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58268600 No.58268600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been browsing Sugar baby forums because they're lives interest me, 19-25 years old claiming to make thousands from men, sometimes not even giving them pussy while also juggling a normal college/job life with expensive habits, what I don't get is these women don't look like models at all, they're not ugly either but they look like average girls you'd pass on the street not really noticing them.
They get sex extremely easy. want to try out a big dick? An athlete? A chubby dude? You can get it TONIGHT. Want a sweet successful normal boyfriend? You can get him in a WEEK.
Meanwhile being an average of even below-average guy you have to dedicate your whole life to improve yourself and maybe get an ugly lazy girl with a 20+ bodycount who is already broken by her 8 inches hung college FWB.

>> No.58268648
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This song goes hard.

>> No.58268663
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They satisfy the 40-50 year old men that got family fomo and panic bought a shitty marriage.

t. knower

>> No.58268674

>Meanwhile being an average of even below-average guy you have to dedicate your whole life to improve yourself and maybe get an ugly lazy girl with a 20+ bodycount who is already broken by her 8 inches hung college FWB.
i had some pretty hot fwbs in my time and i'm only 7 inches. i drove a shitty lexus and was only making 80k. it wasn't difficult at all. some of them basically fell on my lap just from hanging out at parties and bars.
youre first mistake is for specifically trying to get gold diggers. that is fucking retarded unless you are 40+ years old.
you know how those sugar babies brag about not even fucking their source of income?
average girls don't have that much game.
flaunt your crypto bucks but never give those hoes a dime. string em along, make em think they'll get some money. by the time they give up you'll have the next hoe ready in line. women play the same tricks with sex all the time

>> No.58268692

>They get sex extremely easy. want to try out a big dick? An athlete? A chubby dude? You can get it TONIGHT. Want a sweet successful normal boyfriend? You can get him in a WEEK.
Yes this is actually female privilegue for average looking nowadays.
Ýou would drastically need tzo change society to reverse that

>> No.58268696

>basically fell on my lap just from hanging out at parties and bars
That means you are tall and handsome. I am short and ugly, I will never have sex, never have a girlfriend, never even kiss a girl.

>> No.58268710

>i had some pretty hot fwbs in my time and i'm only 7 inches. i drove a shitty lexus and was only making 80k. it wasn't difficult at all. some of them basically fell on my lap just from hanging out at parties and bars.
you are DUMB
Thats because your face is ABOVE average, by design its easy for you aswell.
Your situation has NOTHING to do with the lower average guy

>> No.58268732

>and i'm only 7 inches
as if that matters at all if you dont have the face......they never get to see it in the first place.
But 7 inches are like 18cm right? So this might be a troll all along

>> No.58268744

It's a different dynamic. Women aren't fulfilled by sex, they're fulfilled by commitment. Chad will bang them but he won't date them and it drives them crazy.

And the shelf life/value of a woman is more intense, and short-lived. She has the world in her palm from age 18-30 but after that she will be settling more and more. The highest value men don't go for that.

>> No.58268807

>Chad will bang them but he won't date them and it drives them crazy.
Bad, this only makes lots of woman crazy

>> No.58268828


They are in a special kind of hell if you realize the sex itself isn't making them happy like it would a man. They don't know what their "true value" is in terms of commitment, they just get pumped, dumped, passed around until they're cynical and miserable.

>I've done my part, kek

>> No.58268837

You are only making woman crazy, making it further worse for men, because somebody has to marry them to not stay alone

>> No.58268901

How tall are you though
Height is literally the only thing that matters for a man

>> No.58268918

>Height is literally the only thing that matters for a man
face >>>>>>>>>>> height
im 6ft

>> No.58268927


I'm committed now. It's just in between that I get into fucking spells. I usually don't go into any hook up with the mindset that I don't want to stay with someone it just reveals itself during the process.

I really don't care, this entire society is properly degenerated and coomtastic I'm not moving the needle either way. My ideal is more traditional than yours: a palace, a harem of 10 pretty women, and my own massive family that I can sustain with my riches and prowess.

>> No.58269015

>I really don't care, this entire society is properly degenerated and coomtastic I'm not moving the needle either way.
Yes i meam thats an excuse
>My ideal is more traditional than yours: a palace, a harem of 10 pretty women, and my own massive family that I can sustain with my riches and prowess.
No mine is more traditionalistic, living in glades and forests again in some small groups leaving tech and modern farming behind. Tho i dont really know if a want that, but it sounds so natural and good

>> No.58269051

I have a decent face but only 5'5". No decent looking woman respects me.

