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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 155 KB, 1280x852, void portal img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58230758 No.58230758 [Reply] [Original]

If you missed Circle, you have another shot with Void. One of the first Circle ecosystem projects, went live a few hours ago

>> No.58233317

Cant find tg ow website ser

>> No.58233403

just find it on Dexscreener, Void on Base

>> No.58233421

void because one must avoid it

>> No.58233424

Let it dump, don't buy now. Too much hype, volume drying out.

>> No.58233499

>Just as toothpaste can't be easily put back into the tube, the value of static cryptocurrencies tends to erode over time

nah, i'll pass

>> No.58233561
File: 1.42 MB, 1600x778, COPESHOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah i'm good, i'm a BTC maxi with a big healthy bag of $COPE, one of the safest play on base right now. If I had your shitcoin I would be COPING for free.

>> No.58233568

I aped cause this is def gonna get pumped, but holy shit that website sucks

>> No.58233938

Well bullish for circle

>> No.58233970

this thing has already taken 2200 Circles out of supply in 3 hours. Circle already pumping because of it, retards don't comprehend it

>> No.58234118

>launched on april 1st
what if its an april fools joke and dev rugs?

>> No.58234616

code is open source and there are much easier ways to pull off a rug than this

>> No.58235287
File: 162 KB, 978x1609, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this says not open source tho

>> No.58235684


no liquidity locked, contract not verified, Token Sniffer says token is not sellable at this time, 99% similar contract to like 5 other failed Base projects that pumped and then dumped to zero.

don't buy this on, anons.

>> No.58235745

viod = grift to steal money from circle community

>> No.58235838

>it is locked. you guys are retarded and need to learn how to do these checks for yourself

>> No.58236014

guys it has math in the whitepaper, ape in

>> No.58237333

the opposite if anything, Void does more for Circle by directly buying and locking Circle supply than the other way around

>> No.58237509

people buying void would have just bought circle. void is to circle what shib is to doge

>> No.58237585

1500 people aped Void because it was a new launch, it brings attention to Circle is wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Void has better unit price, lower MC for more upside, and actual marketing budget set aside unlike Circle

>> No.58241450

kek, what is this fud? Are you some seething EarnFi shitter who's mad you invested in the wrong Base deflationary coin?

>> No.58244972

I thought there was suppose to be an airdrop for circle holders...

>> No.58245630

Ok saars void is my conviction play for this bullrun along with circle

>> No.58247743

The original idea of Circle is powerful. A simple hack to uniswap V3 to recycle fees, creating a positive feedback loop.
Circle is one iteration. The idea needs more experimentation.
With Circle, the burning is dynamically adjusted. In Void, the burning is follows a pre-programmed schedule, every 12 hrs at launch, with the interval increasing over time.
Circle is a simple, powerful, new idea. Void is one instance of a symbiotic iteration. There will be more.
I welcome shitty websites at launch. Just push it out. Hire a designer later when we’re already rich to herd the hordes of npcs into our ponzi

>> No.58251048

I bought $10 worth
is this a scam?

>> No.58251114

>that website
Holy shit lmao

>> No.58251197

whats their website?

>> No.58251286

dunno man
is it even available for dextools trades?

if that ain't the case, then sorry dude, i have no interest in such "ecosystem project"

also ngl, for one sec i was sure this was the image for the video about the dude that was high as shit and thought there was a kid smiling in his pc background and there actually was one lmfao

>> No.58251526

voidonbase .com

>> No.58251597

lmao wtf

>> No.58251747

>cares about web design
ngmi, autistic dev with no design skills is bullish

>> No.58252186

>he thinks I havnt bought a bit already
Dont feel like buying more circle, but circle beta before a possible breakout intrigues me

>> No.58252910
File: 828 KB, 1170x1723, IMG_4759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you during the great circle janny accumulation?

>> No.58252980

Kek, yeah. Looks like it was built with dreamweaver in 2008. It’s unironically part of why I bought. This project is run by an old backend dev for sure and I can respect it

>> No.58253808

when to buy in? Don’t want to buy in at 1c and get dumped on. Will this go .006 range

>> No.58254052

>time to buy is now anon. liq to mc ration makes me think this is probably the bottom after watching it all day

>> No.58254366

I'd put in a bit now, it will either collapse or this is the floor. Whales are protecting that 1 cent floor pretty strong. The dev locked 50ETH of liquidity and Circle whales are using the Void/Circle LP heavy so they are also incentivized to make sure void does well

>> No.58255395

Looks like I'm putting my earnfi profits into void.

>> No.58255755

good entry point, I'd be concerned if it breaks below 1 cent though. Feel like there's too much money behind Void for them to let it fail though

>> No.58256145

This shit is a scam, you guys already rugged the first one.

>> No.58256941

shit is verified on dexscreener now, whatever Void you are referring to is some shitcoin