two bull markets. Pick winners early and hold them until the end. It’s working well for me. I bought a bunch on avi at $500k Mc and a bunch of apu at $4m Mc. These two have outpaced the rest of my portfolio, by a lot. I have a % that I use for shorter term trades too. Stuff that I know isn’t a long term hold, I will flip after a multiple or two and roll it into the next play. I’m going to make it this cycle.

>> No.58302061

But that's the thing. How do you determine which ones will not do a massive rug?

>> No.58302084

I’ve been here long enough to have a pretty good idea about what pumps and what doesn’t now. I’ve traded thousands of shitcoins. I imagine the current market would be overwhelming for a newcomer, but I know my way around

>> No.58302099

add kenis to this list. peaq is def solid tho. depin is going to be the use case meme this season

>> No.58302112

You don't. These people got lucky. If you ACTUALLY want to make it and not just gamble, then earn income through a job, buy BTC, and do what this: >>58301219
You won't become a millionaire overnight but if you're saving in BTC consistently and aggressively you probably will be within 10 years and will DEFINITELY have more financial freedom than your peers who didn't. Also keep a cash emergency fund so you never need to sell in a down market. "This is not financial advice."

>> No.58302168

I've been on this board since 2016, I remember when ETH was like 8 bucks and could have fucking retired if I had bought dogecoin back in the day lmao
Not too many days go by that I don't think about all my missed chances, still wageslaving to this day and putting a bit of money into crypto. All I've ever wanted is to not have to wageslave my entire life.

>> No.58302184
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>What is your strategy in 2024??
Buy APU with my next pay check. It's now the Biz coin and it's going to 1B.

>> No.58302219

You were supposed to transition to twitter last summer, you guys are fucking helpless. I'm up massive rn and only come here to bobo post hoping I can make a poorfag panic sell

>> No.58302227

its not luck anon. we aren't throwing darts and picking shitcoins at random. maybe you are, but you're doing it wrong if that's your strategy.

>> No.58302243 [DELETED] 

been looking into mostly newly trending tokens and ones that really stand out to me name wise, hard to pick the real winners in this nigger filled market but my winners are based boden and halo 2 on base. website for both actually based af

>> No.58302278

You sort of missed Based. I made six figures off Toshi. Still holding a big bag of Toshi. It’s the best coin on Base. It’s a meme but it’s also more. Do yourself a favor and get at least 10 mil toshi.

>> No.58302281

just do what you're good at anon
this crypto thing is total speculation
it has not changed people's lives, the real use is for buying shady stuff on the internet despite huge fees

>> No.58302320

This is wrong and dumb.

How can you browse this shit hole and think that? It’s opened up an entirely new financial system that I would not have access to without. I’m earning so much more interest through staking and LPing than I would be able to in tradfi unless I was in the special tribe. Defi alone makes crypto 100% worth it, but that’s only the tip of the (((iceberg)))

>> No.58302357

95 to 90% max goes to safe blue chips coins and or boomer ETFs.
The rest you can gamble on coins like pregnant butt scooby doo poo poo inu

>> No.58302375

Memecoins are for children. Crypto should never be more than 10% of your portfolio.

>> No.58302391
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I've been here since 2017 too, although I was a poor ass teenager then and had 1k networth

my strategy is
>drop the ego
>think like a normie (go with the flow)
>dont marry my bags
>ignore faggots on biz telling me to sell

its working out so far, especially after buying the second apu dip, although I wish I took the risk and bought so much more, oh well. I'm realising so many people lose out because their egos are too large to make the right moves

>> No.58302390

This is the way.

>> No.58302427

Gay and poor

>> No.58302442

enjoy not making money bcz of ur ideology

see everyone? ego

>> No.58302549

Before I started investing in Crypto, I always looked up to you guys in /biz/ and thought you are all rich. Now, since I recently started and got a little more knowledge, I read all those posts and I think how fucking retarded this entire board is. Just buy legit coins, make price targets and buy the dips. Don't be so emotional and hodl. How hard can it be? Lol, lmao even, kek if you will.

