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58278460 No.58278460 [Reply] [Original]

My boomer grandparents have roughly 10 million in investments and real estate. They own four homes.

Why the fuck did they not buy any of the large acre estates around us that have multiple homes on them? Looked at one yesterday for 1.5 mil with 270 acres, 4 homes, active lumber corn basedbean etc production land, lakes, streams, etc, all close to our city.

Now they constantly talk about selling their homes and moving to a nursing home until they die and act all depressed. What the fuck is wrong with boomers? We could all (our family) be living on a nice ass property with paid for care takers, noone in debt slavery, and a comfy family business managing the land.

I dont understand it. Theyre going to blow their wealth on end of life care and then split it up into a bunch of small pieces with HALF OF IT going to their childless spinster career daughter that lives across the country, never sees them, and has no kids. I dont even think im in the fucking will despite being the only grandson and last male in the entire family

I cant stop seething. Is this an IQ issue? I see alot of nice families doing exactly what i described and theyre doing great and everyone has their ownhomes and can have many many children. But now my family has to live in debt slavery and squalor bc my grandparents would rather scrooge mcduck their money away and watch linego up? Whats even the point of having money on a screen if it isnt used for anything productive whatsoever? I dont get it

>> No.58278550

A common story. My grandparents on both sides of my family left everything to my parents, hefty inheritances that included property and homes. The first thing my parents did was sell that property and the homes. My dad passed away leaving everything to my mother. Now she's all, "Gee which charity should I donate to this year" while her working children can't afford new cars or homes of their own.

>Boomers: But, this is MINE. This is MY money. You need to go earn YOUR money.

>> No.58278575

Boomers lived in so much prosperity that they could make it as absolute retards, they have no idea how good they had it relative to you. They probably even blame you for not making it already so they don't wanna just "give" you money while they're still alive.

>> No.58278584

They actually make fun of me for having student loans despite them getting free college

>> No.58278606

If they have 10 million in investments and you had to take student loans, it's safe to say they didn't give a fuck about you, sorry anon, mine were the same way

>> No.58278618

Theyre an incredibly jewish generation. Besides the actual jew worship and retardation and lack of understanding about anything going on in the world they are greedy and paranoid about their money. Told grandparents at a restaurant one day i bought some silver rounds and they immediately go “SHHH SHHHH dont talk about that in public someone might hear you” and look around like schizophrenics. We didnt even live in that town….

>> No.58278626

Yea i realize that more and more. Feels real shitty

>> No.58278633

>Now she's all, "Gee which charity should I donate to this year" while her working children can't afford new cars or homes of their own.

Shes literally just doing that because she thinks it will get her "good girl" points with God

>> No.58278648

That's a big part of the problem.
>Boomers: But, you kids have CELL PHONES. And CABLE TV! And THE INTERNET! You have SO MUCH opportunity! You're LAZY!
>Also Boomers: (Blatantly ignores massive immigration since the mid 60's, the end of the gold standard, opening trade with China, NAFTA, and our current open border.)

>> No.58278668

ameriburgers have way too much wealth t b h. yes, this is an iq issue. you should be happy you're so incredibly privileged when the intelligence of your bloodline should put you under $50k networth rationally, relative to world population at large
you basically won the lottery and you manage to feel like you're unlucky

>> No.58278674

Kek are all boomers the exact same? My grandma wont stfu about “going to heaven” and God and church and shit its incredibly annoying. Tell her not to spray roundup in her vegetable garden and its “oh you cant worry about that stuff its in Gods hands as long as i go to heaven thats all that matters i dont care about anything here.” Dumbass shit like that constantly that leads to a 1 hour rant about jesus religion and the all nigger church they attend.

Just a completely nihilistic and selfish generation. For as much as they talk about heaven they sure made life here hell

>> No.58278686

None of that wealth helps me in any way bro. Thats the point of my thread

>> No.58278709

Sorry anon. That’s what growing up with 5 decades of cult propaganda brainwashing does to the goyim, forever looking for massa.

>> No.58278725

Your family are just not "givers" if that makes

My parents literally own NOTHING in their 60s. Guess what they did when they got inheritances from their parents (which equaled to about $1.5 million in total) ? They gave it all to my sibling and I and just kept about 20% of it for themselves. So even though my parents are renting on age-pensions now, they still gave up over 1M+ to give to my brother, my sister, and I.

Though I can say, this explains it all though.

The reason my parents have nothing is because they keep giving most of what they get to my sibling and I. The reason your grandparents have all that is because they hoard everything to themselves.

Pretty simple really.

>> No.58278730

Whenever i go to their house they talk to me for 5 mins and then immediately turn on Glenn Beck, volume on full blast, and sit on the edge of their seats necks craned forward listening intently. Try and say anything and they go “SHHHHHH” and wave their hands at you then go back to listening to Glenn Beck talk about how much he worships jews and how theyre gods chosen

It drives me nuts

>> No.58278761

Same here actually. Parents do alot to help me however they can. My grandparents fucked my dad over same as me when he was growing up. Put him in massive student loan debt and didnt give him a penny for anything yet bankrolled their spinster daughter her entire life. Dads still paying off his mortgage at 60. Needless to say this situationhas caused alot of resentment bw grandparents and everyone else

>> No.58278935

Based parents looking out for their kids

>> No.58279379

Steal their house owning documents and find a good lawyer that flips it to your name, trick them into signing the papers without them knowing, and when you rightfully own those houses, keep an eye on truflation's housing price indexes and sell em high

>> No.58280110

Boomers (post 60's) are extremely selfish, they spend their day claiming young people are selfish and entitled, but it really is nothing other than projection.
The fact that they do not wish to transfer the wealth they easily made to their struggling family members is testimony to that.

>> No.58280168
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My italian great grandparents blew their money on gambling in Vegas. My Russian /Polish great grandparents built a house and a store, then eventually sold the store. The house is still in the family, but idk where the fuck all the wealth went. My Polish great grandmother just died a few years ago and I don't even think my grandparents got anything. My dad was supposed to be in the will and I think he got like $5k maximum.

>> No.58280293

I hadn't considered the idea of purchasing a multihome plot to serve as a multigenerational homestead. that's interesting

>> No.58280622

Thats what all intelligent families do bro. Country bros that come from land owning families are set for life.

>> No.58282610


>> No.58282812

>How dare they save to live a high quality life in a reputable and comfortable elderly living facility
You stupid faggot, have you ever seen what happens to poor old people? They don't go to bingo night and take bus tours of land marks before going home to sleep in their luxury nursery home with a live in maid. They get to sit in their shit while a fat white nurse blows her black boyfriend who will grab a few bottles of pain pills to "flip into an empire" before leaving. Don't forget they'll shove a mental patient that's too old for the insane asylum as a room mate to squeeze more Medicaid bucks
>But I could live our my fantasy of being a cool innawoods chudcel if they gave me money!
Sad thing is you're likely fucking 30+ and unironically think this way. Fuck you

>> No.58283452

My parents are cool, I like them. Seems to be an awful lot of propaganda about to divide families across generations.

>> No.58283457

Did they get me again tonight?