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58257280 No.58257280 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women so evil?

>> No.58257407
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they are children of the lie

>> No.58257460

Western nations do nothing to rein in women’s very destructive biological tendencies. Women are basically tasked by nature to get men killed and destroy everything around them. That wouldn’t be a big deal, but as mentioned Western culture does nothing to correct this and if anything encourages and amplifies it.

>> No.58257461


>> No.58257500
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I think im gonna rope

>> No.58261342

it's a vicious circle of women pretending men said things

>> No.58261367

Because you allow them to be.
Do you blame a disobedient dog or the owner?
(shitbulls exclded)

>> No.58261409

Evil is a human rationalization of primal selfishness, women are less rational and more animalistic than men due to being controlled by their hormones and emotions, therefore they appear evil to a rational man. In truth they're no more "evil" than a wild beast hunting for food or fighting for its territory.

>> No.58261607

what animal do you know that murders its own healthy offspring and divorce rapes its spouse you faggot.

>> No.58261672

There are plenty of animals that ear their children and their mates.