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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 311x325, Screenshot 2024-04-01 113146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58233190 No.58233190 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to feel nervous, bros.

>> No.58233329

No, it's a rug, I sold it all today, used to have 100k earnies. Dev did another rug on Avax, the twitter fud is real.

>> No.58233511

About 1-2 days ago I wrote here that earnfi looked scammy to me. And I got called a retard by everyone. Actually I am a retard cause I said fuck it lets buy some. Never trust anyone in this board again.

>> No.58234237

Never trust any small caps shilled on this board. They all just want your money.

>> No.58234669


There's no denying it. This is the same voice the earnfi dude has. It's quite interesting how he abandoned the AVAX project shortly after launching EARNFI.

If the space gets deleted then this is only further proof. No worries earnfi dev, i have downloaded it already.

>> No.58234757
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I sold all my earnies at a loss<div class="xa24desu"></div>

>> No.58237395
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It will absolutely recover and all you retards who dumped on it did was just create an amazing entry point for new buyers and small holders looking to double down. The AVAX project didn't even rug it was just abandoned like 99% of the other shit out there, so even if it is the same guy involved what exactly is the concern? EarnFi is locked and renounced and nothing fundamental has changed since it was almost $8M mcap like 5 days ago. All that happened was 2 or 3 of you who were holding big across several wallets paper handed and panic sold, driving the token price off a cliff. Tbh if the dev gets bored with EarnFi and wants to walk away I'll fucking take it over and become a billionaire instead, he's welcome to even keep a decent bag if he likes.

I will say that the marketing efforts need to be ramped up across socials and otherwise. Aside from that nothing has changed, enjoy staying poor you fucking jeet morons

>> No.58237672
File: 77 KB, 932x460, 842455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel so good about this bros

>> No.58237773

Lie. Dev is being KYC to meke audits.

>> No.58237845


>> No.58238096

>including blocking sales of the token. It made it hard to sell at times. The way the contract was set up.

Can you provide any specifics beyond this 80IQ description of how crypto works? How and why exactly did they block sales of the token? Were there hidden blacklists? If you were blacklisted, what exactly made it hard to sell "at times" - did they whitelist you occasionally just to fuck with your head? And how was the contract set up? Can you point to similar mechanisms in the EarnFi contract?

Happy to entertain and consider the implications if actual proof is shown. Until then you just sound like a retard who didn't know what they were doing, and is FUDing bc you will STAY POOR

>> No.58238483

why are you talking to me like im the one who made the twitter posts

>> No.58238567

Because you're fudding it as if it means anything without addl context. What don't you feel so good about? The vague tweet written by some bitter inexperienced person making unqualified claims?

>> No.58238580

I don't feel so good about the disastrous dumping

>> No.58238718

If you looked the dumping was just early investors selling their bags and taking profits.

>> No.58238794

why are you retards still buying tokens that redistribute other suckers money via a tax? you know theyre blatant ponzis right?

>> No.58238822

/biz/ told me it would go to $100m market cap

>> No.58238856

if you held thru the dump then the only result was you made money (ETH rewards). Price will come back, and we shook the biggest jeets. Lots of the guys with smaller holding were able to add to their bags last 24 hrs and the holder count is more well-distributed now than before. Again, this is more than just token price.

Also, the rest of the market ain't doing so well either with the exception of a few moons. Just go look at the catalog - red and panic FUD everywhere

>> No.58238900

tldr you don't know shit about fuck

>> No.58238903

yeah I'm holding either way

>> No.58238964

nobodys gonna donate 7% of their ETH to a bunch of jeet bagholders and a rugging dev
sorry bud

>> No.58239186
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That's how the ponzu ends fren.

>> No.58239432

if you don't even understand the basic mechanics of how this works I'm not wasting my time with you. Now go upstairs and beg your mom to forgive how much of a disappointment you are

>> No.58239786

Circle was the move after all kek

>> No.58239953

i told you fuckers over and over again to buy aero instead of this shit but "muh eth rewards, screencapped, see you at 100mcap :^)"
listen to this fucking idiot if you would like to continue losing all of your money

>> No.58239981

Circle, syncus, and oh yeah Safemoon also did ok for some people

>> No.58240574

What's the fud here though? Nobody owes avax baggies anything it's a shit chain anyway that will be useless in the future

>> No.58240681

gl with your bags lmao

>> No.58240886
File: 6 KB, 299x168, 1611892737334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this is 100% the same dev.

