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58280648 No.58280648 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58280659

Because Bitcoin made a double top on the daily and alts are just glorified BTC derivatives

>> No.58280675

Your mom gives me double top

>> No.58280723

Markets are gonna rug during the eclipse.

>> No.58282755

Because ill get in for 2 or 3 bucks in the bottom of the bear heh bare bottom

>> No.58283090
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I know you linkies aren't fond of reading the news and getting with the times but btc shat the bed a little and everything is at "discount" price. Already did my usual shopping spree of $SUPER, $BNB, $SOL and $LTC, all of them got something going for them unlike... Ew, link. So no thanks sweaty.

>> No.58283101

cuz LINK is not associated to BTC like BRC20, lol, you people really don't learn anything kek

>> No.58283203

the only thing ruggin is yo momma assterisk

>> No.58283208

no smart person alive is gonna do link... or deal with linkies. ffs... who calls themselves linkies

>> No.58283218

this amuses me in an atomically horny level

>> No.58283224
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dont know about the others but, super has its shit together. its token doesnt pump like crazy its almost stable and for utility each super you buy is like buying currency for +20 games

>> No.58283228
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based dude
see you on the top

>> No.58283233

who would buy link with historic charts like those? no, please, fucking thank you

>> No.58283243

LINK is 400% up from my average buy range so I picked up some GMX instead

>> No.58283256

I'll do it we get another nice, juicy, sexy dippy

>> No.58283257

doesnt matter if you draw them with crayons or something ppl wont understand shit.

they are no better than niggers, pajeets and jews.

>> No.58283274

bitch be stronk, hope she carries me to bed

>> No.58283389

Thats a man, baby!

>> No.58283952
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