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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 423 KB, 1189x884, kentucky mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58246655 No.58246655 [Reply] [Original]

threads about reasonably priced real estate are deleted

yet shitcoin trash is promoted

strong board here guys

were jews did 9/11 coin threads deleted for off topic spam, oh is that a financial asset compared to what I post, monkey tier logic here

>> No.58246874 [DELETED] 

And so are threads about $4chan. Cry a river cunt. Certain topics are banned for a reason and should be. This is a jeet board.

>> No.58246885


>nearest town inspired the walking dead tv show

>> No.58247167

>creator of fictional story uses his hometown as the backdrop of his fictional story


>> No.58247213
File: 218 KB, 1075x1280, valuable things assets with value xmr land guns gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real estate is the strongest asset on this board aside from gold, silver and monero

honestly there is no reason to discuss anything else, like the scams you promote

>> No.58247245


look at all of these upstanding citizens

>> No.58247275

people are allowed to use any substance they want, you own your own body

>> No.58247306


>> No.58247566

i got married there, Ashford Acres Inn. great place, great area, genuinely adorable.

>> No.58247721
File: 2.00 MB, 1536x1021, IMG_0295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, I’m a conshie boah through and through.

>> No.58247943
File: 53 KB, 589x506, 1710963253391697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods have finally autobanned citybo citybo
Based jannies

>> No.58248079

You're not here to discuss real estate. You're here to shill a narrative about the "ideal" rural homestead life. Your threads are not spent discussing finance. They're spent discussing the merits of rural vs. urban lifestyles. That belongs on /pol/. Now fuck off and stop evading your bans.

>> No.58248434

you are retarded, rural real estate is an asset in an ever increasingly difficult time financially for most people

since you are retarded and many other people are also retarded they bring up politics in my threads nonstop instead of discussing the subject matter

also I wasn't autobanned

>> No.58248957

You're not fooling anyone, the political slant to these threads is obvious. You're basically baiting people into explaining why they don't want to live in a remote shit shack so then you spend the thread arguing that rural life is better because muh politics. We've had enough of these garbage threads already. The fact that you keep making the same thread for years on end just makes me think you're an inorganic shill with some kind of agenda to get /biz/raelis to isolate themselves from their communities and the world.

>> No.58249067

I want to see the rural properties that you own. All you do is encourage other people to buy rural property but as far as I can tell you're still too much of a bitch to go for it yourself. Walk the walk first before telling the rest of us how great it is

>> No.58249087

no, keep imagining shit, low iq faggots

>> No.58249144

Youre a bitch ass city boy who's LARPing as a rural homesteader. Go buy your rural properties and shut the fuck up already. Literally all you do is just daydream while browsing Zillow listings. Buying a house is not that fucking hard and you've had years to do it now. So pathetic.

>> No.58249166

4chan jannies hate this board, hope someone makes a new one

>> No.58249169

I will post the assets that have value for discussion as much as I feel like it, how bout you go suck a cock faggot

>> No.58249216

that is overvalued as fuck

>> No.58249248
File: 1.81 MB, 1469x840, 1702909574971158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is ostensibly a real estate thread, I'm going to post some random real listings to dilute the godawful listings that OP is posting

>> No.58249266

perfect janny shed

>> No.58249273

expensive trash, no land to farm on

>> No.58249382
File: 1.08 MB, 1136x809, 10924 Mill Pond Way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See how you can find cheap listings that aren't located in the middle of nowhere and literally falling apart? There are millions of them, yet you keep just posting the same two houses over and over again, almost like you have an agenda or something.

>> No.58249471

orlando, one of the negro mob capitals of the world, no land, hoa

yep in the trash it goes

the fact that the properties I post are rural is the benefit, you have land to shoot guns on and farm, karen isn't going to complain you failed to mow your lawn this week

you are a peon, and people like you are ruining everything, kys

>> No.58249484
File: 698 KB, 816x685, cuddy rd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, it's a real estate thread, I'm posting real estate. Deal with it.
30 acres of beautiful land with a view in a somewhat actually desirable location. The house in your OP would have to get knocked down and completely rebuilt anyway, so it wouldn't be much different than buying this and building a house on top of it.

>> No.58249511

Trading shitcoins is what gets people rekt. We only trade utility tokens around here, such as ocean, kas, rsr, fun, inj

>> No.58249525

you're posting off topic trash in my rural real estate thread

no trees, no firewood, trash, probably still has some faggoty hoa, or has zoning that prohibits you from making improvements


>> No.58249543

Anon just proved that you're a liar. He was posting real estate, no politics, and you used it as an excuse to start bitching about politics and the (non-financial) merits of rural vs city life. Basically showing that it is in fact you bringing that shit up and what you said in >>58248434 was a lie.