Who gives a fuck if AVAX is shit or not you retard. The dev launched two identical projects within a month and farmed the first one until it died, then abandoned. You think thats good?

>> No.58241006

i sold and slurped some mochi instead

>> No.58241023

Ok, i sold on lose. I better get out with 40% loss than

>> No.58241113

Better than a 100% loss

>> No.58241152


>> No.58241978


They deleted the space kek post the recording

>> No.58242289

This tbqhwyf.

Imagine the salt when this shit goes back to 70c in a week, this time with no whales that bought in at 4c to rug.

>> No.58242485

So now they're deleting the evidence? Well this is it. My buyin was 21c. Hope to catch a last pump to 25c and I'm out even.

>> No.58242509

I'm still holding the stack I bought at 50k mc

>> No.58242542

shit like this makes it look so scummy

>> No.58242549

Yup. I posted the recording to someone in the Telegram's DMs and they muted me then deleted it. It was 100% the same voice, there is no doubt it's the same dev. I hope the original anon really did download it I bet they wiped all of the $payday spaces by now.

>> No.58243708

EarnFi dev is confirmed Payday dev on Avax.

But just comparing the two coins, EarnFi's current floor is at a higher MC than Payday's ATH lol. Call it copium, but I don't see him abandoning it yet. It's scummy that the team is trying to hide it though.

>> No.58243723

This is so fucked i sold

>> No.58243937

It will rug before then. Always happens when they get exposed it speeds up everything

>> No.58243973

ITT; people trying to push down the price to get bigger bags.

Yeah, sell everything guys, this shit definitely didn't do a 10x in a week and it definitely won't do it again.

>> No.58244182

Why did they delete the thing though

>> No.58244252

this is my concern aswell
why didn't they just admit that they were the devs
i don't like this deleting shit

>> No.58244399

it will never recover, I made 98K USD from selling and only made $4000 from the tax. I entered around 200K cap. IT IS OVER FAGGOTS

>> No.58244567
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Wait... Do you think that all the other cryptos are not Ponzi?

>> No.58244716

FYI this was always confirmed, one of the few accounts that followed EARNFI at the start was Payday on avax and it was obvious from that TG that it was the same people behind both.

>> No.58244755

it doesn't sit 100% well with me either but I see 3 options:

1) deny it, say it's just FUD and hope it will blow over

2) admit it, face WAY more FUD, have former holders start coming after you for walking away from the project and effectively devaluing their investment, etc. No serious PR/crisis mgmt person would EVER recommend this option. There's literally no upside, for anyone really

3) maybe you're actual sociopath planning to abandon anyways, so 1 and 2 don't even apply

Personally I'd probably go with 2, but I also probably wouldn't be in the situation to begin with.

WRT EarnFi specifically, what's the accusation here? Is there evidence of anything like farming going on across multiple distributed wallets, or is this all based on whatever happened with payday? Because again, it's important not to conflate the two things (and that tweet screenshot is vague, to say the least)

>> No.58244915

yea it sucks
but the honest communication is important, bcs if the top 4 wallets sell the liquidity is gone

>> No.58244960

I think it will revive. idc if dev abandoned some a project on avalanche. fuck avalanche.
there is nothing he can do to rug this project at this point and it's in his best interest to keep the show running

>> No.58245018

do you know many people who were behind some sketchy previous crypto are the same ones behind todays favorite mainstream meme coins? jfc the only reason you can't put 2+2 together is because those guys don't do regular voice chats and interact frequently with holders. There may be questions here but let's not be naive

>> No.58245316

Yeah, there are a lot, I know a few, I on some memecoins on base that I know that the dev is a fucker and it is still going up, but I will never say bc:
1-If I am holding, it is the same as kicking myself in my groins, it is kinda retarded to do that.
2-If it is mooning, I will just wait for the right moment to dump on everybody else but I don't care to spread fud bc I made profit so why want to ruin the lives of other people? I am no sociopath. This tells a lot about the ppl fudding over here.

