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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 100 KB, 512x512, $hammy10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58298867 No.58298867 [Reply] [Original]

if you choose the wrong meme, you die

simple as

linkies chose the wrong meme. study never marrying your bags. study neuroplasticity and adapting to changing narratives.

cute animals will reign supreme, its literally encoded within your dna to love and nurture them.

>> No.58299771

We chose apu and our tx's don't fail. Good luck

>> No.58300091

I agree.

I also like celeb coins they are like politicians.

Nobody in the game has a stronger narritice than P Diddy atm

This is why $DIDDLER is a free moonshot in the next few weeks/months

>> No.58301730
File: 163 KB, 512x512, $hammy9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i own both, as i think apu will perform really well and reach maybe even 250m mcap

but some memes are just SS-tier globally recognized viral memes with billions of views across every social media app. apu is nice, but it doesnt have 50b potential

personally i think thats a very topical meme with basically 0 exposure and will go to zero shortly, but i wish you the best of luck.