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58275335 No.58275335 [Reply] [Original]

if you dont have cute animals in your portfoliom its over for you

>> No.58275411
File: 83 KB, 922x785, 9B13F84D-9CC0-44AB-A206-25A23AFB955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shark cat still holding up well i have no idea how.

>> No.58275426

Would be cool if you posted these before they pump and not at the top of a gigapump.

>> No.58275445

i also hold this, i think this goes to 10-50b if sol goes to 1k and market is max silly mode

i try to post stuff but i get banned, and if i insult the jannies by calling them what they are ill also get banned

so take it up with them

it's still early, we're going to 1b-20b

>> No.58275472

>i also hold this, i think this goes to 10-50b if sol goes to 1k and market is max silly mode
would be insane. Kind of feels like the WIF of cat coins.

>> No.58275481
File: 165 KB, 1146x1200, 1710712615378813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok anon. I'll call them hair-dye loving poser faggot nigger trannies for you. They will never be women etc etc go fuck yourselves zipper-tit trannies.

SC was crazy a few days back, but I got out. All the X social stopped the fallout but do you really want to bet on that slope? maybe on the next dip...

>> No.58275517
File: 170 KB, 637x583, hamz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats exactly it, just look at that cute little guy. irresistable.

ty anon for your service. i would highly recommend not selling off your entire SC position, just keep a moonbaggy if thats all your comfortable with. ill simply double down if it dips low enough

hammy is one of the most viral and topical memes on the planet right now. search instagram for sad hamster. search tiktok for sad hamster. billions of views collectively. 1b is guaranteed.

the memecoin uprising is upon us. 50 of the top 100 coins will be memecoins in the near future.

>> No.58275522
File: 76 KB, 800x767, 1000045437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh he plump, he cute

>> No.58275545
File: 163 KB, 512x512, $hammy9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you like him, thats all that matters

but in this market it's important to try and get on the fastest train. this was wif in the past and although i think wif will still have insane gains i have a feeling sharkcat and hammy will outperform

goodluck to all my memebros tho, we're in this together against the midcurving "utility token" losers

>> No.58275607
File: 44 KB, 500x534, 1000045412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good anon, personally I chose eIepepe cuz it's the only thing standing strong on BASE while other shitters die left and right. If it keeps this up it's gonna stand out as the real base chain meme

>> No.58275619

>doesn't cost more than 300k
>not marketing >lives for business

>> No.58275620

I dont see hammy on solflare wallet. how do you pick some up?
it's this one right: https://solscan.io/token/26KMQVgDUoB6rEfnJ51yAABWWJND8uMtpnQgsHQ64Udr

there's like 30 of them

>> No.58275642

it held it's bottom and even pumped the last few days of the BASE bloodbath... very impressive for a low MC coin, all because of its thicc liquidity and community autists not selling.

>> No.58276029

$COMFY is the essence of cute animals

>> No.58276117
File: 110 KB, 1027x731, 1699083735518283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you dont have cute animals in your portfoliom its over for you
i think my portfoliom good then??

>> No.58276826


it literally isnt, i assume you're a bot

apu is a solid meme, maybe b+ tier?

sad hammy is an SS-tier meme. only meme with its own song that you can hear if a person in another room is currently enjoying sad hammy memes. billions of collective views on every platform. only born about 2 months ago still plenty of room to grow

>> No.58276983
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>> No.58277129
File: 115 KB, 512x409, 1712150454445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay fren, the hamster is kinda cute so don't be bothered by its measly couple billions views, I think it has solid potential as a rank 5000 internet meme.

Apu on the other hand is the embodiment of meme, we know as a fact that 3 billion mc is programmed because pepe has been impersonating apu, the question is how far the no 1 internet meme will go. But best luck to whatever Solana animal coin you are gambling on fren!

