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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 480x361, hermozi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58281698 No.58281698 [Reply] [Original]

Dear {{firstName}},

We specialize in enhancing the online presence of companies in the construction industry. The process takes less than a month and is crucial for building a strong brand that attracts new potential clients. Completely free and without any obligation on your part, we create visualizations, go through the design process, and develop an implementation schedule; this offer costs us a lot of work and effort, but customer satisfaction is absolutely key for us.

Are you interested in a 15-minute conversation? Just a quick "yes" will do.

P.S. Otherwise, please reply with a short "no" :)

>> No.58281706

Yeah its shit, it needs to be personalized

>> No.58281752

Thanks for reply. It's time consuming to personalize for 1000's of leads. Besides the personalization thing, whats your rating?

>> No.58281968

lead in with the benefit since you only get about one second of attention. if somebody asked you why they would benefit from your service, think of your answer. boil it down to one sentence and make that the first sentence of the email. leave everything else in for later; if they're still paying attention they'll see it.

>> No.58282389
File: 40 KB, 171x171, 1712079391060828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this gentleman is asking for a choice selection of stickers.

>> No.58282576

>Dear {{firstName}},
>We specialize in enhancing
I've have stopped reading here.

>> No.58282687

Jesus christ, you suck at this. "Uhm hello sir and or maddam, can I process the visuals and design a synergized brand to incentivize business prospects and industry clientele???" I get shit like this all day, here, let me do a good one for you.

Dear Faggot Fucknsuck

Construction companies just like yours, all over the country, are seeing X% more business after some retard like me spruces up their shit with [THE SPECIFIC FUCKING THING YOU DO]? Like how Pedophile Concrete Inc in Kiketown, Michigan had one satisfying video of their beaner laborers laying a driveway go viral with 250M views, and now they are booked out for 24 months with frothing basedfaced faggots looking for a new driveway! These guys are doing better than they could have ever imagined: [Link for proof]

It's an investment way smaller than a new Chevy Silverado for your pill popping millenial supervisor to flip on the freeway, and one that we are willing to front the cost of. I'll create visualizations, build your brand, put in the effort, lick your nuts, tickle your butthole, and I can pretty much guarantee a line of idiots out the door willing to book your overpriced swindle of a fly by night construction crew.

Book a time on my calendly [your calendly link goes here dumb fuck] and I'll show you how effective we can be.

Cocksmoker McGee

>> No.58282883

great template really
OP could learn a lot

>> No.58282907

Right Click > Report Junk

>> No.58283235


>> No.58283384


>> No.58283412

a good post on /biz/?

just sold 100k

>> No.58283448


>> No.58283545

I delete all the shit like this that I get, I'm a paranoid zoomer with a boomer brain. fuck your marketing bullshit