>> No.58269098


>> No.58269107

only really successful or good-looking men age well. An overwhelming proportion of men at any age are neither. According to dating apps, most women only find 5 to 10% of men to be not ugly. Not 10% are handsome, just 10% are above ugly. Also something like 60% of american men never make 100k in their entire life. These perceptions by women are wrong, but it is what it is. An average attractive woman can have a pretty fucking insane life from 15 to 45 if she wants. This is why society used to shame women into chastity and marriage, because otherwise everything collapses.

>> No.58269120

Handsome HVM here, I completely ignore sluts these days. I’m tied down with my woman and yea I’m bored of fucking her (I get bored of every woman after 5-10 fucks) but I’m sticking with her since I know endlessly chasing pussy on the hedonistic hamster wheel is a fools errand. She’s good company and is fun/ isn’t a complete ZOG bot moron like 90% of modern women. She has her faults as do all women and I easily recognize I could build a harem but in all honesty the juice is not worth the squeeze, I don’t enjoy chasing women and when they try to initiate with me it’s fucking annoying how they do it in plausible deniable cowardly ways/or when I know they already have a man. Trying really hard to recognize it’s just their biology/she grug archetypal part of the mind but when enough of your GF’s friends try to flirt with you/catch your attention while you’re out with your woman and her “friend” trying to capture my attention is with her man the audacity and disrespect repulses me more than a turn on of “this could be a quick lay”. Any woman that dressed like a whore I avert my gaze from as well, I’m not rewarding retards for furthering the decline. Not my problem you’re lonely/are a drug addict for attention. I’ll reward conservatively dressed women or chicks doing cool shit with an occasional gaze but that’s it.

>> No.58269128

cool story. sage

>> No.58269138


That is a given. The ugly are always ugly. But men have the wherewithal to progressively build their value, with experience, wealth, and charisma, whereas female value is highly coupled with their youth and fertility.

>> No.58269177

Actual truthsayer, I knew this guy at my first IT job. Mid 40s, dated the golf cart girl from the local course. Married her and preggo'd at 22. Hear him constantly complain about shit she wants
>she wants a bigger home
>she doesnt want to go back after mat leave
>she wants to go on vacation
Checked in on him since I had both of them on socials and they are split.

>> No.58269198


Every single woman is like this. Lmao. There is no reprieve, I'm sorry. Female nature is simply like this, and our current cultural paradigm turns it up to 11. There are no checks, no balances, no controls, they will just assault their man with expectations and desires.

So the question is: do you want that battle to be between you and a young hottie, or an old bag?

>> No.58269214

Its not always Chad. I liked a guy who got into my head. He wasn't that good looking but he got tf into my head.

>> No.58269228

The point is to find someone that looks good *to you* not to everyone else

>> No.58269249

>They get sex extremely easy. want to try out a big dick? An athlete? A chubby dude? You can get it TONIGHT. Want a sweet successful normal boyfriend? You can get him in a WEEK.
So does any fag who lets guys fuck his hole. Letting your hole get used and using your dick are two very different things.

>> No.58269258

well yeah there is a too small
But 6ft wont get anyone obsessed with ehight eighter

>> No.58269265


Maybe he was, you guys like to do this thing where you pretend like the dude you fell for was actually ugly with a small dick after it's over as cope. When a man gets dumped he just accepts that he lost desu

>> No.58269273

Not a comparison, since one of these things is natural and one not

>> No.58269282

Yes. One girl I went on a date with casually mentioned getting occasional $1000 tips as a waitress. I imagine they could get much more exploiting their sexuality.

>> No.58269313


Ngl I am impressed by the amount of pretty women doing low level work who haven't resorted to being escorts/hookers or porn cause they could quadruple their salary immediately

>> No.58269317

this. most girls do not care about sex, the biggest chad is still no match vs a sex toy of their pick. women want the male affection/attention and the dumb ones think they can get that from sex

>> No.58269350

Meh I've dated way better. It wasn't his looks. He got into my head. Plus people want what they can't have.

