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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58285623 No.58285623 [Reply] [Original]

RWA, AI, and what else I am missing? What will boom hard in this cycle?

>> No.58285652

Crypto is dead

>> No.58285658

/biz/ now specializes in the fish market

>> No.58285754

Post quantum cryptography is a good mine

>> No.58285782

Shitcoins. Kek

>> No.58285795


What this cycle retard? "This cycle" is imploding before your eyes as we speak lmao

>> No.58285814
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Hyperpolyglot chains is the future

>> No.58285860

Says a jewfag that knows nothing

>> No.58285893

Yet jup and qanx is going higher. Kek

>> No.58285895

QANX is what you'Re talking about?

>> No.58285959

Is it the one that will be having its testnet soon?

>> No.58285994


>> No.58285997

also DePin. I am on some small caps, and the IA ones are performing the best.

>> No.58286066

The former is my conviction play

>> No.58286124

RWAs will always rule

>> No.58286222
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Devs will drowl on this. Deploying dapps will get easier

>> No.58286352

Depin isn't gonna cook cunt

>> No.58286371

You know next to nothing

>> No.58286383
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And it is the only post quantum cryptography project that has a decentralized blockchain explorer.

>> No.58286433

Always goated

>> No.58286457

Looks like it. Its chart has been on the uptrend for sometime now

>> No.58286478 [DELETED] 
File: 1.41 MB, 1290x1990, squidsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$SQUID on ETH is a sleeper that will boom big. Jump in the bandwagon while you still can.

>revived with community takeover
>dev renounced, lp locked
>great holder distribution
>no whales
>230 holders and growing
>only $185k market cap
>website launching in a few days

This can easily go to 25m market cap in the next bull run, which is already 150x from now. Imagine it going even higher... This is it to make it big.

Join our revival community at t(.)me(/)squidwardeth

>> No.58286501

Most especially the ones using the primary recommendation of NIST

>> No.58286554
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Brainlet doesn't even know he is one

>> No.58286600

ROOST on base

>> No.58286632

It has huge partners like MBK Holdings and Alpine eSports

>> No.58286659

Zombie apocalypse

>> No.58286686

DePIN networks: Filecoin, Render, Exorde
Storage, GPU compute, Scraping & Analytics

When you think about it, decentralized physical infrastructure is the only sector in crypto to have inherent, fundamental value, not considering usecase/data value

>> No.58286726

Using any programming language to build will most likely onboard all developers onto web3

>> No.58286754

No peaq?

>> No.58286767

Most likely. I'm 4x up from holding it for 5 months now

>> No.58286778

I hate "general purpose" projects. They provide no value, just interfaces, always interfaces

>> No.58286825

My most favourite thing about it is its TPS and EVM compatibility

>> No.58286837

What's even peaq? A meme?

>> No.58286874
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Python and Java devs can't wait to use this

>> No.58286889

Dumbfag sighted

>> No.58286916

Only Qan has adopted this out of all the projects that I've researched about

>> No.58286927

Frogs, dogs, and hats.

>> No.58286931

You forgot about the obvious fact that we are going to have a MEMECOIN SUPERCYCLE

>> No.58286945

This art looks familiar

>> No.58286963

This >>58285754

>> No.58286968

Hacken is also another huge partner anon

>> No.58286969
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Payments, utility. 2017 again

>> No.58287078

kek. You ngmi with that narrative. Maybe in 50 years
There are a few more, but they have zero of use cases and traction.

>> No.58287133

You will never win.

>> No.58287192

Idk, there are always some L1 that perform better than others. Perhaps Tara or Qan could be the next Sol...

>> No.58287277

Perpetual exchanges

>> No.58287331


>> No.58287396

Gaming, Derivative dex's, perpetuals and whores who accept cock for Bitcoin (both online for simps and irl for when youre looking to have a condom break and be roped in to alimony for the rest of your life).

Cycle after that will be legal stuff, insurance industry and optimization of crypto financial extraction systems by governments.

>> No.58287513

The whole world is working on the quantum field. That's the most promising sector

>> No.58287615

Are those jpegs still a thing?

>> No.58287657

Not all of them are interested in joining the Web3. However, the idea is good. It will make more easier for all those who want but are too lazy to learn something new

>> No.58287688

Yeah they haven't even released their testnet yet which is kinda sad ngl desu. But there is hope! Invest in Cellframe which already has a released mainnet using NIST approved quantum signatures and keep your crypto safe TODAY

>> No.58287691

Trends are changing only BTC is here to stay

>> No.58287705

Look for Tau/AGRS numbers, RWA is a little child

>> No.58287712

BRC20/ordinals/runes etc

>> No.58287718

US election!
TRUMP coin will undoubtly reach 1+bil mcap by november

>> No.58287801

All AI are good now anon

>> No.58287812

Bot are sht

>> No.58287819

It gives me a 10x so I love it

>> No.58287956

Bro, don't sleep on Quantum Resistant blockchain (QR). It's like the next big wave hitting the shore.

>> No.58287987
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>keep your crypto safe TODAY
Sounds like a retarded mumbai neet

>> No.58288172

Why Rune? Besides, the mcap is way too big. I prefer the ones around the 100m sub.