>> No.58249572

negros beating the shit out of you when you step out of the house isn't politics, it's just the physical reality on the ground

if that is politics, then why don't the spammers in my thread that say meth 100 times get banned and their posts deleted

>> No.58249640
File: 636 KB, 797x625, az.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, there it is - you started this thread because you wanted an excuse to discuss politics outside of /pol/. At least be up front about it instead of outright lying and contradicting yourself 2 posts later like a fucking idiot.

>> No.58249688

>negros beating the shit out of you when you step out of the house isn't politics, it's just the physical reality on the ground
No it's not you hyper dramatic faggot.

>> No.58249695

no water no land to farm on, you'll have to shoot illegal immigrants squatting in your house

bad deal

the fact is when you spam meth, and all the white people are low iq retards, etc, why isn't that considered political speech banning you from biz

if it isn't, then my speech isn't political either

maybe you could make your own thread if you want to discuss dogshit properties that no one wants

>> No.58249749

ok, if that's an exaggeration then what is saying all the white people in kentucky have 80iq and smoke meth

when clearly 70k for a functional house and 30 acres beats the deals everywhere in the country hands down

so you need a political justification to shitpost in MY thread, but me posting about realities is considered political to you, but not your own political speech that you spam

>> No.58249780

I've been a cityboah my whole life and I've never had to deal with any of that shit. You're just making stuff up because you desperately want to springboard a political discussion. You're incapable of just discussing real estate without making it political. The point of these threads is clearly the politics, and it's because you go out of your way to make them about that.
You're the one who posted an off-topic thread, the entirety of which got deleted, including the off-topic posts therein. If they made their own thread ranting about meth users then it would get deleted too. It's really not that hard to understand the situation if you have more than a double-digit IQ which you clearly do not

>> No.58249822


>> No.58249844

actually it isn't, I just post the property and maybe I make a joke

but the fact is people in cities are being ripped off, so I put a stupid rural "country" slang on my posts for fun

but it is an empirical fact that rural real estate in kentucky and west virginia are good deals

it isn't political at all

yet the 100 people who spam meth and white people are 80iq in kentucky, that is political, I'm strictly posting about how kentucky rural real estate gives you the best living conditions for the lowest money, and your only argument is, meth

>> No.58249851

It's an exaggeration, it's not reality, and you're just trying to shill a narrative that has nothing to do with finance. Hence why the politics comes out of you as soon as people post similarly priced assets which don't fit with your political ideals.

>> No.58249880

>fag who spams the same unfunny "I JUST LOVE THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE" basedjak memes from 2018 about people who live in cities finds no support when he gets his threads deleted because his hostility and antagonism towards cityfolk has isolated him just like he has isolated himself irl

>> No.58249888

actually it isn't an exaggeration at all, have you ever lived in orlando, you will have violence perpetrated on you in a much higher proportion to kentucky

>> No.58249915

my threads get plenty of love, it's just morons run the site, pretty obvious, it doesn't take any credential to be a mod, as evidenced by the state of biz and what gets posted

>> No.58249942

Yes I've lived in Orlando and I visit there frequently because I live less than an hour away. You're 100% exaggerating, and you're not even a good liar because your claims are so outlandish and exaggerated that even people without direct knowledge of the situation will be able to see that you're full of hot air

>> No.58249978

living in orlando puts you at a much higher risk of having crimes perpetuated on you

let me guess you've also lived in gary indiana as well and it was all swell

I live an hour from chicago, we read the news man, it isn't all sunshine and happyness

>> No.58249980

>but the fact is people in cities are being ripped off,
If you dont understand why people would pay a premium to live in a city and experience its network effects then you have no idea about business and finance and your posts are political and feelings-based in character

>> No.58250006

I know a lot about assets, and the fact that city real estate is vastly overinflated because no one can afford it, it's pretty obvious

leaving the only viable option left for my generation in rural areas, or when the city bubble crashes, crime is high, it's a shithole in the first place

>> No.58250075
File: 897 KB, 1024x1610, timeout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you know, electricity, plumbing.

>> No.58250078


>> No.58250118

>living in orlando puts you at a much higher risk of having crimes perpetuated on you
It is nowhere near to the extent that you are claiming. The vast, vast majority of people living in Orlando go their entire lives without being the victim of a violent crime.
Yeah I know all you do is sit inside and fantasize and that you never actually go outside and do shit. But for people who actually go outside and experience the world for ourselves, we know that it's not as bad as youre trying to make us believe

>> No.58250214
File: 53 KB, 1190x732, orlando violent crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just accept you might get the shit beat out of you bro

>> No.58250515

I've been to orlando and a nigger didn't beat the shit out of me

>> No.58250548
File: 53 KB, 1183x735, kentucky violent crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58250602

If your threads are ostensibly for posting affordable real estate, you shouldn't get on to people for posting affordable real estate

>> No.58251815

no my threads are about posting QUALITY, affordable real estate, preferably with land, low crime, and minimal zoning and overwatch from the government about how you use your land

which all of my threads adhere to