>> No.58246223

As expected, EarnFi dev deleted the space recording.

Here is the previously available space recording originally posted on the PayDayOnAvax Twitter.

Skip 4-5 minutes in to hear. 38:13, one mention of AVAX. This isn't some willy nilly space pulled from EarnFi's twitter.


>> No.58246316

sounds like a fucking goober lmao

>> No.58246437
File: 115 KB, 507x499, 1710797526059951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought the bottom. Don't give a fuck about avax or payday. The gay drama means nothing.

>> No.58246599


>> No.58246603

you unironically sound like the defichain bagholders when all those retards were shocked when julian hosp dumped on all of them and left the project.

>> No.58246677

>Asking if a shitcoin from the crypto casino is going to recover
Play stupid games win stupid prizes

>> No.58247004

Every single new token is a shitcoin. There's not a single legit project being posted here, unlike 2016.

>> No.58247108

>i am frothing at the mouth retards who only buys dogcoins and muh eth rewards scams
i recommend just sticking to boomer stocks. unless you plan on swinging shitcoins, crypto is clearly not for you

>> No.58247538

Lol, this faggot buys crypto for le tech!

>> No.58248996
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So, you are saying it won't go up? Ok.

>> No.58249091

jeez, im glad i bought in at 5 cents and sold my initial when we went have 50. imagine buying this piece of shit near the top lmao

>> No.58249094

Kek lets see the earnfi baggies defend this. If you search up "$payday scam" on twitter you'll find some interesting tweets.

>> No.58250789
File: 1.11 MB, 1290x1901, IMG_3781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek all that did was confirm you're a bunch of stinky fuddy jeets. Do you always take financial advice from random unhinged people internet? Dude is a fucking kook and this is your guy

>> No.58250798
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he seems stable

>> No.58250817
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oh and he has jeet friends getting btfo in their own replies. Absolute clown show

>> No.58250837

I guess it was the same EarnFi guy behind all those avax coins holy fuck this dude is busy

>> No.58250972

I just bought a token released today called BaseAI.

>> No.58251085

>Do you always take financial advice from random unhinged people internet?

You stupid Indian fuck kek. Let me guess you didn't even listen to the spaces? I've been in all of the earnfi spaces and I didn't believe the $payday fud, but you can go and listen to it yourself and see its literally the same dev and you're in denial or coping.

>> No.58251157
File: 239 KB, 730x730, 16209458915656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, go with your gut and experience.
/biz/ loves to talk shit and go schizo mode on everything. mfs told me "nOOooO dOn't inVesT on lOaf CaT, iT's dAngErOus" and now i've made a x6 since it launched a little bit more than a week ago.

So yeah, don't listen to biz

>> No.58251787
File: 824 KB, 1290x1721, IMG_3783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on the spaces, I heard both. I'm still waiting for the evidence - other than your schizo tweets about every avax project you ever lost money on - that it was a scam. Did you notice there's literally ONLY one person tweeting about it? You mean to tell me all the other holders who were rugged or farmed or whatever just didn't tweet or post about it at all huh.

Your meds Tom, take em

>> No.58251943

EarnFi frens, let's chip in our next round of rewards for Tom's meds - he's clearly in the midst of an episode. Send your wallet Tom, maybe you can take the donation and get back in to EarnFi at a cheap price

>> No.58251964

>calling people schizo while convincing yourself they are random people from Twitter

We’ve posted proof here already baglet, here it is again since you are slow

Earnfi spaces:

$payday spaces:

If you try and say these aren’t the same people you’re just delusional or coping to the extreme kek, it’s as clear as day.

>> No.58251974

RIP to your wallet, bro

>> No.58252084

Tom this is the last time I'm going to ask you: show me any evidence of an actual scam - other than your tweets and a recording of 2 different spaces. I don't care about the voice, show me the scam jfc

>> No.58252189

Like most of the things posted here, EARNFI is a scam. Our team is constantly on the case protecting 4chan's user base from harm.

