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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58194127 No.58194127 [Reply] [Original]

Why bother with crypto when you can simply make hundreds of thousands a month with a business?

>> No.58194135

why bother with a business when you can go on twitter and fantasize about starting a business

>> No.58194277

most businesses fail within a year

>> No.58194287

He is a seething nocoiner who missed getting in early

>> No.58194304

Because >>58194277 and because you can make that in a day with crypto

>> No.58194316

X is full of people that 'make 100k' a month.
If you make 100k a month with a business, your business is worth 20 million dollars.

>> No.58194353

that takes work. i just buy and hold bitcoin

>> No.58194398

It's not so simple. The people telling you it's simple are selling you their "proven" course.

My bro and I are in business together and it took 2.5 years to make the first profitable month.

>> No.58194425

What do you do anon?

>> No.58194426

I want everyone to know it's all a scam. All those things you see on youtube or X or instagram where people are making '20k, 50k, 100k' every month and they do it by being 'chads' or 'working hard' or what have you, that's all a scam and all we're trying to do is sell you a course.

>> No.58194455

We partner with existing businesses to launch & grow their profits on Amazon.

>> No.58194528

Cool, not my kinda thing since I'm too autistic to talk with people but hope you guys succeed

>> No.58194532

>simply build a business
Oh well if its that simple I should start three or four and become a multi-millionare.

>> No.58194639
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why bother with business when you can neet the hell out playing gamefi. There are even free2play games like Blocklords, just farm tokens then cash out, ez bz

>> No.58194727
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>just farm tokens then cash out, ez bz
for what? to just get like 15$ worth later? you know that shit ain't pumping if no one gets into it right?

>> No.58194732
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Although OP's a troll and the twatter post is presumably selling a shit course the principle is right.
If you're a poor wagie gambling on shitcoins you're at the mercy of greater fools to pump and buy your bags, and it's unlikely you'll cash out life-changing money.
Focusing your efforts on increasing your active income and funnelling that into less speculative investments is more reliable and even grows you as a person.

Blackpilled gambling addicts will seethe.

>> No.58194766

Even the smallest business is a fucking nightmare.
All the tax and law shit you have to deal with, it's insane.
It's the same like being a landlord. Only people who have never done it, think it's a good idea.

>> No.58194782

maybe he's filipino or pajeet? 15$ over there is life changing money for them

>> No.58194809

lol rajeesh out there doing his best to collect 4 dollars at least so he can eat for the day

>> No.58194836
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there's 1.41 Billions of pajeets in India, not counting aliens here... I'd say theres plenty of them

>> No.58194863

but you need to be millionaire to get 4 business

>> No.58194870

posts like this shit are the reason nobody takes biz seriosly.

>> No.58194923



>> No.58195001

Only a dumb jeet or nog would think "starting a business" is a singular action, it's like they're allergic to thinking three dimensionally.

Like what's the market? Do you have experience in the field? Do you have enough personal or investor capital to jumpstart it or is it a bootstrap? Who are your major competitors? Is it brick-and-mortar or online?

I wouldn't be surprised if most of them think an "entrepreneur" or "business owner" is just a job that you pick for yourself like you're a Sims character.

>> No.58195076

I have no idea for a business. Every time I do think of an idea I look it up and its already being done.

>> No.58195106
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Why even live when you can just kys and over instantly

>> No.58195143

Where is the money going to come from to start a business? That is what crypto is for.

>> No.58195150

Because it's funnier to tell people that I made my first million with Proof of Sasquatch instead of le ebin dropshipping meme

>> No.58195164

Exactly. The real way to generate multiple steams of passive income is to flip real estate. Buy my course and I'll show you exactly how to do it.

>> No.58195194

eating woman ass is as filthy as the practices of the average homosexual
i wonder what Sasquatch ass tastes like, prolly less plagued by intestinal parasites than your average fag

>> No.58195264
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tastes like generational wealth desu senpai

>> No.58195428

because im an autistic retarded faggot

>> No.58195613
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>one time income
>no sale value

>> No.58196181

i mean there are people that do make a few bucks here and there but it's super bubbly/short term BS type shit, and a lot of the time it's like an upfront fee based on fantastic performance and promises that don't really materialize.
Something like finding 10 clients that pay $4000 per month each as a retainer and in exchange we will scale business for them or do advertising buying etc etc.
It's all on a knife's edge.

