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58271903 No.58271903 [Reply] [Original]

Sounds like a psyop to scare you out of buying assets and stay on fiat shit.

>> No.58272034

Putin will attack a NATO country to test Article 5, but not for another five years or so

>> No.58272047

I hope the 'test' goes well anon

>> No.58272110

He will attack some inconsequential part of one of the Baltic states, or maybe Arctic Finland. Would the UK or US go to war with Russia to defend some bumfuck part of Estonia? Putin thinks the west is too politically divided to do so, and is likely correct. When this happens, it would invalidate the whole premise of NATO and cause it to collapse in on itself, which is his goal. But like I said, he doesn't currently have the momentum to accomplish this, so it is probably a few years out. If Trump is reelected in the US it may accelerate the timeline, due to his existing skepticism of NATO. Putin has locked Russia into a permanent war footing, as it is now required to maintain stability of the regime. This path will continue for the foreseeable future.

>> No.58272160
File: 241 KB, 708x1057, Frozen russian in Finland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>> No.58272688

This is already foretold in prophecy. Türkiye/Roachland is going to sperg out on its neighbors, perhaps due to economic and religious unrest, and notably against Greece, which will spark an intra-NATO conflict and won't trigger Article 5. Since Russia needs access the Bosphorus straits, they'll intervene and bomb Roachland to shit, killing a third of the population. NATO won't intervene since they care more about Greece than Roachland. Russia will then give Constantinople to Greece before WW3 starts.
t. knower

>> No.58272704

russia can't even soundly defeat ukraine, let alone turkey

>> No.58272722

>russia can't even soundly defeat ukraine
they're not even trying yet

>> No.58272738

sweet cope

>> No.58272754

they already won in ukraine, nato just made it messier than it had to be and prevented zelensky from doing a peace deal, so now it will drag on until trump is in office, or until whoever comes after biden is in

>> No.58272766

Ukraine is being backed by the entire Western world though. If Russia can get past this line of defense, they can absolutely do it again.

>> No.58272831

where's the Armata? they don't care enough, yet

>> No.58272871
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In which timeline do the ruskies have a functional airforce?

>> No.58272890

Europe is poor and socialist regardless. They hate business. But if Ukraine gives russia land officially then russians will be confident to attack NATO like this anon says >>58272034

>> No.58272947

Nothing ever happens

>> No.58272977

Invasion in ukraine happened

>> No.58273758
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if we go to war I'm ready, been playing aoe since I was 8, then civ, and now blocklords.

Come at me bros!

>> No.58273778

not in this one, nor airforce nor seaforce

>> No.58273795

and yet the are still there with fucking putin on top

>> No.58273845

>Russia suffers huge causalities for moving troops into Russian territory
Russia is a failed state, simple as.

>> No.58273894

the amount of resources they spend to try to hide this and fail are immeasurable.

>> No.58274053
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>Europe is poor and socialist regardless
you've never gone to europe in your whole life and it shows nigga
If the only places you can think of are russia and Ukraine, then you've failed the iq test, somehow

seriously why is this even a thread? if it was a jizzlord thread or another memecoin thread it would at LEAST be productive to some extent.
This is such a shameful display of below average IQ