>> No.58252299

>some will earn, some will learn
>some will never learn nor earn

>> No.58252457

Kek you must be realllyyy down on your investment to be coping this hard. You can’t fix stupid unfortunately. Anyone with a brain will listen to these and know what’s up. The projects are identical…

>> No.58253086

I regret my previous doubts and went all-in with my last $10 again.
>this is my mentor now

>> No.58253307

Anon don't. Your village needs that money.

>> No.58253346

You did the needful

>> No.58253507

I bought early and held knowing the possibility of earnfi being a scam. Sold my 40k bag this morning. I was always apprehensive and this has been enough proof for me. I've learned to listen to my gut. Got some profit and not going to wait around for it to go to zero. The run is over

>> No.58253639

the brownpill was too strong for my $100 portfolio, sorry sirs
>it just hits differently on cow dung

>> No.58254704
File: 280 KB, 834x814, 1552631185290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody still here? I JUST want my 25c okay? DO YOU SEE THIS, DEV? TWENTYFIVE FUCKING CENTS! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK??????? Well whatever, told my village to ration the last pound of rice.
>Thank vishnu I'm not palestinian.

>> No.58255365


>> No.58255399
File: 82 KB, 819x1024, 1711668723564720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the needful, sars, and spend 20$ fees compounding your earnfi gains

>> No.58258538

click the gear jogger, are you retarded

>> No.58258553

and yes jogger does equal nagger, obvs

>> No.58258586

I'm using coinbase waller and it doesn't matter what I do, it asks me 15 dollarinos to compound

>> No.58258696
File: 492 KB, 1127x1100, IMG_3689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to give a quick shout out to Tom, the JEET who DUMPed on EarnFi over the weekend and then felt the need to double down and post his L on biz today. Thanks to you, we have now had one of the most popular threads on biz for the last 15 hours or so, aka prime time in America (where our gains are more than enough to subsidize your jeet losses). You did so much free advertising for the very bag you fumbled, so again, TAKE MEDS.

Good night Tom. See you when $EarnFi is at $100M.

>> No.58258968
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This is just pathetic

>> No.58258973

Nothing, It doesnt let me change the fees. I can't compound for less than 12 dollars

>> No.58259006

Sir mentor, please pump to 25c or my village will starve.
>TG is still live

>> No.58259117

Retard doesn't know how to adjust gas.

>> No.58259149

I can't change it on coinbase wallet. I try to but they just don't move from 11 dollars

>> No.58259172

Fuck you niggers banning from tg

>> No.58259248
File: 1.45 MB, 2048x2048, 1557612375683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you adjust token price to 25c, sir? We just want out. Please have mercy for my village. I won't post recent TG bans I swear.

>> No.58259297

you're literally playing a hand with no cards in it. Show me the evidence of a scam Tom, I'm a literally open to discussing and debating anything you put forward that has real merit. One piece of evidence, just one

>> No.58259357
File: 29 KB, 494x498, 1487508464572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at 11 cent. Now it's at 15 cent.

>> No.58259409

Kys you schizo nigger. You are actually pathetic kek, the spaces are enough proof for anyone not retarded and delusional like you. Now back to your telegram Jackabhijeet.

>> No.58259432

I hate how normies stole LFG

>> No.58259446

They are very banhappy. They banned me for nothing.

>> No.58259507
File: 114 KB, 992x992, 3a7c70b4ec69daf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirs, my village fren Mr Sheeda on your TG so sorry

>> No.58259611

desu I'm not really sure what to make of your replies here, fren (?)

>> No.58259665

anyone who bought in the hours since you jeeted is already up 50% from where your dump landed the price at; holders are up, volume is up, $10M is still inevitable and $100M is programmed and despite all of that you will still STAY POOR because your hands are made of paper, and you are a JEET

>> No.58259708
File: 1.53 MB, 200x200, 1556741481972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We sheeda on streets. So sorry for confusion, mentor earnfi sir.