>> No.58277224
File: 100 KB, 512x512, $hammy10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have both, but one has about 100x the potential of the other

one is for 4chan autists and turbo nerds. one has normy appeal and known worldwide. walk up to 10 genz girls and show them each, none(flat 0%) will be able to tell you apu's name, probably 30-50% will know sad hamster.

you cant beat normie appeal, just look what shib/doge did last cycle

>> No.58277327

>one is for 4chan autists and turbo nerds
you could've easily said this about pepe before it took off too. pepe also legitimized this sort of meme now in the public consciousness
>walk up to 10 genz girls and show them each, none(flat 0%) will be able to tell you apu's name, probably 30-50% will know sad hamster.
girls sponge up their identity and hobbies from their bfs and other guys around them. they see their bfs buying apu and they see all the apu memes on his phone, and they'll decide that they like apu now too. that's how this really works.

plus apu has more content to draw from than any other meme on the internet, nothing else can compete. you're about to midcurve this anon

>> No.58277426

yes this was true of pepe 10 years ago, and then it broke through into mass consciousness and now its universally known

but this hasnt happened with apu yet, most just assume its another pepe. apu looking good for the 5y projection, but this cycle will be dominated by cute animals since its easier to have an emotional connection to them even without previous association to it. wif is the most obvious example of this principal.

apu means a lot to us frens, but not to the normie wave thats about to descend upon us.

highly recommend getting $100 worth, like i said 1-20b is in the works. if you size low because you have low conviction then you cannot sell until unbelievable mcaps

>> No.58277573
File: 495 KB, 1272x1212, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking /biz/ will buy your over-pumped bags.

>> No.58277804

at what point on the chart was a good time to buy?

under 1mil "it was dead, its a scam" the dev literally rugged

at 2mil "wtf its way too pumped now ill wait for it to go to 1mil"

at 4mil "damn i saw it at 2mil i cant buy now"

theres never a perfect time to buy, if you're too scared or dumb to realize this is going to 1b, that's on you gl out there its rough for midwits

>> No.58277842
File: 9 KB, 323x67, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incase you're wondering.

i havent sold a single token(infact ive had a dca running for 5 days and and its still running)

this is how high my conviction is, this is essentially identical to buying 120k right now. (refusing to sell is the same thing as a buy)

volume is only 1mil. nubcat(GARBAGE MEME) had 40m vol yesterday. the price is only so high because hammy holders are the strongest holders in the universe and selling below 20m daily volume MINIMUM is insane. ill probably hold outuntil we hit 100m

>> No.58278654
File: 171 KB, 637x583, hamz1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will not sell 1 token until 20m daily volume minimum. two hammy whales took 10% profit only recently for the first time since the rally at 1mil. this has proven they are not retarded jeet whales - they are holding for MUCH HIGHER

stop trading and believe in something, believe in hammy

>> No.58279164

you would be in profit if you bought at any time in this thread.

you would be in huge profits if you simply set a dca and didnt enter at pico tops

>> No.58279294

If you only knew how to properly talk I'd have listened, but since you're retarded I'm just gonna ignore you and move on, I have some money to make before getting into eesee

>> No.58279499

you got thrown off by a single letter typo and couldnt figure out i meant "portfolio" when i typed "portfoliom"?

still cheap, going to 1b 100%

>> No.58279528

HOKK a cute

>> No.58279567
File: 186 KB, 512x512, ham4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chart is shit, meme is shit, maybe cute

hammy international normie meme with billions of views

literally cannot compare to anything else except pepe. 1000x more well known than wif

>> No.58279661

Sounds good, I'll buy a bag, wait for a 10x and donate everything to HOKK

>> No.58279714

sounds good, but you'll rope once we hit 50b. leave a moonbag

>> No.58279907

>once we hit 50b.
Does every memecoin run on the same script?

>> No.58279958

hey man i cant help it if scams repeat the same shit when they dont even have a meme(just look at brett)

name one that has an international viral meme with billions of collective views and its topical. the meme was literally made in feb this isnt some ancient "oh look boxxy was a big meme 20 years ago im gonna be rich"

theres 4 coins with 50b potential imo. wif, pepe, sharkcat, hammy

collective mcap of dog coins is 100b
collective mcap of cat coins is 2b
collective mcap of hamster coins is 0.007b

cat coins are going to RIP
hammy coins are going to melt faces

>> No.58280026 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 1545x2000, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sad Hamster is gonna melt faces.

>> No.58280056 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 1414x2000, memed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All we need is a few crypto influencers to pick up on Hammy and we're pumping hard. Chart is great though, steady climb.

>> No.58280082

its guaranteed. coins can only fly under the radar so long. 50m, 100m, maybe 150m. some point between now and then a KOL is gonna realize this is a 1b coin and they're gonna call it. and ill be there for it

>> No.58280326


5mil hammy sell twap just started from a sniper that gets huge supply on every memecoin

ill be buying more here when hes done, perfect entry if you have zero

>> No.58280594 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 1545x2000, Cover(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder if we'll get there before the market pumps after the havlening. I think we will.

