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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 532 KB, 733x991, dUpKRwhaEP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58209867 No.58209867 [Reply] [Original]

Fuddies, the AUDIT score for hacken is releasing tomorrow or tuesday so you need to do overtime for your job! The score IS what you assume it is, by the way, fox chads. Its a 9.5/10 or a 10/10 ;).
Honestly, the last time I saw something THIS fudded was when link was a month or two old. So it's extremely boolish
Not to mention, I'm a gigantic fucking furfag. I've jerked off to this smut since I was probably 13 years old and I'm going on 35 soon.
So get to fudding because I know that you know that I know that this bridge will change the game and AVI will be "the golden one" that makes it this bullrun.
Take it how you want, niggers. But extremely smart money bought in months ago and smart money is probably waiting on the audit for proof.
Get it or get left behind though niggers, because this shit is probably going to $.10 by summer this year.
My AVI stays YIFFY, niggers! Furfags always win in the end. Always. Fuddies are the ones getting fucked.

>> No.58209908
File: 1.81 MB, 1024x1024, 432423423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually busted a load to this exact naylor comic maybe a couple days ago. Pepper is so fucking hot.

>> No.58209909

because this shit is driving me insane. 1 whole month of no movement and no real marketing by the team. I don’t care what they say community ama’s and the cryptoempress shit isn’t marketing. Look at Twitter and see who’s talking about this. Migration tool tweets, even though it didn’t really work, are getting like 5x the interaction than aviator. It’s just incompetent. I don’t understand why there is no real fucking marketing being done right now imminent from the audit score. I have never in my life seen something like this where there is just silence. They won’t give straight answers when asked just, “well we have been marketing” yeah that’s why no one knows about it still right? I don’t get it but I can’t wait around forever while they get their shit together.

>> No.58209920
File: 443 KB, 750x635, 1711136935986152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol Que? El jimmy!

>> No.58209924

because this shit is driving me insane. 1 whole month of no movement and no real marketing by the team. I don’t care what they say community ama’s and the cryptoempress shit isn’t marketing. Look at Twitter and see who’s talking about this. Migration tool tweets, even though it didn’t really work, are getting like 5x the interaction than aviator. It’s just incompetent. I don’t understand why there is no real fucking marketing being done right now imminent from the audit score. I have never in my life seen something like this where there is just silence. They won’t give straight answers when asked just, “well we have been marketing” yeah that’s why no one knows about it still right? I don’t get it but I can’t wait around forever while they get their shit together.

>> No.58210223
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>> No.58210424
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>> No.58210534

Marketing before a product release and you'd call it vaporware. Unfortunately this tends to be the norm in crypto so no surprise you can't recognize this is a special project. Ngmi

>> No.58210628

I love you Jimmy, those threads wouldn't be the same without you. You care about the project even more than the team and that's beautiful. Fly high, my aviator ! :)

>> No.58210711
File: 148 KB, 850x1202, aaa5b77aa12061959c2c3137f8c37ea9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because this shit is driving me insane. 1 whole month of no movement and no real marketing by the team. I don’t care what they say community ama’s and the cryptoempress shit isn’t marketing. Look at Twitter and see who’s talking about this. Migration tool tweets, even though it didn’t really work, are getting like 5x the interaction than aviator. It’s just incompetent. I don’t understand why there is no real fucking marketing being done right now imminent from the audit score. I have never in my life seen something like this where there is just silence. They won’t give straight answers when asked just, “well we have been marketing” yeah that’s why no one knows about it still right? I don’t get it but I can’t wait around forever while they get their shit together.

>> No.58210737

i want to buy plushies from the hangar

>> No.58210855
File: 330 KB, 1447x2039, 1711907206763104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck THIS fox with the neuralink VR setup my AVI buys me

>> No.58210906

Will this be advertised on Furaffinity?

>> No.58211336


Lol probably not a bad idea. Somebody tell Kerasu

>> No.58212766

should happen unironically

>> No.58213524

Fox fuck simulator game on AVI arcade.