>> No.58302759

>how to stay in 5 figure hell forever

>> No.58303003

nice narrative with HNT being over 50% down from its recent peak

>> No.58303015

It's predictable enough for a forum that puts a premium on reactionary edginess at the expense of boring yet tested wisdom.
It attracts a young and impressionable crowd, to which bad advice is given, and it's swimming in scamcoin spam that our beloved jannies are powerless to suppress.
I don't see how any taking things are at face value could ever make it.

>> No.58303030

>I don't see how any taking things are at face value could ever make it.
Fuck. I forgot to take my blood thinners again apparently.
Well. I'm sure this won't detract from my powerful message.

>> No.58303083

thankfully I browsed /b/ in its heyday so I learned to take any 4chan post with a bucket of salt

>> No.58303100
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>what is your strategy in 2024??
To buy in 2023.

>> No.58303190

Sell BTC and just buy NASDAQ, the general market is a much better investment at this point.

>> No.58303363

crypto is garbage and has had diminishing returns since 2017. Hopefully this cycle is different. The thing is, 2017 was so insane that we are still recovering from it.
My strategy is to simply buy top 100 coins (especially memecoins) and pray for the best.

>> No.58303528

2021 was way crazier than 2017 anon. I don't even know how you could possible argue otherwise. the amount of money in the market last cycle dwarfed 2017. this cycle will probably dwarf the last one.

>> No.58303578

>since 2017 and have invested in the wrong fucking things numerous times
Stop gambling.
>What is your strategy
Buy index funds.

>> No.58303675

Can we connect on telegram or something? I'm desperate to find winners

>> No.58303851

it wasn't as exponential

>> No.58304040

My strategy is to leave this place and go onto twitter, I'll miss being able to say nigger and kike. This place was good in 2017 but times have changed.

>> No.58304096

how does it feel to be so old? are your bones tired already?

>> No.58304113

I'm 27 and was shown /b/ when I was 12 so not really, but it is weird being a boomer internet culture wise

>> No.58304150

Twitter is a fucking cesspool. Who the fuck do I follow?

Yeah if I had 500k, genius

>> No.58304169
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My strategy for 2024 is to go all in on Apu and hold for 10 months. So far it's been working out pretty well.

>> No.58304224

Too late for that. It rugged twice but I feel that some insiders pumped it to oblivion

>> No.58304247
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honestly anon, i gave up a long time ago.
i just go for stocks right now for long term investment in large quantities while i work from home on various proyects with some friends
aside from that, i play p2e games to take advantage of something i love. recently i've been getting really into ether orb personally.

>> No.58304287

Shitcoins are the Tulip Mania and Ponzi rolled into one. It is permitted by governments because:
1. It keeps retards from buying gold. Instead they stupidly buy "digital" gold, but not "digital methane", but it could be the same digital turd, really, digital fly shit.
2. FedCoin. They tried before but people opposed digital currency. This is just a PsyOp.

>> No.58304297

yeah i bet, I'm already starting to feel old and decrepit in terms of the internet and I'm not even 23 yet...

>> No.58304455

I think the core of the issue is that gaining advantage monetarily is extremely difficult and time consuming doing it the tried and true way for zoomer poorfags. Having a reasonable 7% return over the course of a year doesn't mean anything if you can only invest 100 dollars because living expenses take up everything else. Congrats you're "technically" beating inflation but you will never be able to buy a house at that rate. Obviously, the solutions are either gamble degenerately, scam people, or figure out alternative ways to make money since normal jobs don't pay out enough to even live outside of the parents basement, which most zoomers get kicked out of by 18 in America.

>> No.58304486

>What is your strategy in 2024??
Give up, maybe do some crime

>> No.58304853

Right, that's the unsaid part in every financial gurus' wisdom: It's much easier to follow all their advice when you already make good money in the first place.
At the same time, it's clear that not every zoomer is broke, and we're going to see roughly the same income distribution between them as we've seen in previous generations.
We're in a period where wages have yet to catch up with inflation (not accidentally, of course. employers are only too happy to reduce their staff pay, if only temporarily), which is a big part of why folks feel like the economy hasn't recovered, despite all systemic signals showing it has (also, it turns out lowering wages is super bullish for the capitalist class. who knew.) But I expect that the imaginary elastic connecting costs of living to wages will contract at some point and wages will be brought up to par again. Employers will wring their hands in distress about it, and folks will start being able to afford living again. Eventually.