>> No.58196263

Business owner here. I wish I had just invested 100k into doge coin when Elon was shilling than deal with this shit anymore.

Here’s why owning a business in 2024 sucks ass:

1. Everyone hates you. Your customers hate you cause the price is too high and the service is lower. Your employees hate you cause you can’t pay them enough to outweigh the rising living costs. The government hates you cause they have teamed up with consumers and workers to milk you in fees/penalties/taxes because you’re the only one generating cash flow these days.
2. The juice just ain’t worth the fucking squeeze man. At the end of all the expenses, liabilities, taxes, wages, ect you maybe milk 5-10% of the profit. Not only is that not worth it, it’s especially not worth it when you have to live in constant fear of an ex employee or some alphabet gov agency coming after you for some bull shit reason. So you’re scared to spend money as to not end up in generational debt from getting sued or penalized.
3. There’s no future for a capitalist. workers and governments are plotting against YOU to ensure that you cannot prosper. Workers will kill your passion for wanting to help other and governments will destroy your trust.

I was asked what I would do if I didn’t do this and I would try and find something where I can be a sole proprietor. Relying on others and being liable for workers is just not worth it at all. Too much risk, employees will steal and lie to your face, governments will no live rape you in the ass with fees just because they can. And your customers will threaten you the moment your product/service doesn’t work out the way they want. Ohhh and those customers are always looking for a way to game your system.

It’s never ending 24/7 bullshit with the only perk is that you get to be captain of the shit show.

>> No.58196276

Crypto has been a 10 year long income stream. What's this retard even talkijg about. Every 3 or so years you can make hundreds of thousands to millions and hundreds of millions

>> No.58196302

I hate twitter

>hurr durr why take risks with crypto when you can go to hollywood and make millions as an actor!!!

>> No.58196306
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Because I'm a degenerate gambler and don't have any marketable skillset/too stupid to strike out on my own. Crypto is relatively simple, needs no creativity and the difficulty comes from managing your risk and emotions. Yes I did not make it IRL and am a disappointment to the family. I will still make bank.

>> No.58196350

Good luck building a business that beats the returns on just holding bitcoin. Not saying it's not possible, but just something to think about.

>> No.58196427

Most people are fucking losers who are addicted to video games and Netflix so it doesn't surprise me. If you're not one of these clowns you have a much better chance. Even if you fail the first time keep going.

Eating ass is a meme created by those who want to normalize homosexuality, and is parroted by retarded "heterosexual" redditors

I'm going to gamble on some moonbags this bullrun. If I fail I'll open a business. Tbh though you sound like somebody who doesn't actually own a business. It's not nearly this bad.

>I will still make bank.

>> No.58196442

Brother if only you knew how bad it really is.

>> No.58196457

You have no idea what goes into running a buisness. Guessing you don't actually own any.

>> No.58196464

Employees. People.

>> No.58196477

I don't but have friends that do. They don't have it this bad. Anyway even if it is just sell and get a job then

>> No.58196490

most are in 3rd/4th world countries where making $15 might be nothing to 1st world nations will feed their house for a month or more sometimes. so you'll get alot of people that play these games from 4th world nations making cheap gains and to them its good money. for some more than they've seen before in their life.

>> No.58196534

why start a business when you could whore yourself out on OF for 2-4 years, invest half, and live of returns for the rest of your life?

>> No.58196558

It's a influencer grift circuit. Most of people in crypto Twitter dont make money on crypto but from "influencing"

>> No.58196578

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>> No.58196599
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>couple hundred grand

>> No.58196610

>monitors coins 12 hrs a day
Does anyone actually do this? What even is the benefit? Literally just check the charts and news/forums at morning and again in the evening. It's literally the exact opposite of starting a business where grinding insane hours is the norm and actually is beneficial. But if you're the grinder type then by all means do start a business.

>> No.58196615

you forgot the part when government milks the one business, yet heavily subsidizes some local freemason's gig

>> No.58196645

Because this is anti-working board. Starting up a business is far harder than wagecucking.

>> No.58196724

you mean the local kike jew

>> No.58196761
File: 766 KB, 2000x2000, 1500602468653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a business idea bros

>> No.58196790

This, I just need a couple 100x's so I can quit my codemonkey job and go all in on starting my own money-making projects