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58287710 No.58287710 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58287791
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No, get some rest Roger you look tired.

>> No.58287864

People who choose to live in the past will miss out on the future. It's not 2017 anymore.

>> No.58287908

don't you mean 2010? btc is from 2010. bch from 2017

>> No.58287951

I want you to know retarded reddit-tier quips like this won't change the fact BCH is dead, you invested in garbage and BTC is being backed by the SEC, stop being retarded/a cocksucking faggotoid.

>> No.58287963

I mean... It clearly isn't

>> No.58288993

Shitfork not needed (now or ever). Roger is as big of a wacko fraud as Craig Wright, hence why they used to be shitcoin buddies. I assume Roger was stupid enough to humor the idea of Craig being Satoshi as well.


>> No.58289074

hard disk space and bandwidth are not an argument in 2024. It makes sense to have cheaper and faster transactions if all that's needed is a slightly bigger HD

>> No.58289138
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Make the blocks smaller.

Power to the people

>> No.58290313

bch is very needed. infact i have made over 500 bch transactions since 2017. while i only did 3 on btc. that's how shit btc is. fees were 50 dollars in 2017 at one point. that's per UTXO. so you could easily pay $1000 fees if you combine only 20 outputs. lol

>> No.58290364
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okay, but you're still an idiot for using BCH (average transaction fee = $0.25, first confirmation time = 10 minutes) when you could be using literally any other crypto, for example Ripple (average transaction fee = $0.000006, confirmation is instantaneous)

>> No.58290383

BCH cant be mass adopted because the legacy wallet issue is too much for normies to handle. If you dont know what the legacy wallet issue is I suggest you dont buy into the fomo.

>> No.58290408

Next thread op is going to talk about eth classic

>> No.58290411

Also as a heads up, LTC is the #1 used cryptocurrency so "will X replace BTC" yes, X is LTC and it already happened. Theres reasons people dont use BCH, I tried and its a stupid coin that has inherent vulnerabilities like trusting third party random websites that provide your "real converted address" for you to send your currency to. Pray to god that they arent a jeet scammer providing their own address.

The TLDR is the BCH addresses look exactly like BTC addresses and if a BCH guy sends to a BTC address his moneys gone. Millions can disappear with this stupid mistake, no it wont be mass adopted.

>> No.58290430

it is though.

The entire premise of BCH was that we needed bigger blocks. But BCH's blocks aren't anywhere close to full. In fact, they're less than 1 MB, the relay limit on core...

So BCH had a huge civil war over nothing. It's just a shitty btc fork with bad finality.

>> No.58290434
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he means that the investment thesis is dead. Which it absolutely is. See >>58290364

name one thing that BCH is good for that literally hundreds of other cryptos don't already do better. You can't.

stop chasing your losses from a bad trade you made in 2017. The world has moved on, so should you.

>> No.58290446

To expand on this a little, wallet providers have inbuilt functions to block sending the BCH off their wallet, because you might be retarded and lose it. So to send it, you have to send to a converted wallet address (which is a vulnerability itself). In the process of trying to send funds, the normie is likely to go WHAT THE FUCK I CANT SEND MY MONEY WHATS THIS BULLSHIT IM NOT USING A THIRD PARTY WEBSITE and instead they use changelly to switch to Eth which is easily sent off the platform but you will lose 200$ in transactions, one for the changelly and one for sending it off the wallet. So if you only had say 600$ in BCH thats your out, youre never going back to BCH thats a shit coin that normies wont adopt. Thats what happened to me.

>> No.58290519

>when you could be using literally any other crypto
no. BCH is almost always a crypto that is accepted. they do not accept "literally any other crypto" Litecoin is massively accepted too. Basedlana and avax are not accepted by merchants.

>> No.58290541

idk what outdated shit wallets and services you are using. lmao.

>> No.58290556

I held a small amount of BCH as a hedge against LTC just in case, in case BCH is the one to do what LTC is now doing. I sold it all years ago as I said, probably about 2020. It was a valid choice for the exact same reasons I chose LTC but I can say, personally, that LTC is the #1 most used crypto and BCH has massive inherent flaws. I think BCH was a very smart buy a year ago, or 6 months even but its just fomoing in if you buy it now. Its not the new paradigm.

>> No.58290582

in order to accept crypto, you need to wait until your transaction has been buried by enough blocks so that the chain will likely not be reverted.

The cost to attack BCH is ~$7000/hour. Any one person can spend $7000/hour, and make BCH unspendable indefinitely.

That means you can't accept it for payment, you can't send payments, you cant transact at all.

Meanwhile, cost to 51% attack bitcoin is sitting at a cool $2.5 million/hour, 357x more "final" than BCH. BTC is simply better money than BCH - I'm sorry.

>> No.58290616

This. There is literally no point to BCH. The only people still shilling it are stuck in their sunk-cost fallacies, because they're obsessed with the idea of "we're the RIGHT BTC, just like satoshi envisioned", without realizing that nobody actually cares about that. LTC is the fastest, easiest, and most trustworthy PoW coin to use for payments, while BTC has cemented itself as digital gold. BCH is redundant.

>> No.58290620

>Bitcoin Cash
12b market


Litecoin is going to FINALLY outperform this year and everyone knows it.

>> No.58290656

It's what value investors look for. The usage and popularity when measured against mcap is wildly out of sync. Not loading up before the inevitable ETF announcement is going to make people look like complete jackasses that look back on it and wonder why they didn't see it.

The thread about >You missed ETH, NEO, DOGE, SHIB, PEPE, SOL....is going to be adding LTC to that list.

>> No.58290695

imagine saying "you missed LTC" in 2024, unironically not referring to 2011.

>> No.58291649


This is one of the most retarded and incoherent takes I've ever read against BCH.


>> No.58291686

>adding LTC to that list.
too bad it was intended as btc testnet and nothing more.

>> No.58291936
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i made a killing shorting ETH for LTC a few days ago now I'm scared to do it again when it hits 110 from fear of being priced out permanently.

pic related is my day trader stack but i doubt think I will risk selling LTC high because it's very likely going to pump beyond 110 imo next pump.

>> No.58292032
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>> No.58292086
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BitCoin SV is the real Bcash.

>> No.58292198

It's the old paradigm, the Bitcoin that worked and took over the world.

>> No.58292293

is that why it's the most used crypto?