>> No.58259739

spray cow poop in your bedroom for good vibes I hear it helps with the demon gods you worship

>> No.58259762
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>Sir Jack off is off
Village got jacked off too, hopefully to 25c. Gn sir

>> No.58259768

>retard endlessly ranting about AVAX coin
>me comfy growing my stack and fucking earning
It’s crypto you retarded fuck. It’s a solid project and I will continue to make a killing on this wonderful ponzi, just like all my other shitcoins

>> No.58259797
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>1400 messages
This you?

>> No.58259905

sure is, and what exactly did I say there that you have a problem with, my weird stalker friend? No lies were told and I'm the same fucking person here as I am there. Goddamn man, take your meds for fuck sake. Then take the L and move on

>> No.58259997
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> I'm the same fucking person here as I am there. Goddamn man

Yes you are. A coping jeet baggie.

>> No.58260021
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>> No.58260877
File: 62 KB, 610x658, build-on-base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats persistence. EarnFi is a lowcap unicorn on Base, keep it alive and well nourished and it will become a blue chip Behemoth far beyond your expectations.

>> No.58261956


>> No.58264365


I use Cb wallet also and I clicked the gear and lowered the fees to 1$

>> No.58265787
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And back up we go.

Can't wait for all the jeet tears when they realize it's a legit project and they are priced out.

>> No.58266705
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>> No.58266713

Are they jamming my internet?

>> No.58267028

EarnFi bros, are we so back?
Was the FUD just noise to accumulate more at these levels?

>> No.58267156

Just let the thread die, let's return only to sell our bags at the end of Bullrun

>> No.58267249

Unfathomably based.

>> No.58267280

>EarnFi on Base - buy & burn bot

>> No.58267422

>dev harvests 2% for "operations" on a project with zero costs
Shant buy based on this alone

>> No.58269094


>> No.58270707

This same fucking moron is in every thread. Even if the dev had a shitty project on AVAX which he abandoned like anyone would have when you realize you made a project on a ghost roach chain, what the ever loving fuck does it have to do with anything? Is this babbys first crypto? Do you know how many devs were involved in previous and even previous failed projects? This moron dumped his early whale bag, tanked the price temporarily, and for that reason claims its a rug. A mllion threads on /biz/ shilling the latest animalwifshitonitshead coin and this idiot wants to fud one of the only legit and original projects that other bizzies are making good money on. fucking kys

>> No.58270733

just paid 0,04 cents mein neger

>> No.58271211

it's not a legit project, it's a ponzi, a low liquidity one.

>> No.58271218

Oh look its liquidityfag again

>> No.58271251

>"it's a ponzi"
yes anon, unlike the literally millions of worthless, zero use-case animal tokens shilled on here for years. meme coins upon which numerous biztards have become millionaires. are you fucking legit autistic? since the beginning in every thread you pop up about MUH LIQUIDITY!

>> No.58271470

Yes, anon. But it is our ponzi.

>> No.58271545

you either buy serious projects abs hold long term, or buy shitcoins to play the casino and sell before they rug. what you are saying is to buy into a "serious" project that is almost guaranteed to be a scam, which is the most brainfucked drooling retard thing you could do

>> No.58272794

Are you retarded? Just let the thread die, we don't need those losers anyway. Marketing is being done, the same marketing team of Brett, they just boosted dextools why the fuck are you trying to justify to these morons? LET THE THREAD DIE, when it is time to sell our bags we come back, /biz/ is ALWAYS late anyway, LET THE FUCKING THREAD DIE. If you want to answer bc you are that autist, just SAGE the fucking thread! You morons!

>> No.58274215

EarnFi will be $5 by the end of April. Screencap this.

>> No.58274224


The PayDay on Avax twitter is gone now

Inactive twitter suddenly deleting spaces, followed by deleting twitter account the next day

If the dev acknowledged the situation and took responsibility there would be no issue.

But here we are.

>> No.58274252
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>> No.58274825 [DELETED] 

and what's the issue exactly? Be specific. Is it that he abandoned a half baked project on a shitty chain to improve the model and take advantage of better economics and a coming influx of users on base chain? Or are we still discussing Tom's lack of meds?