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58265354 No.58265354 [Reply] [Original]

I've been holding since 2018. A 3x will mean I can retire, and secure income for the rest of my life. I just want to NEET with my family, but at the moment i'm the sole earner (young kid) and i'm working 60-70 hours a week to keep my head above water. 30 bil MC doesnt seem insane right?

>> No.58265458

3x is not unreasonable at all. Assuming you manage your finances properly, staking should take care of you.

>> No.58265490

With a 3x in price, and fully allocated to staking, i would have a yearly income of $186K. I refuse to believe i'll be allowed to make it, as life is suffering.

>> No.58265507

man we have failed 100% if we don't reach that within this year

>> No.58265599

>I refuse to believe i'll be allowed to make it
Then you will not make it.

>> No.58265616

fuck this Chinese finger trap of a life. When all despair is relinquished, i'll be allowed to make it?

>> No.58265646

baggies think staking gonna last kek
stay tuned for the shit show

>> No.58265654

Literally just read about Ondo Finance and then put 10%-20% of your folio into it and then you can forget about LINK for a couple of years while it fully matures.

>> No.58265663

Yes. Chainlink is the backbone of the entire web3 / DeFi space. Soon institutions will be offering tokenized assets on their platforms for their retail users. All RWA transactions will be using Chainlink’s suite of products such as DECO and CCIP. Are you aware of the “Chainlink Effect”? Chainlinks Cross Chain Interoperability Protocol connects all chains to one another, like TCP/IP for the Internet. Every transaction consists of a Chainlink gas fee. Hundreds of trillions of dollars are about to enter the DeFi space, and on every single transaction there will be a fee that will be paid out in LINK. The big outbreak for LINK is right around the corner, you don’t want to be left behind. On top of the gas fees Chainlink has a staking pool offering 4% APY on their LINK stack. Think about this, you will be earning passive income on an asset that is positioned to be the backbone of the fourth industrial revolution. Earning 4% on an asset that is guaranteed to absorb value from global financial markets. There will be tokenized stock offerings, creating a 24/7 365 global stock market all powered by Chainlink’s suite of services. I have a feeling LINK is going to have an almost identical run ETH had in 2017-2018. Yes we are still early on crypto. Institutions are just now hiring positions for digital asset management. This space is absolutely going to explode in the coming years

>> No.58265678

I think it'll peak at $300 this bull run

>> No.58265684

At these current prices a 3x would be around 55$ give or take. Why didn’t you sell back in 2021 when it was over $50 ?

>> No.58265687

Life is not all about money. Money is just an energy enhancer. If you carry shit tier negative energy then it will just enhance those shitty negative feelings. Your mind and body must be healthy if you want to enjoy your wealth. I hope that any marine who makes it off of link figures this out sooner than later.

>> No.58265722

>At these current prices a 3x would be around 55$ give or take. Why didn’t you sell back in 2021 when it was over $50 ?
everybody, myself included, thought it'd rip to 100. bullshit like ADA had a 90 bil mc back then.

>> No.58265776

That was also my estimate but that was before it stagnated behind other stuff and CCIP seems to be taking longer than expected to get traction. I would be happy seeing it hit around $80 this year at this point, though I do think any large development can send it to $100 quickly.

This. LINK got stunted for whatever reason. Most important crypto bar none and it has never really had a large run. CCIP will bring a new hope, but they really need to expand staking as well. Imagine the supply shock combined with ever growing usage combined with BUILD rewards finally circulating and CT talking about how staking LINK is the next big airdrop thing. But this is all just Vaporware for now.

>> No.58265830
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Note that Ondo is able to issue tokenised assets on public blockchains because it can still control who is able to buy and sell those assets.
How does it exercise that control? By bundling messaging with value. How do you bundle messaging with value? Ask Nigel Dobson.

>> No.58265871

i do wonder if was/is stunted due to active suppression, or it is just too big-brain for people to understand, and therefore pump. It seems insane to me that a team with 600 staff, a huge warchest, actively working with fucking SWIFT, and we sit behind the bullshit dog-coin flavour of the month. I feel like i'm losing my fucking mind out here, but maybe thats what they want to happen

>> No.58265982

no suppression, there is simply no mechanism to make the token pump currently. It is not an interesting project to most people, it is not VC pumped and shilled, not a meme, and there is zero reason for the link token to go up. The thinking is that CCIP will grow to a point where demand on the token actually pumps the price. I am 50/50 as to whether this will ever actually happen. Watch the link bulls push the time horizons by years for this happening as we wait and wait and wait while CCIP does nothing. I do not buy the idea that there is a magic button or switch that when flipped will open flood gates of use on CCIP either. What we have now is all the interest and use that is out there, it is not hard to use CCIP as a developer. Until there is some increase in use there, it is just a far off idea. At what point does a sane person just move on? I'm not sure of the answer to that question but Chainlink Labs is toeing that line for me. Its beginning to actually look like XRP schizo shit. I'm still hopeful but it honestly pretty feels close to being over, if you are objective about this project and not entirely indoctrinated into it like a religion. There is impatience and then there is normal logical questioning after six years.

