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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58243581 No.58243581 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for pkaying

>> No.58243631
File: 172 KB, 2048x1325, LinkTokenReleasesChart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent! Should see another price rise shortly then?

>> No.58243647

Oh fuck we are at prices not seen since 6 days ago!!!!

>> No.58243764


This says otherwise. Proof?

>> No.58244031

Proof? Source? Just let go already.

>> No.58244072

huh? I already provided the source for the circulating supply not changing. Provide the proof that it HAS changed.

>> No.58244284

get rekt stupid stinkies xD
you will never know what it's like to:
1) be happy
2) be financially secure
3) have sex
xD for number 3, you can cope with cuckholdery tho xD

>> No.58244420

More like more bleeding ranks

>> No.58244524

>describing himself
lol lmao even

>> No.58244580

That’s not proof clown you need before and after

>> No.58244893

Everyone here knows what the circulating supply is. It hasnt changed in months retard.

>> No.58244965

>u-u-ur just projecting
at least im not a stinkie dinkie winkie woo xD

>> No.58245004

Thats exactly what you are. Youre in this thread because you own link.

>> No.58245162
File: 1.20 MB, 538x403, littlemy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would never stoop so low as to be a stink marine
you believing that is what we call: cope

>> No.58245207

I need to get rid of this bags. Fucking bullshit. And on top of it all, today biz is unusable.

>> No.58245225

biz sucks now but it's still great for laughin at stinkies

>> No.58245278
File: 23 KB, 747x525, 76576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58245395

why you mad

>> No.58245902

>checks pool
sorry fudcucks
its still full
dont worry, im sure if you put in yet another day of samefagging and posting the same fud over and over again something will change!

>> No.58246077

yes, i came close to withdrawing from the staking pool today but the fud just wasn't quite strong enough to get me there. Perhaps if the fudders try extra-hard tomorrow, it might just happen. Fingers crossed for you, guys!

>> No.58246101

nobody wants in your lil sewage pool, stinkie
i make 5% on my savings account

>> No.58246752

did your USD in your bank account also go 3-4x in purchasing power since last year?

>> No.58246923

it looks like cause and effect are reversed here, a classic beginner mistake. the dumps happened because the price increased. it's always a fine line for token sellers: you can't sell too much or your customers lose faith (and you kill the market that allows you to sell tokens you paid $0 for for real money)

>> No.58247677

>paid $0 for in real money
all oracle operations cost gas

>> No.58247762

I'm so very tired.

>> No.58248066

then go to sleep, stinkie

>> No.58248344

>all oracle operations cost gas
you didn't understand, but you are correct in another way: minting the LINK supply cost some money, that's true. there are some costs associated with growing a token sales business, like marketing, devs to build pretty websites with numbers on them that go up over time, someone has to manage the excel sheet of how much link to pay out to which staking address. but it's still a wildly profitable business: the production cost of a single token is almost zero so your margins are almost infinity

>> No.58248367

>the price is going up with more token releases because cause and effect are reversed
kek cope moar you mong

>> No.58248380

They all have to circulate eventually. I unironically want him to market sell the remaining 400 million or so he has

>> No.58248482

>infinite margins
link ultimately is sold to buy ether. historically that is its purpose. if there is no link they have no way to pay for gas and the system breaks
>why not just take ether directly?
because ethereum is just the transport layer, it is not an inherently ethereum project, that's just where the costs are

>> No.58248627


>> No.58248653


>> No.58248968

someone post a link to the grayscale trust vid where they talk about otc trades of link.

>> No.58251559
File: 70 KB, 1024x682, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58251797

It’s really telling that linkies are non-mogul scum honestly

>> No.58253117
File: 27 KB, 292x257, kkkkkkkkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ linkies are such a fucking joke
maybe i should just post more threads flexing my gains on memecoins and watch them cry

imagine shitting on them while showing that i made 30k with a coin called JIZZLORD lmfao

fuck it i'll do it tomorrow, i want to make some more before posting

>> No.58253181

Can't wait for his SBF/CZ/Hayes style downfall. He's next I hear.