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File: 20 KB, 945x526, TRON-TRX-ALTCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5824644 No.5824644 [Reply] [Original]

When can I get back in? I sold yesterday but its still mooning

When is the dip?

>> No.5824714

you shouldnt have done that anon

>> No.5824783

I'm guessing it will dip when it hits 10 cents

>> No.5824826

In 4 hours

>> No.5825021

just a thought?

>> No.5825092

Mostly, but im banking on the chinese dumping a bit.

>> No.5825140

They're constantly dumping only for others to fuel the rocket with their love for cryptodogs the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Just pick any of the dips. TRX only knows one way.

>> No.5825288

Redpill me on Tron. I'm about to dump 3k on this and hodl till 2020. Good idea? Chinese scam?

>> No.5825585

TL;DR coin for chinese to play with, has cryptodogs, is pushed by jack ma protegé justin sun, sun has everything to lose if this fails


>> No.5825710

Founder is Jack Ma's protege. nuff said.

>> No.5825721

tron is going to explode in Q1. Super explode.

>> No.5825865

odds of it hitting $1?

>> No.5825984


>> No.5826168

probably like 35 cents bro.
If we're talking about one dollar, its gonna be 50 billion dollar market cap. Maybe like end of year, depending on how everything goes.

>> No.5826272

tron is about to blast over another sell wall today, walls aint shit when your going to the moon, get in now anon ive only been in this shit for a week and i know this. All in on Tron and Neo 50/50 theres so many people in china, profit off the revolution

>> No.5826282


>> No.5826673

Can't wait for this to hit 50$.

>> No.5827209 [DELETED] 

Anon, this is a golden opportunity for all of us to make it. Don't let it go. Join this PnD server..-

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.5827341

Stop waiting for a miniscule dip and just buy it. You keep waiting around and you'll miss the opportunity period

>> No.5827806

I justed myself so hard in this coin it’s embarrassing.
>had 194k at .000053 Eth
>sell at small loss to try to ride another coin for a bit
>other coin doesn’t do shit while TRX moons to .000089 ETH
>exit other coin at small lose and try to get back on TRX on the dip
>buy 127,000 at .000069 ETH
>price continues to tank for several days
>starts to raise slowly so I sell at .00007 so I can re-enter at low .00006s to rebuild my stack
>TRX continues to run all night and hits new ATH the next day
If I buy in again I would now only have about 100k if I’m lucky. Hate my life right now senpai

>> No.5827854

Disney is going to sue TRX for copyright infringement