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File: 239 KB, 1092x1935, 1711880549819722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58225132 No.58225132 [Reply] [Original]

If you can't get past these people you won't make it.

This is not demotivational btw. It's fact that to make it you have to normify to a degree. It's why Musk has the fake hair, Bezos has the workout body.

I'm encouraging you to ditch this place.

>> No.58225272

Im a neet, dont know what you are talking about

>> No.58225347

What are you talking about op, this place is the single best bet most people have left to escape the hell you are talking about

>> No.58225386

Musk has the fake hair because he probably wanted it. All women are whores. Not gonna “normify” myself (it’s brutally easy to do anyway just become a worthless slave who watches football or something and answer everything a woman says in a deferential but confident manner. Like a castrated slave. Never doing though hahahaha)

Probably going to leave this place tho, too many normalfaggots on here these days. Miss le old dayz

>> No.58225390

Only dealt with a HR roastie once, didn't make it past the phone screen, they took on a black chick as a diversity hire.
Since then I've only interviewed with managers/technical people and have been successful everytime.

>> No.58225393

Warning that this is some jew trying to demotivate you spamming shit like this.

Buy $CHAD and $ANIME

>> No.58225799

Please don't pretend biz isn't shit.

>> No.58225888

>it’s brutally easy to do anyway
>But I don't do it because I don't want to be drowning in pussy and have these "castrated" men as followers doing my bidding

>> No.58225938

It means you're not able to manipulate a HR Roastie i.e you can't sell anything

>> No.58225939

How the fuck are Indians getting through if this is the barrier

>> No.58225990

DEI and typical Indian nepotism. But you should be able to manipulate a simple HR Roastie surely anon, unless you're saying you're unable to i.e can't make it

>> No.58226032

Pajeets hire pajeets. The second bitch in op’s image is literally brown.

>> No.58226039

I pay myself $100k a year on a real physical business that I own so I don't have to even think about this but good luck baiting

>> No.58226059

Yes I don’t want diseased roastie pussy. Keep further castrating yourself faggot.

You are suchhhh a slave lmao

>> No.58226170

I don't like interacting with women

>> No.58226175

Kek, tfw Stacy wins after all

>> No.58226199
File: 60 KB, 600x448, 82392ab6e20a84c00b1c73c4498b2ed9a55db3d9c1ad80d8ca7f73ae86886109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like interacting with women

>> No.58226371

>I s-swear I d-d-don't want pussy
Oh you're a homosexual. My bad

>> No.58226403

It's okay. No biggie. You just won't make it, that's all, because you won't be able to sell

>> No.58226442

You can side step these retards, just start your own company/ business.

>> No.58226486

Well then just be a neet, you aren’t willing to play the game, just don’t play.

>> No.58226739

It's not that he isn't willing, it's that he ain't good enough. It's a skill issue

>> No.58226771

>start your own company/business
>Where you have to market and sell to them, so stakes are even higher.
Lmao just advise the anon to get good

>> No.58227791

youre right, luckily for me
i fuck these girls
i do great with them in intervies

>> No.58228023
File: 138 KB, 963x266, znmsoifdnfgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at Tau/AGRS and its the same

>> No.58228033

Looking good, follow on instagram

>> No.58229040

Just view it as any other test except it's verbal. You can literally search "10 most common interview questions" and prepare for those. They might come in different shapes and wordings but it's essentially the same questions.

Pretty much all HR processes are 90 % the same. The last 10 % is harder to prepare for, but that goes for anything.

My best tip is to ask questions back. Don't put yourself in a position where you are getting interrogated and where you are constantly on your heels fending off tricky questions. Also it shows interest to the other party if you ask stuff.

>> No.58229093


>> No.58229896


>> No.58230285
File: 6 KB, 150x147, main-qimg-5f26ff37a7200aaad6291e25c1ff98da-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon was worth millions when balding and looking like an ancel.

>> No.58230478

not understanding how to navigate this place is entirely a (you) problem

>> No.58230515

Just be good looking and charming guys it’s not that hard lmao

>> No.58230544

>not understanding how to navigate this slum is entirely a (you) problem

>> No.58230569

Behavioural interviews literally don't matter lol, just don't be a retard and you're through
Final rounds they have next to 0 say anyway, basically their job is to give you an extra edge over someone with similar technical skills if that person sounds like a cunt to work with but you seem more likeable then that's their job to advocate for you

>> No.58230581

Yes but he still had the ability and willingness to interact otherwise how will you build a company?

>> No.58230622

>Nooo I should be allowed to be gross and bigoted
>Aaaah what do you mean I have to respect other people

>> No.58231262

They can sniff out my autism every time. I hope I make it from crypto because they will not give me a chance

>> No.58232622

Only 1% make it from crypto. Work on being a good person

>> No.58232755

You cost a stable wage and (probably) work carefully.

Pajeet costs 1 dollar and a false promise of a potential foot picture, and will deliver results instantly (nevermind that it's likely proompted by generative AI or copied from something else with no care where it goes)

>> No.58233028

Wishing the best for us anons. I'm not autistic but I am an eccentric fringe type individual so might as well be. We will make it this coming bull run.

>> No.58233076

>We will make it this coming bull run
Absolute state of White """"men"'"""

>> No.58233147

im not sure why people here take pride in being social outcasts, only misery can come from such behaviour. you have to at least learn how to wear different masks for different situations if you intend to survive the real world. no man is expected to remain in solitude for the rest of his life, humans don't work that way.

>> No.58233663

Just mention that you watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette and you're in. You don't actually have to just check up on the normie sentiment on the big characters at the time.

>> No.58234265

It's because of mental illness

>> No.58234427

You realise all these people got laid off last year right?

>> No.58235732

recruiters are paper pushers with no power. have you retards ever worked a job?

>> No.58236052

You are missing the point that they don't choose people based on their attractiveness, but quite the opposite. They know how a typical employee looks like versus an entrepreneur. Women have an eye for people who look compliant, loyal and submissive versus someone who hates waging. They would rather choose an ugly nerd than someone who will leave after 5 years and use the obtained skills to found his own company. If they were choosing based on sexual attractiveness, they would definitely choose the rebelling entrepreneur type of person, but such man is not wanted by the company, no matter how talented he is.

>> No.58236233

>he thinks women are rational
you have to be 18 to post on here

>> No.58236277

>You are missing the point that they don't choose people based on their attractiveness
Yeah they do lmao
>nooooooo women are machiavellian good intentioned 4d chess players!

>> No.58236330

I prepare for those questions but it feels so fake. "Why do you want to work for this company?" I don't, I just want to make money and I'd happily take any of the other jobs I applied for that are in my field. I also ask questions just because you're supposed to, not because I'm interested in the answer. I'm guessing they can tell I'm not being genuine but idk.

>> No.58236525

It's more like choosing a boyfriend versus one-night stand. For a one-night stand, women want the most attractive guy who fucks a lot of women. When they choose a boyfriend, they want someone loyal with long-term commitment. Better dad-bod than too attractive. As an employee, they would choose the "boyfriend" personality.