This is a perfect meme for normies via Tiktok, recognizable, cute and on a chain with low gas fees.

>> No.58280611

Fuck cat coins, and fuck your hamster
HOKK is the superior dog race

>> No.58280667 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 512x512, $hammy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe. normies will always resort to buying what they familiar with. billions of impressions means billions of easy frictionless buyers(current holders 1800)

if it will to appeal to normies once it on cex's at 1-5b, then degens will bid it up there to dump on them

if you dont have an S tier meme(pepe, wif, hammy, maybe sharkcat is only A tier) then you are going to rope.

"anon why should i buy this stupid cartoon dog ive seen before?"

"oh i see that hammy all the time how can i buy?!"

>> No.58280683

This may have been the gayest thing I ever read. Can't believe the collective brainpower of the crypto sphere managed to come up with an even cringier meta than the 2021 NFTs and dogcoins craze.

>> No.58280686
File: 152 KB, 512x512, $hammy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe. normies will always resort to buying what they familiar with. billions of impressions means billions of potential easy frictionless buyers(current holders 1800)

if it will to appeal to normies once it on cex's at 1-5b, then degens will bid it up there to dump on them

if you dont have an S tier meme(pepe, wif, hammy, maybe sharkcat is only A tier) then you are going to rope.

"anon why should i buy this stupid cartoon dog ive never seen before?"

"oh i see that hammy all the time how can i buy?!"

this iq test really isnt hard, please dont fail it.

>> No.58281501
File: 202 KB, 512x512, $hammy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memecoins are the final evolution of crypto. it was all vaporware nonsense anyway, just had bullshit tech branding and thiny veil lies

normie friendly branding and without the veil of legitimacy makes the whole scene way easier to onboard, which is all that matters.

if you cant understand why 50 of the top 100 coins will be memecoins in short order, you're simply too midcurve

>> No.58281929

you're not understanding how significant of an advantage apu has in terms of sheer content and mindshare. no other meme has as much content as apu by several orders of magnitude. nothing else can compete with this. at this point it is literally the reserve meme of the internet.

look, the thesis is really simple: APU is to PEPE as SHIB is to DOGE. if you cannot understand what is happening here then you are about to midcurve. simple as.

>> No.58281970

once again i have both. apu has a strong narrative and branding so i bought. there is no scenario where it goes to 50b, its simply not on that tier of meme/appeal to normies

pepe is 50b quality, its a universal meme everyone knows
apu is a niche meme with a ton of content produced by autists and known by autists.

hammy is that tier of meme, and the market will prove that in an extremely short time frame.

>> No.58281972

>cringe. normies will always resort to buying what they familiar with.
normies reason via consensus, they will go all in on something totally new if enough people around them vouch for it. it's all a function of anecdote and hype, they have little if any executive discernment involved. they're fucking normies. you don't even know what you're talking about lmao.

even CRYPTO isn't familiar to them, yet they're about to buy in. lmao some niggas just be saying shit

>> No.58282849
File: 235 KB, 637x583, ham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont dispute anything you said, but theres going to be many more choices presented to them this time around. last time it was only doge or shiba.

given a range of lets say 10 different options(pepe, wif, doge, shiba, brett, normie, hammy) familiarity is certainly going to make hammy stand out and thus become a logical choice and an easy sell to their friends

>> No.58282900

Just bought some this morning and I don't even know why.

>> No.58282906

Bought some of this this morning too.

>> No.58283104

i'm not saying hammy won't do well - it probably will - the main point of contention is that you are severely underestimating how well apu will do. you've spent like 10 posts larping as the normie whisperer and you don't even understand basic things about their consensus agency.

>> No.58283176

that's certainly possible, also could just be seen as a lower mcap pepe. maybe i'll raise my targets and roll some profits into it now and then while it's still cheap

one things for sure, all linkies and other "utility token" holders are going to get the rope this time around. memecoin takeover imminent

>> No.58283212 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 866x1280, dicksquid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont have squiddy in your folio its over..

>> No.58283285

>one things for sure, all linkies and other "utility token" holders are going to get the rope this time around. memecoin takeover imminent
i think all savvy market participants are starting to see that the top 100 will be very meme heavy soon. most of these utility maxis are about to get cucked hard