>> No.58266021

Here's something to get you through the next few years until Chainlink finally has its time in the sun:

>> No.58266030

>but it honestly pretty feels close to being over
I can't imagine being as pathetic as you, if you feel something is close to being over why the fuck are you still clinging...

>> No.58266058

Yeah there has to be an threshold at which it degrades into XRP style conspiracy, i'm just really not sure where that is. Thanks for the balanced perspective. CLabs pushing the timelines back each and every time (like the CCIP delay this quarter) just makes me shaky these days.

>> No.58266124

bro i'd cry if we don't 3x by end of year
and im not even banking on LINK
but at some point its about returning fundamentals to a market
the world shouldn't stay this far from reality for this long
can't be good for our timeline.
my guess is LINK and Silver move together

>> No.58266145

at some point you do cross that line of deciding to sell, im getting really close to it. how is that hard to understand? lol why are you attacking me, im just being honest.

>> No.58266155

Just diversify anon. Keep 50%+ of your stack in LINK as a retirement stack, and start "playing crypto" again with the rest.

>> No.58266224

Yesterday I could not sleep and I was checking the app and was so close to swapping my CHAINLINKS for bitcoin. I decided to wait, maybe I just needed some sleep and now that I woke up, I must say that I'm not selling.

>> No.58266306

What's the best way to stake LINK?

>> No.58266346

why is it so hard to understand that sergey needs to release more tokens to fund the project?

this is what made me sell my link back in november at 13 dollars. i thought i sold too early but thanks to all the meme coins i turned my 130,000 i had in link to 1,000,000.

and it would have been 170,000 if i was still holding link.

im going to buy back my link stack since i think link will be good in 10-15 years.

but its not going to melt faces any time soon. its way too early.

>> No.58266375

3x? I need a 5x to buy a 2bd1ba and have money left over to feel well off for a while

>> No.58266441

>this is what made me sell my link
>10-15 years from now it will be good
you people aren't real, but if you are - I am going to find you and put you out of your misery

>> No.58267184

I hold my link Sui stack like I hold gold. To the end

>> No.58267528

>i would have a yearly income of $186K
The problem here is that obviously even if you do get $186K worth of staking rewards one year, some other year bear market will inevitably come again and your $186K rewards will drop 80% again, so you can't just count on that being a constant forever, although it will be less and less volatile as years go by

>> No.58268149

muh 14% circulating supply governance token. nobody is buying your bags lmao you got dumped on by VCs. Nigel Dobson? The head guy from ANZ using Chainlink’s suite of services to tokenize RWA? That Nigel Dobson?

>> No.58268279

there's stake.link. imo the best way is to buy stlink on curve (ethereum mainnet) or wstlink on camelot (arbitrum) provided the price ratio looks good. otherwise you have to lock some SDL, stake your LINK, and wait awhile for it to get swept into the main pool

>> No.58268461

Yeah.... you'll be good.... until the next bear market where link crashes -90% again and you're suddenly in poverty again.
Anyone trying to rely on crypto staking is a fool. All pos staking and master node coins have rugged over time, there was never a single staking implementation where it was actually worth staking vs selling.
My plan Is to diversify and start a business eventually.

>> No.58268773

LINK 3x from here? What hopium are you on?
Oracle projects that will pamp the hardest in this cycle are; pyth, Supra and Redstone. Luckily for you, only Pyth has launched, you're still early on the other 2

>> No.58269297

completely made up story but ok

>> No.58269962

Who got dumped on lmao it’s a brand new token that did 4x. And yes that Nigel Dobson, the guy who raved about how you can bundle value with messaging now.

