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58194157 No.58194157 [Reply] [Original]

Most of us have had many advantages in life.

I’m 30, make $120,000, and I'm about to cross $100,000 net worth. I’m not doing quite as well as some people on here, but I’m definitely the kind of person you might look at and think, “wow, he got it together early. I wish I’d been doing that well at that age.”
But here’s the story you don’t see behind those stats:

My parents gave bought me car when I turned 18.

My parents paid for my college degree

My dad convinced me to start funding a Roth IRA when I was 21. And because my parents were paying all my expenses, it was easy to max it out on the salary from my part time job.

After I graduated college, I couldn’t get a good job in my field and decided to go back for a second degree. My grandma paid for tuition this time, and my parents let me live with them, so still no student debt.

When I graduated college the second time with a full time job lined up, I was out of money and couldn’t afford the move I needed to do. So my parents gave me $20,000 and told me to pay them back whenever. Can you imagine if I’d needed to take out an actual line of credit to finance my move?
The point I’m getting at here is that while I may be doing pretty well for myself, I also played life on easy mode.

I overcame absolutely 0 adversity to get where I am.

I’m actually not even doing that well when you take all of that into account; lots of people would be doing better than me if we’d been dealt the same hand.

So when you see anyone talking about their giant net worth, just know that they likely had a lot of help along the way.

You can’t compare yourself to other people because you haven’t come from the same place.

You should always measure your accomplishments relative to yourself, not some random person on here who’s your age but has double the net worth.

Don’t let other people discourage you; we’re all on our own paths.

Got got this!

>> No.58194168

>don't be discouraged by people who make more than you
>btw I make more than you
T...thanks op

>> No.58194332

Thanks for being humble anon. Plenty would become insufferable egomaniacs with far less to crow about

>> No.58194389
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>Net worth 100k, your entire net worth is barely enough to cover the down payment on a $500k shit box house
>Never faced adversity because you literally aren't trying to get ahead because you are comfortable with mediocrity
>Spouts gay platitudes to cover for your lack of drive and middling income
>Will probably only ever make a million if you are maimed in some freak accident

>> No.58194452

you're make more money than 99.9% of the people on the planet. you're in the top 1% by net worth and with the direction you're going should make it into the top .1% in your life. I'd say you're doing fine.

it's going to be an interesting next 10 years as the standard of living in europe and the US drop like a rock due to inflation and wealth concentration at the top. that's how you get revolutions.

>> No.58194771

you should be embarrassed with how your doing given the context of all the advantages you've had
.t 27 just crossed $1m and i had to (well, choose to i guess cause my dad was too old to do it himself) take care of my dying mom from 23 - 25 which stunted my career potential given that the job market is now absolute shit and i don't have experience.
Am i jealous of your situation, yes. you should be sad with what you made of it

>> No.58194841

>Got got this!
ICP makes got got this obsolete

>> No.58195107
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so you had all this help I didn't have and you don't even have 5% of my net worth at the same age.

>> No.58196270
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I've got like 70% of the same advantages yet I still turned out the be a bum who couldn't hold on to a well paying job.

>> No.58196346

I'm 500k networth in west Europe and 33 y/o I only worked for 4 years. In those 4 years I live with my dad and he didn't ask rent. I dumped all my money into crypto./ Bitcoin.

Thanks dad. For not charging me rent. I'm literally more rich than him now.

>> No.58196852

>Only $100,000 net worth
Fucking KEK, next time you want to humble brag, make sure you have something worth humble bragging about. Embarrassing.

>> No.58196905

The one thing my parents did for me was get a savings account going by not letting me spend my own money that I earned. They kicked me out, encouraged me to spend my savings travelling the world and assumed the government would have my back when I was working less than minimum wage when I returned.

I eventually just gave up and found some guy to pay my bills. Working hard never got me anywhere and I was always more stressed than my bank account could compensate.

I'm actually happy now, hopefully he will be too in time. Still working on it, I don't treat him like he is worthless because he's not. He is my everything.

Anyway, I hate you all. This place sucks and I'll be meditating every day until I die. Good luck creepy try-hard weirdos.

>> No.58196949

>grow up poor
>father left me when i was 9
>mother worked 2 jobs to keep house, starved for some days to feed me, bought me new clothes once a year
>grow up depressed, dropped out of college, almost killed myself at 23
>go back to college, get my degree at 27, start my career a few months later
>gambling crypto everyday to have a decent life, millennials and zoomers only chance of making it
i am envious of people who never had to worry about finances, but i never resorted to begging. i am pretty sure this is why i am balding and greying at before 30 but WAGMI