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File: 63 KB, 2392x2392, Do you know why they call it Avalanche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58279550 No.58279550 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.58279737

Oh no no no, now kicked out of top 10 by TON!!!!!!! Avax dumping everyday!!!!!

>> No.58279754

Avax is a inflationary borderline centralized scam, there is reason most major defi doesnt touch that scam littered with ponzis and fucking “trader joe”. Is it decent? Sure. But the future of Matic/Polygon and Ethereum is bright and is already brighter while Avax is a dying turkroach network littered with paid shills and cringe advertising, especially here.

>> No.58279772

Literally impossible for this niggercoin not to dump the hardest

>> No.58280367

It's over for the Avax cucks. Not so snug now. Top 10 spot is lost, what an emberrasment.

>> No.58280419

>Bought yesterday thinking i was smart
>Dumps further
I deserved that for not waiting for crab

>> No.58280838

You DO know why they call it Avalanche, right?

>> No.58280956
File: 454 KB, 1118x1018, 1615100274221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, why does it feel like this coin only dumps? Easily my most painful bag to hold

>> No.58281692

Ava Labs exit scamming. Avax has not outperformed the market in ages. Avax cucks are silent lately, i think they have roped.

>> No.58281774
File: 209 KB, 652x673, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

107bn worth of shorts, tell me this is organic.

>> No.58282050

Why they hate it so much? Or is it market makers fuckery trying to shake out leverage faggots? It's not the first time that future manipulation led to Avax dumping inorganically

>> No.58282130

Or maybe it's some group of whales that know AVAX market makers are limp dick cunts so they're shorting without the risk of getting liquidated, This pattern occurred throughout all the bear market too

>> No.58282499

Honestly it’s one of the most suppressed coins. I wonder why. This is literally a patience game and I really believe it’s gonna reward everyone who didn’t fall for this oldest trick in the book of market manipulation.
I’ve been doing research and follow this project since 2020 and it’s gonna make me laugh so much when everyone realizes that avalanche network is years ahead comparing to other chains. ETH will always be important for being the first enabling smart contracts… but since they have decided to take the path of letting L2 scale the chain it just lost all the interest in the long term. Companies and banks such and ANZ are already testing assets tokenisation on Avax together with Chainlink using CCIP. It’s literally just a matter of time until big investors (if it’s not already the case) to follow.
And let’s not forget about how SBF was dumping Avax to prop up his Tholana bags creating hype around a chain which is nothing but just numbers. It cannot even have inscriptions because it doesn’t even provide full history. Pathetic!
And to the ones who are holding and crying ahhh muhhh roach coin is dumping… stop redeeming… the village. Unless you’re fudding because you got in too late and want to buy cheaper, just find a fucking retarded gf to keep you entertained until next year instead of jerking off and crying all day

>> No.58282582

ava labs is investing in RWA on the chain
RWA is the next big narrative so avax is definitely a long hold

>> No.58283026
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1704393398000936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started slurping superverse and so far it's been a wormhole of money with little payoff but at least it's something unlike this fucking endless well of nothing. Fuck roaches.

>> No.58283033

its better to just gamble your money on eesee, you might 50x your money

>> No.58283052

cuz it gonna fall and drag you down to avernus mofo

>> No.58283069
File: 1.31 MB, 512x640, 1689617648670760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yeah yeah, shit coin, dont buy

>> No.58283076

gamefi is just free games with little small diminutive profits on the side. unless you whale.

>> No.58283082


>> No.58283100

gamefi will be worth for you as long as you're early and dump racks and racks on it, and just to the possibility to do a x5 maximum

>> No.58283106

sell and get over it

>> No.58283107

wondering what kinda shitcoin would max buy ngl

>> No.58283270
File: 276 KB, 512x512, 1709723598108272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still up from when I bought it at $10.
I buy for the anime girls though.

>> No.58283658

Avax, the sick man of the blockchain.

>> No.58284400

>coping this hard

>> No.58284442
File: 146 KB, 1024x640, 1583799630160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a coin with barely any name recognition
>no one uses it
>no baggie community
>33b marketcap

Yep it's going down. This is the NANO of 2024.
33b is literally too high though, imo. Not going to explain the numbers and math because I can't translate it but trust me I have autism.

buy LTC

>> No.58284453

speaking of which, NANO does actually look super undervalued right now at $170m market. I paid $14 or something for a bag in 2021 and lost 20% of my $$ in 24 hours

>> No.58284741

Sold this shitcoin at $100+, I can't believe people still bag hold to this day. I made 12x on alph and 20x on KAS since last year and don't even have to worry because they are much lower in market cap with a lot of stuff to look forward to. I know people probably diversify, but there's too many desperate cope threads. There's definitely a few anons that are all in and bleeding. Imagine sitting in the sidelines while sol shitcoins were making people 6 digits in days LOL.