>> No.58270064

LINK will do a 1/3x in the next 2 years

>> No.58270354

if SWIFT and DTCC come true then it will be far beyond that
chainlink has done the first part and hardest part
now they need to prove that the asset can provide income
same as with ETH in 2018/19
the issue is that the team is ruthless and doesn't give a fuck about holders. that is usually a good thing but dragging their feet on this topic is suppressing the price

>> No.58270574


>> No.58270585
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>has to be an threshold at which it degrades into XRP style conspiracy
Fucking lol

>> No.58270924

>chainlink has done the first part and hardest part
Making empty promises that they can't deliver is the hardest part?

>> No.58270986

>Swift is just pretending to use chainlink services

>> No.58271123

Are they using chainlink services at scale?

>> No.58271282

On the official link staking contract without 3rd party scams loke stake.link

>> No.58271427

It's obviously just the usual FUD cucks replying to themselves and pretending that it isn't obvious. It's like watching retards trying to hide behind teaspoons.

>> No.58271462




>> No.58271478
File: 43 KB, 680x669, FRd4gU4XMAAfPJT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically no, look at the yield curve, a massive recession is coming our way, there are some brutal years ahead. Bitcoin has topped and will most likely go back to 10-20k, maybe lower if stonks get hammered, many alts will go -99% and never ever recover.

If you only need a 3x to retire you probably already have a few million, just play it safe and buy gold to get through the years ahead.

>> No.58271570

bros, when staking with slashing finally arrives, can i still stake via the website? and what are the odds that i get slashed?

>> No.58271624

based /pmg/ bro

>> No.58271654


it was 3x a f3ew years ago

>> No.58271716

Why won't link just die already, if it dips below 26k sats it breaks the double bottom and can finally go to zero but it seems to bounce and stay there for no reason. Who is propping the price up?

>> No.58271727

(((they))) are
they depend on link being pumped
see, the conspiracies are real, but the whole thing is flip flopped
the banks are keeping link's price afloat
without them it would be zero

>> No.58271802

You have about 80k Link. Nice. I have a lot but not quite as much as you and I feel pretty comfy. A few points i'd make are that i think when it moves it'll move way more than 3x, but there is also the Build rewards. If those appear that could front us a chunk of change which could see us through until the price moons.
i think you'll be fine and i think you'd be crazy to have doubts at this point. Swift goes live in 12-24 months and that alone will make us make it. There's tons of other stuff, though. Guessing which will materialise 1st is the game now.
Chris Barratt tweeted out the other week something about it all happening at once. I think he was telling us something and i was surprised no one here picked up on it.
We're very close now.

>> No.58271851
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>> No.58271862

they are critical infrastructure
and that's before you get to their institutional stuff
now we need to see the money
staking is currently coming directly from the supply, we want to see tokenomics turned on
very similar to eth in 2018/19 before vitalik gave in and they approved the scammy deflationary tokenomics

>> No.58271910

who is this? looks a bit like that tunafag adom is it him?

>> No.58271913

>(like the CCIP delay this quarter)
was never promised this quarter, fudding retard

>> No.58271945

it was never 'promised' at all. Kemal said 'soon' in a spaces conversation about it late last year. How that morphed into 'promise Q1' is the stuff good fud is made of

>> No.58272327

>they are critical infrastructure
For what? Be specific. What exactly will SWIFT need to use chainlink for and why?

>> No.58272338

it will 10x at absolute minimum

>> No.58272411

underrated knowledge. money will just accelerate the journey down whichever path you're on

>> No.58272419

show me your position I’m assuming you bought on the pump up and never sold in true biz fashion

>> No.58272463

sell your whol stack. you'll get more than a three x from mazze or $mnd in the coming six months. don't marry your bags

>> No.58272541

how new are you to this?
do you understand the concept of tokenized assets?

>> No.58272596

he just happened to wander in as he researched tampons online. give him a break. it's natural to wonder these things if you've never been exposed to blockchain tech before

>> No.58272638

Signs you might be in a cult:
Any discussion about the dogshit performance of your asset results in you flying in to hysterics and schizo posting in defense of your asset.

>> No.58273227

I saw that tweet. It implied that once we're live, the brakes come off. Must be waiting to finalise super linear staking, which gives an idea of the kind of value link will be dealing with.

>> No.58273831

>12-24 months
Amazing.... we went from 2 more weeks to 2 more years

>> No.58273877

Lol based on what?

>> No.58273884

My nigga you could literally 3x right now by buying any of those shiny cat coins on solana

>> No.58274186

It truly feels like no matter what nothing good can happen ever again

>> No.58274275

Of course kek what is this question
It will be $60 by july