>> No.58288182

Speaking of which, get some TRUMP derivates, such as wTRUMP on ETH.
It had its first run, now cooled down and ready for the next 10-100x
Low risk, extremely high reward.

>> No.58288191
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Gaming and meme coins. It's not even about the meme. Crypto to normie retail durring bull maina is just a lottery ticket to turn $100 I to $10,000. "Meme coins" just have recognizable images and name so they are easy to identify. This is why old ass memes like doge or shit that was never a meme like shib will moon again this cycle. Normoids don't care about your modular L2 for ETH that seeks to seamlessly integrate NFTs with game items blah blah. They want east to recognize lottery ticket that went up bigly before so it will do it again. Also they will probably play games and buy gaming tokens and NFT items so gaming infrastructure plays like those L2s and ecosystem coins are also good bets for us to get exposure to their dumb money once it pours in.

>> No.58288302

I'm up 3x on both. Glad I didn't bail on my QANX when the project hit a snag initially.

>> No.58288450

For real, QR is the next big thing. With all this talk about quantum computing, having a blockchain that's resistant to that shit? That's gonna be huge.

>> No.58288542

I'm particularly thinking of RWUC (Real World Use Cases), not simply assets, since you can probably tokenize nearly everything and/or anything, but that doesn't imply an actual use-case

>> No.58288653

Damn, you're right. Quantum computing is gonna change the game. Having a blockchain that can stand up to that kind of power? That's some next-level stuff.

>> No.58288698

I would say (in my opinion) we see RWA run parallel with DePin. Probably follow along with what is happening with BUIDL too.

>> No.58288782

Have a look at StrikeX, London based company building a platform to, in short, trade tokenized stocks on. Pretty interesting usecase…

>> No.58288830

Chainlink, Eth, and some memes on Sol and Base
Simple as

>> No.58288894

Bro, don't count out DePin just yet. It might not be your flavor right now, but that doesn't mean it won't heat up later on. Keep an eye on it—you might be surprised.

>> No.58289012
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>some memes on Sol and Base
Those ecosystems are filled with rugs, bro. I can't afford to lose anymore to those fags.

>> No.58289026

And you know what's even crazier? An EU country just adopted QR. That's some serious validation right there.

>> No.58289125

More Jasmy, QANX and some SWFT I would say

>> No.58289179

DePIN networks are paving the way for some serious innovation.

>> No.58289223

I'm all in on projects that align with the primary recommendations of NIST, especially when it comes to security standards. NIST sets the bar high, and any project that follows their guidelines is prioritizing security and reliability. That's the kind of foundation I want to see in the crypto space.

>> No.58289260

QANera is coming. The pump is just getting started.

>> No.58289291

With this approach, we're breaking down barriers and welcoming a diverse range of talent into the Web3 ecosystem.

>> No.58289298

E741.. non-fungible becomes fungible, as in every token is an NFT, every NFT is a token. Basically makes current E721 used for NFTs obsolete cuz E741 is now in every regard an upgrade

>> No.58289335
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This is true. Smart money is buying beanie babies.

>> No.58289394

True, it's disappointing that QAN hasn't released their testnet yet. But it is better late and solid than rushed and shaky. Plus, the fact that an EU country has already adopted QAN speaks volumes about its potential. I haven't seen any solid adoption of CELL.

>> No.58289412

Haha, good one. Yeah, and I'm sure the moon's made of cheese, too. Keep dreaming, buddy.

>> No.58289755

Watch it and fomo in at a multiple of the price later

>> No.58289971

DePIN, Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks
DeCC, Decentralized Confidential Compute

>> No.58289976

You must be a loser to say this. I'm running a publisher node on hydro online for my blog and earning rewards monthly.

>> No.58289988

probably 1 gaming coin.
i picked BEAM

and maybe ordinals?
ORDI and BEAM are at support imo

>> No.58290107

Nah man, I'm already loaded up on RWA, AI, and QR gems. Those are the only lambo gems I need in my bag.

>> No.58290150

You only need these 2 for wife changing money.
Pro-tip: You could go after the AI projects with a good stance in Data; that's a huge plus for you.

>> No.58290163

Absolutely agree. Prioritizing security standards outlined by NIST is crucial in ensuring the reliability and integrity of crypto projects. It's a solid foundation that aligns with best practices in the industry.

>> No.58290229

Alright, come on, spill the beans already! I'm already loaded up on OCEAN, but I'm game to scoop up more blue chips and stack my AI and DiD bags.

>> No.58290267

Props for holding strong when it counted. Not shocked to see jeets slowly hopping on the QANX train after missing out on that initial 4x.

>> No.58290403
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>I prefer the ones around the 100m sub.

Now you have it.

>> No.58290482

OCEAN is the OG in that niche but a solid upcoming project that'll give Ocean a run for its popularity is Nuklai. A well built decentralized data marketplace.

>> No.58293008

Are all of these tokens under a single narrative? I doubt that though

>> No.58293699

Isn't this live already? How's it still upcoming?