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58192836 No.58192836 [Reply] [Original]

Democrats look for new ways to tax the super-rich. President Biden proposes to raise $503 billion over the next decade by imposing a 25 percent tax on people who claim more than $100 million in assets — a source of wealth that has long been beyond the reach of the IRS.
>Someone affected here?

>> No.58192856

Reminder that taxes used to be 70% for the ultra wealthy.

25% is shit, we need to go higher.

>> No.58192885

>hurr durr tax the rich
Some ultra rich nigger spending a billion dollars on a yacht is genuinely a better use of that money than whatever the fuck the government decides to do with it. Probably give it to rapefugees or some program for retards

>> No.58192902

>government spending way too much money keeping alive every illegal beaner that crosses the border and getting every man in Ukraine killed
>better start taxing rich people until they leave, then tax the “new rich” (middle class)

>> No.58192904

The thing is, people who have over 100 million in assets often have countless means of circumventing tax obligations. So, this is really only for show by Dems. Besides, it is looking more and more unlikely by the day that the senile serial lolli-sniffer gets a second term.

>> No.58192924

I have no problem with this.

>> No.58192937

retard it's essentially government seizure and control of companies from their founders

>> No.58192979


>> No.58192980

This figure is for earned income and few people ever paid those rates.
The ultra wealthy aren't rich because of wages - they usually do have some form of salary, but it pales in comparison to their overall income and finances.
Capital gains and dividend taxes were always substantially lower than that. This is how the rich mostly earn money, and these tax rates have never been higher than 40%, which was in the late 70s.

>> No.58192986


Anon I just play GRAVITY, that ll never be a problem for me

>> No.58192991


Fuck the rich

>> No.58192993
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That was great

>> No.58193027

Like I said.

>> No.58193049

Just sell at 99, bitch.

>> No.58193087


>> No.58193106

go to the DMV now imagine your average experience with amazon was the same

>> No.58193175

more taxes for welfare and missiles pogchamp

>> No.58193526

How about we burn all the tax code and go back to tariffs so the government isn't actively shaking down its own constituency.
Aside from that, a 10% flat tax, either on income or every commercial sale, is a far better system than now

>> No.58193586

Pay your taxes. It's not a hard thing to do.

>> No.58193595
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This is a RLC thread

>> No.58193783

If he thinks the ultra wealthy make income in a form that is easily taxable, he's a fool.

If he thinks he can raise tax revenue from taxing their wealth itself, he's a fool.

The only way to target the super rich is to lower the barrier to entry for their competitors. It won't solve the revenue situation, but a flat or even simplified tax code will help far more than the Byzantine labyrinth that is the current code.

>> No.58193803

This is a lie

>> No.58193830

>give rich people massive tax cuts for the last 50 years
>cost of goods went up, rich bought media companies, endless immigration
Great plan

>> No.58193853


>> No.58194110

It would be closer to the post office, and compared with Amazon the experience is fantastic.

>> No.58194182

lmao@all the actual cuckolds defending billionaires ITT
I'm sure they'll thank you for your service after they finish raping another kid or writing more laws to import shitskins.

>> No.58194209

How is it that no matter what tax policies are passed by either party, the rich outmaneuver them and the middle class ends up eating shit?

>> No.58194326

The current tax code, and whatever bullshit bill they propose will actively defend billionaires with loopholes and very specific and explicit means of keeping that money hidden
How have you not figured this out yet?

>> No.58194401

>well ahkshully if we try to do anything the billionaires will just get loopholes
>better make sure we do nothing then

>> No.58194412

>flat income tax
Graduated consumption tax is actually the best and fairest tax of all.
Start with 0% tax on necessities like food and housing, with higher rates on luxury products.

You can avoid the tax by lowering your consumption, which increases savings and investment.

Economics predict that this would increase growth and make us all richer in the long run.

>> No.58194431

lmao youre retarded

>> No.58194449

why do you bootlick the government
money is better invested in production than wasted by government

>> No.58194460


>> No.58194478

>based give the government total power, I love living in the pod and eating bugs

>> No.58194493

>inflation is caused by tax cuts
lmao why are leftists such brainwashed bootlickers?

>> No.58194505

The "billionaires" are the ones writing the codes, dipshit
Hard agree
Punish luxuries, reward frugality and long term planning
All we'd need at that point is sound money

>> No.58194534
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I love how the average leftist thinks that "the ultra wealthy" simply have $100 million lying around in the Paypal wallet, like they're using that to buy furry porn commissions or something and the IRS is just going to take that away.

It's simply not how things work. They control the entire system, so you can't expect the system to act against them. Everything is calculated. Why do you think people like Fuckerberg or Bill Gates don't bat an eye at that kind of news?

>> No.58194568

>I love how the average leftist thinks that "the ultra wealthy" simply have $100 million lying around in the Paypal wallet, like they're using that to buy furry porn commissions or something and the IRS is just going to take that away.
Almost all of this money is INVESTED producing goods and services.
Liquidating this money would result in massive selloffs and bankruptcies.
There would be less money for businesses to produce goods and services.

>> No.58194589

>money is better invested in production
this would be true if money was ACTUALLY invested in production. Stock buybacks and dividends are not production. Executive Compensation is not production. Buying residential housing to rent it out is not production.
Buying out your competition to consolidate industry is not production
Thankfully most people have started noticing the tricks you slimy kikes keep pulling.

>> No.58194872

>Buying residential housing to rent it out is not production.
this isnt actually happening

>> No.58194887

>Stock buybacks and dividends are not production
if there was no reward for investment nobody would invest

>> No.58194898
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>> No.58194913

the effective tax rate ie what people actually pay, has historically stayed more or less the same

>> No.58194930

>no argument

>> No.58194941

25% is what regular people fucking pay.

>> No.58195026

This, but implement a single Georgism-style land tax (on land value itself, not property or structures on said land). Locality (high population areas) and resources in the land determine value.

Also, obviously purge the Federal Reserve (as well as their enforcement arm, the IRS) and fractional reserve banking scams from existence, then issue well-regulated, non-debt-based US Treasury notes that are intended solely as an instrument for effectively faciliting trade. Exit the world bank/IMF and any anti-tariff treaties.

>> No.58196119

lmao you have no argument, filtered