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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58291568 No.58291568 [Reply] [Original]

Here's everything I own. What should I do at this point? I'm 27, not married, no kids.

>> No.58291757
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Nice work.
1. Focus on debts without stopping your regular retirement contributions.
2. If you're not already tithing, 10 percent tithe or charity of your choice before anything.
3. Next 10 percent in ohysical gold and silver at 1:100
4. Consider a larger portion of your investments in safe dividend stocks

You might have fun diverting an additional 10 percent into super speculative assets.

Your doing well. Nice work, anon.

>> No.58291784

Take a break from the credit cards and pay off your student loan

>> No.58291880

>Navy Federal
>Student loans
>credit card (Shart Mart)
kek kys

>> No.58291917
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thanks, anon, here's how my nw has changed since I started taking it more seriously. Nearly doubled in half a year. I didn't own any crypto until a month ago, which explains the biggest jump.
>1. Focus on debts without stopping your regular retirement contributions.
yep, putting the min, about $300, into my student loans monthly. I pay the statement balance every month to the credit cards. I only keep them to milk out some rewards.
>2. If you're not already tithing, 10 percent tithe or charity of your choice before anything.
Can you explain this a bit? Never heard of it
>3. Next 10 percent in physical gold and silver at 1:100
>4. Consider a larger portion of your investments in safe dividend stocks
Might go with this after I cash out crypto, seems I should just be more riks-on until at least Q4 this year
>You might have fun diverting an additional 10 percent into super speculative assets.
Seems to be a good idea considering my circumstance

>> No.58291931

Buy Toyota Supra

>> No.58291970 [DELETED] 

Tempting. Already paid off my Kia some time back. Probably will just keep it until it breaks down

>> No.58291983

Tempting. Already paid off my Kia some time back. Probably will just keep it until it breaks down

>> No.58292065

Buy expensive sports car now is the time to take risks before you’re 45 and need to start saving for retirement at 60

>> No.58292101

You have too many credit cards. I would keep them open but not use them. Keep all your bills on one and pay it off every month. Otherwise, good work. I don't see anything problematic.

>> No.58292111

Id say focus on high interest debt, of you have any.

Gold/silver is a good hedge, but may be better after your networth goes up a bit more, I try to keep my metals at 10% or less my networth

Investing directly in stocks or etfs is a good choice where you are, you can be in less risky markets while starting a passive income stream in dividends, Ive been using fidelity as a brokerage account for that purpose

I used to be in more crypto, but now its less than 5% my NW, but its all about risk tolerance. Good luck!

>> No.58292119

Whats wrong with NFCU?

>> No.58292186

>$100m networth
Who cares at that point, just dump your networth into various dividend stocks and forget

>> No.58292250

thank you, only keep them for different rewards based on the bill, all are paid off automatically every month
No high debt. Even the student loans cost me less interest than what I'd make with a savings account
100k, not 100m lol

>> No.58292292
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>tfw 19 years old
>only 12,500 link ($225,000)
It's so over I'm gonna kms

>> No.58292314

Then definitely go with stock markets plays. I buy equal parts

as my main, and put a similar amount into about 30 other stocks. Passively managed ETFs are also a cheap way to get broad market exposure if you are hesitant to dive in

tithing is suggesting you give the church 10% of your money. Seems god doesnt have enough cash, I guess

>> No.58292333

Zero your cards, and pay off a big chunk (if not all) of your student loan debt.

>> No.58292355

Keep doing what you're doing, but add in pay down debt as an objective. Avoid marriage. Kids are fine, but avoid marriage.

>> No.58292395

Whether you believe in God or not, tithing, or giving 10 percent to charity keeps your relationship with money in context, helping keep you from becoming miserly.

The people that go down that path end up chasing money to their deaths, even at the expense of their loved ones.

Charity helps keep your relationship with money healthy and also supports your community. That’s all I meant by it.

>> No.58292413

>only 64.73% in crypto

>> No.58292484

Your credit card debt is higher than your checking balance. Something is very wrong here. I think it's great that you are investing and looking toward the future but you are currently not even living paycheck to paycheck. So you need to adjust your spending somehow. You're one major car issue away from being in big trouble.

>> No.58292569

true, cutting it close since I just paid rent, but tomorrow I get paid so it's a few k coming in. I can also just easily transfer cash from the crypto exchanges if I need it

>> No.58293071


>> No.58293132

You're doing a lot better than I was at your age. Now I'm 35 with $2 million NW. My only recommendations/advice are to maximize your income, keep regular expenses reasonably low, and invest as much of your disposable income as possible.

>> No.58293229

Thank you, anon. $2M by 35 would be a dream come true. If I may ask, how did you do it?

>> No.58293269

$1.2 mil is in crypto. I've been buying at least $500 worth of BTC and ETH every week since early 2018. I also max out my 401k contributions and buy $750 worth of ETF/stocks each week.