>> No.58269462

>he got into my head
You sound like a fucking psycho js

>> No.58269473
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>Handsome HVM here

>> No.58269563

>most girls do not care about sex,
They care about sex more than men. Maybe not with you but your following statements exhibit my point. The whole chad thundercock thing is a meme. Just like as a man, i might go after a thin natural blonde with big tits, doesnt mean I'll stick with her, a woman might go after the tall muscley doctor, but most will stay with a drug addicted twigman if they like the sex more. It's just a matter of bridging that gap between, which OP thinks is impossible. But i suggest paying more attention the next time you go outside and see how many attractive women are driving around and paying for their 5/10 boyfriends food. That doesn't happen by accident.
I'll speak from my experience, i was pulling more women when I was drinking a baseline 1 liter of hard alcohol per day. I couldnt afford shit, my grooming was terrible, I couldn't drive safely, i ended up losing my job. But i still got more women thab i wanted. Being drunk lent itself to social situations which brought opportunities. If you know how to work a womans mind and body you only need to get her in bed once and shes yours as long as you want. If you cant even get that far then of course you feel hopeless. Sex is the easy part though and your looks alone cannot shut you out of the fuck-market. Not everyone is always available. Women crave sex. If you're not even out there you will never even get the easy opportunities that happen constantly.
Getting married and having kids is another story though, and sorry to say, most of you in here are fucked

>> No.58269602


they usually have some dumb roastie job like barista for a cover story

>> No.58269676
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>If you know how to work a womans mind and body you only need to get her in bed once and shes yours as long as you want.
well yes
>If you cant even get that far then of course you feel hopeless

>> No.58269698

>If you're not even out there you will never even get the easy opportunities that happen constantly.
its not like ive been on parties 100s of times....

>> No.58269702

They just dont have to be fat. thats all to it

>> No.58269725

>Female nature is simply like this
I'd say it's been the last 70+ years of movies and TV shows bombarding people with that bullshit idea of what masculinity is supposed to be like. Think about it. You all complain about women only going after the "six" chads. OK, I agree with that, so let's go with that. Now think about every single movie or show since the 50's and look at what the hero is like in 99% of them. Anyone who is too short, too fat, too poor, too stupid is made fun of. You gotta be fit, but not a roided out gym bro. You gotta be clean shaven, but not metrosexual. You gotta be educated, but not a pompous arrogant know-it-all. Now imagine a teenage girl or boy going through their formative years and seeing this crap. Women aren't inherently bad. They've been conditioned to think the way they do. The real problem is the toxic women that champion all the messed up ideas of what masculinity is supposed to be.

>> No.58269768

Stfu tranny

>> No.58269808


It is natural for a man to be a bread-winner. The unnatural thing we did was fuck the labor market up by arbitrarily pumping tons of women in, depress wages, and make them arrogant. So now they're still expectant, but also arrogant asses, and men are paid less. It's a mess.

Roles are roles, I'm willing to be more of a provider if she's will to do her part too, submit, be humble, raise kids and keep a good house. If not, you're insane. I know some guys who do the full provider thing to a spoiled, childless bitch who doesn't do the least around the house and it blows my mind. A rotating supply of hookers would be cheaper and less maddening.

>> No.58269844

Guess it is time to give up then! Despite short and ugly people still existing. LOL

>> No.58269967

>You gotta be fit, but not a roided out gym bro. You gotta be clean shaven, but not metrosexual. You gotta be educated, but not a pompous arrogant know-it-all.

Bros we gotta make the man version of the gay Barbie speech

>> No.58269980

they live life on giga easy mode but there is a twist, after the wall the difficulty goes up to normal mode and since they've been playing on giga easy mode all their youth they can't cope with normal difficulty and go insane

>> No.58270007

only 6s and up can get easy most, and they burn out if they dont secure a beta bucks (you) before 30, then its a lifetime of regret and misery

>> No.58270010

Have you ever, ya know, tried to do anything about it you absolute dolt? You know various companies/people exist to help with this very thing. Look into RSD for one you can literally get trained in person to not be an autist. You just have to swallow your pride and take a step outside your comfort zone which is damn near impossible for most of you faggots

>> No.58270311

I get even called called extroverted sometimes
Doesnt change that i can be drunk with girls alone and they refuse even a kiss

>> No.58270332

Which is bad for men since they have to stay with her to not be alone

>> No.58270339

this, it's also the opposite for men if you actually apply yourself, hard mode goes to normal mode and everything feels easy

>> No.58270348

Depends of the context, I only play video games, be a man gives me easy mode

>> No.58270359

Its like you guys cant accept that you got it easy because of genetics alone not because of muh something somthing put your work in, some can do whatever they want and be extroverted and have these opportunities with party girls and its still impossible

>> No.58270362

>only 7 inches
you realise the average is less than 6 right

>> No.58270365
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>> No.58270369
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GRAVITY with me sr?

>> No.58270384
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Your parents must be proud of you