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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58296621 No.58296621 [Reply] [Original]

A thread.

>> No.58296623

Rosa is a brand new concept in crypto, never seen before.

It’s not just a token; it’s being part of a club of renowned gentlemen, it’s being part of the growth of an IRL brand with real events and parties.

>> No.58296638

Can I still buy ROSA if I'm an introvert?

>> No.58296639

>okay, how will they do it?

An ex graphic designer from Polkadot is working on the entire mood and aesthetic of the brand.

Also, afaik, Instagram and TikTok “rosaclub” names have been booked already. This means traditional social media shilling + ads and not just Biz and X brainless promotion.

>> No.58296642

>okay, what’s in for me?

The mcap is currently under 150K. The whole project is developed on Base, which means eventual total support from Coinbase itself.
In short, strong brand (different from all the shit in crypto so far), developed on a L2 that will get the unconditional support from Coinbase (you should be able to buy Defi Base tokens directly on CB wallet app - ETA: one month), developed to appeal masses and not just a niche.

>> No.58296649


> unique narrative, never seen before in crypto
> peaked at 750K, now sitting at 150K
> ex Polkadot Marketing graphic designer delivering insanely good ads
> will be marketed on all the available social media platforms
> launched on Base (extremely low fees, which makes this even more appealing to masses)

Inb4 muh Rosa airdropped to wallets before launch
> there’s a full report in the TG group. TLDR; a small portion of them is LP provider, other wallets should have been marketing wallets, idea got abandoned to avoid selling Rosa for funds. Rosa were returned before the minting.

Inb4 muh sniffer red flags
> contract is renounced. No one can interact with it. The functions flagged by the screeners are forever buried with the contract. They were initially needed in order to perform the minting

Yes, devs are Italians and from northern Italy too afaik. Best people to create a brand like this

>> No.58296689

Cool style. Does it have a website?

>> No.58296751
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Most of biz would rather get into blue coomer or blue apu and risk getting rugged instantly. Rosa is the complete opposite of all other biz coins and for that reason I’m in.

>> No.58296753

Yes anon. Check the picture out. It will give you an idea of what’s going on behind the scenes.

>> No.58297050

this is the first time I've come across a project that's so organized and transparent. Seriously, there's nothing stopping this from reaching the masses. The potential of this brand is insane, and you can tell there's a solid team backing it. Watching BASE grow exponentially, and still maintaining such a unique approach compared to other coins, could really be a game-changer. Even my wife, who thinks crypto is all shit, took notice of this project. She said she'd actually consider buying their products because she's drawn to the vibe. That's saying something!

>> No.58297138

What a normal, organic post

>> No.58297172

Ya'll need to calm down with this type of shilling. It's too forced and obvious. You're trying too hard to sell. Like jesus you wrote a whole paragraph on biz talking about how amazing it is and how your wife likes it.

Best type of shilling is covert shilling

>> No.58297371

Come on guys, he’s just hyped. Don’t be rude. Anyway, this stuff will perform better outside this board of Laotian fishermen, which is a blessing.

>> No.58297495

Look at how the average biz poster talks on here. Now look at that paragraph. It reads chatgpt-generated.

'My gf who hates crypto now wants to buy this random new rosa coin because she was completely taken aback by the aesthetic' - lmao get a grip. You're hurting your own image with shit like this.

>> No.58297633

Yes Idk where that “my wife wants crypto” came from lmao.
Anyway, I do believe he’s just not too practical about 4chan

>> No.58297680
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>> No.58297952

Begging for marketing funds from holders doesn't exactly scream luxury to me. They have a marketing wallet but ask you to send more?

Also suspiciously convenient that devs had a full document written up about the big wallet transactions waiting when someone called them out. I guess they were hoping no one would notice. Shady

>> No.58298310

I believe there’s not marketing wallets anymore. They chose this road in order to avoid selling the token.

About the document, I’m an “insider” and they have been working on that because they knew that this would come up sooner or later. Anyway, the document was in pipeline and got relapsed earlier than expected.

>> No.58299235

What products? Are zoomers this dumb? I get the larpin but what’s next, 80s photo filter NFTs?