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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58285952 No.58285952 [Reply] [Original]

they've lived through so many changes, decades of experience, and somehow they're stuck living in the past.
And fucking everyone over while they're at it.
If they're in ANY position of power, be it a simple burger king manager or a a CEO, their understanding of shit is so abysmal that they only make things worse than they already are.
seriously, i had so many shitty experiences with them when i had to do small jobs while studying.
now i make more working from home and investing with solana and dextools from time to time, but i remember all the shit i had to deal because of old fucks that thought 1 penny was enough to buy a drink, a house and marry

>> No.58285960

they're retarded egotistical idiots who own 50% of shit, what do you think?

>> No.58285967

honestly: don't try to find the logic on it, their heads are so far up their own asses, you'd need to be the most flexible person in the world to see shit from their perspective

>> No.58285972

no need to understand shit when being a clerk buys you a house and two cars

>> No.58285974

oof i get that, i had a manager at a mc donalds job and it was HELL
mf used to tell me to do shit outside my work hours and sometimes borderline illegal while not paying me for any of it.

>> No.58285981


You sound like a whiny faggot. Those who can, do. Simple as. If you can't think of ideas and implement them that's a you problem. If you were a true chad you'd out think and dab on old fucks. But instead you are a chronic gambler shut in broken by the people you think you are better than. Looks like they won. Again. So much for your intellectual superiority lol.

>> No.58285982

the fact that what you said it's not an exaggeration but actual statistics makes it so much worse

>> No.58285987

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.58285993

Maybe he didn't read the post or just commented on the wrong thread lmao

>> No.58286003

why do anons like you always assume shit about the life of other people based on nothing dude didn't even mention WHAT he does for work or how much he makes
go back to your box and take your meds, fucking schizo

>> No.58286009

You, retard. Stop blaming others and find ways to adapt, improvise, and overcome. So sick of whiny 'victims.' You don't make it because of yourself. I devastate old fuckers, they don't stop me from shit. Get on my level.

>> No.58286011
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>> No.58286016

nigga who you talking to

>> No.58286017

My nuts, your chin. Get gud.

>> No.58286020
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>> No.58286025

sure nigga, that won't unfuck your mother and dog

>> No.58286069

you tell em bro, keep grinding pussies dont want to put in the work and blame everyone for their mistakes while expecting a fortune to fall on their lap, they dont know thats only for chad hustlers like us. If your life sucks thats on you, always been. Genetic deadends

>> No.58286094

you sound like one of those gay fucks who praises that bald retard that scams people with courses about "how to be a sigma" or some shit
have some self awareness, man

>> No.58286284

>what is sarcasm

>> No.58286301

You dont produce nothing anon, that simple burguer king manager produce money, you scam others in a ponzy sistem (cryptos).
We need MAGA and rtrds like you just fck America.

>> No.58286305

You´re the future Gen Z sht

>> No.58286312
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>> No.58286318

The only bad thing you say is maga, that bad in all ways

>> No.58286324

MAGA is the only meme coin who remains, and trump was a great president and the future of America, whats wrong with it?

>> No.58286363

my bad its a bit hard to know sometimes

>> No.58286367

I'd rather stick my dick in a blender.

>> No.58286759

Official numbers have it at just over 50% of men are working. If wager those numbers are cooked up bullshit so it must be far more. Even so 1 in 2 men aren’t working. Pull up your boot straps and strap in, the ride has only just begun.

>> No.58286776

This bot is broken

>> No.58286794

I'd bet money it's higher than 50% kek. Boomers simultaneously had a strong economy with parents that left a will