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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58201770 No.58201770 [Reply] [Original]

If your call involves calling random people who don't want to talk to you get in here and let's complain about shit

>> No.58201773

Your job*
Fucking hell

>> No.58201779

My job doesn't involve that anymore.

But on 9/11 I had a job that involved cold calling people to try to sell them airline loyalty programs. So as you'd imagine I wasn't very successful that day. The opening like of the script went something like "Are you planning on flying anytime soon?"

t. ultraboomer

>> No.58201829

i sold wine on the phone, lasted for about a week before I quit (I did make a sale too)
fuck outbound
I work with really good sales people and they wouldnt do cold outbound either, its a suckers game

>> No.58201835

Ha that's pretty funny. I wish I could go back to 9/11. Those were the days.....

>> No.58201851
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I run my own virtual real estate wholesaling operation. I've closed several deals from cold calling but it requires me to sit through hours and hours of no one answering and people telling me to fuck off so its hard to do it consistently

>> No.58201857
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Based anon, I am writing a cold email at the moment and opened /biz/rael before sending it out. I have a small SaaS with about $550 MRR. What are you doing? What worked for you?

>> No.58201891

Thats cool what does your software do? I just call homeowners and ask if they want to sell their house. Look for people who will sell at a discount. Tie the property up with a purchase agreement then assign it to an investor for a higher price and get paid the different out of escrow. I programmed an autodialer that uses Google voice so I can just sit here and call people. I call around 200 numbers a day.

>> No.58202465
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photography niche. idea is not new so its all about selling. offer is also pretty competitive. at the moment I am looking for affiliate partners like blogs for that i am using an email for cold calling. The photographers i sell to i usually call. Feedback is mostly good but you also have these old guys who doent want a change or people who are not technically skilled. There are a couple of competitors where i have good grand slam offers but for one main competitor i m struggling to make a good counter offer cause they have the same model as me. But yeah i will figure that out. Does you body also only works with Coffein and nicotin?

>> No.58202837

I pour concrete like that dog

>> No.58203061

I had a pretty interesting non-sales cold calling job a long time ago. I was first line research for a collection firm that specifically dealt with utilities damage claims. We got work from pretty much every single company that had buried cable, pipelines, above ground comms/electrical/water etc. Thousands of municipalities and giant corps like Comcast would use us. We got a percent of what we we collected and the expectation was that out of 5,000 cases per month you might actually “solve” 20 of them. I made commission per collectible case. The customer would send whatever they had, sometimes nothing but lat/long and the words “PED DMG” (above ground pedestal) or as much as a a 30 page document with witness statements, police reports etc. We were not allowed to call any customer contacts but we had access to a database to pull random nearby names, addresses, phone numbers etc. No one else liked cold calling but I found it to be very effective since I have a Minnesota (Canadian) accent and am very good at feeling people out quickly. Some want to BS and some want you to spit it out. I’d often get a home run piece of evidence off of one contact, but sometimes had to call twice a week for months to get a hold of someone. I called 5x the amount of the next highest and averaged 500 collectible cases per month. Made good money just by cold calling. Biggest claim was $3mill in NYC when a contractor pulled up some fiber lines with a backhoe under a major intersection. Amazing how much they pay fiber splicers after hours

>> No.58204910

I do cold calls for copier sales and I want to fucking kill myself everyday