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File: 370 KB, 1803x1023, Screenshot_20240329-015459_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58191484 No.58191484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Last 3 months 60 nfts minted
>last 3 days following new staking contract over 70 nfts minted
>half of the nfts are gone, once they gone goodluck

>> No.58191516

I hodl kns and pouya is based but please don't depict Pouya as Jesus.

>> No.58191541

I got my Katana NFT, I'm gonna make it

>> No.58191617
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we moonin boys

>> No.58191890
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1645666569560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a no paneer, no kenis zone. Only profits and swords here. Wish I had more than 115k

>> No.58192036


>> No.58192674

i will be selling my legendary katana for no less than 100 (one hundred) ethereum

>> No.58192676

Shhhh guys

>> No.58192765

what is paneer?

>> No.58192956

Where can you track how many katanas have been minted?
T.nft retard

>> No.58192959

Pranesh brother

>> No.58193019

Connect ur wallet to the nft site. Then ctrl f "available". This shows the number of katana left out of the whole supply of 444.

>> No.58193640

What a good day

>> No.58193660

i won’t buy specifically because he hates paneer, which is one of the best indian dishes i’ve eaten.

>> No.58193703

Kenis brethren, we are T H R O B B I N G towards a new ath, rejoice!!

>> No.58193764

I bought 6 of them. Projections have me retiring once KNS hits $1b mcap.

>> No.58193948


>> No.58193962
File: 591 KB, 800x1000, jeju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im curious to see what happens when katanas have all been minted and kns starts pumping hard

>> No.58194195

Get more as simple as that. Once we 10x from here u would be happy to have bought more sub 100m mcap

>> No.58194213
File: 115 KB, 1280x717, 20240329_083341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till trademark is in full force we will catapult straight to +100m mcap.

+1b mcap in full bull eazy with this team and community

>> No.58194217

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.58194271
File: 70 KB, 1024x797, repent sinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using jesus to shill jpegs

you are gonna burn in hell OP

>> No.58194347

Kenis swords are flying off the shelves today

>> No.58194384

I fomod back in. So, I'm rotating some profits into kenis and sharp benis jpegs. Got 9, 3 of which were legendary. About 10% or so of the remaining ones are desirable. Might get me another 9. Think pouya will be mad at anons who buy a bunch?

>> No.58194397

I got one common nft for staking purposes, kind of have a feeling I should get more but I've always hated nfts with a passion.

>> No.58194457

I needed at least 3 bc I wanted to ladder my stakes. One at each interval. I also plan on buying more kenis and staking it again in a ladder system. So basically getting unlocks every week or two. So that requires a lot of benises. I don't plan on selling them unless prices go crazy and the team launch a whole set of armor like an rpg. With 9 swords I can't get enough ladders to do what I want. So maybe I'll just buy more

>> No.58194558
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Minted one and got a legendary blade

>> No.58194627
File: 267 KB, 1242x476, IMG_2368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev is a goddamn madman.. he drops news like this so casually all the time. Other projects would have a week of announcement build up. They’re going to disrupt ANOTHER industry

>> No.58194888

This project is a make it project a unicorn a 1 in 1000.

Once you read the docs you ll get what I write.

>> No.58194909
File: 96 KB, 866x764, IMG_20240328_222417_294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it stack sth between 500k an 1m tokens

>> No.58195114
File: 79 KB, 482x614, poooboii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine fading this absolute fucking chad. Also he banned the word "paneer" in the chat. How much more anti-jeet proof do you need?

>> No.58195153
File: 84 KB, 1280x1220, 1682383687079316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're telling me he didn't think his project through, and is only now realizing what he can do with it? Do they even have a plan or roadmap, or are just doing whatever comes to their heads?

>> No.58195220
File: 8 KB, 250x234, IMG_2466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know but I think I’m going to fomo a knife

>> No.58195231

They have plans. But this is also uncharted territory, so new ideas may pop up like this from time to time

>> No.58195533

Are they going to buy token back with the sales of the nft?

>> No.58195604

Checked. But no fucking way. They're lining their pockets with the nfts. It's not necessarily bad, bc they need scrilla to do their work

>> No.58195733

Long term uber confident in this play happy to have left most of my link for this.
Higher risk but higher reward.

Lets trust poooya until now they overdelivered

>> No.58195739 [DELETED] 


>> No.58195800


>> No.58196022

Minting katanas

>> No.58196114
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IAS (is a gem)

>> No.58196192

I 100% endorse the team having funds to keep building. $100K worth of NFT income means an extra 9-12 months of company runway. Pouya is now fulltime on KNS. He was part time before and his workload was incredible.

>> No.58196592

Something crazy like 90 we minted just today. Fomo is happening with those, even with me desu

>> No.58196877

Why are so many NFTs getting minted? What is the hype about? I minted one several months ago because i thought it looked cool i got one of those startrek ones am i gonna make it?

>> No.58197040

You can stake it rn for 7%, but in the future it’s more to be used for running a node and getting benefits that way. All the info is in the tg, but it’s not just a picture, they have a use

>> No.58197296

They will have more utility as Unchained evolves. I think people are scooping them up so they can stack them and get rewards from being a validator node on Unchained.

>> No.58197506

what marketplace do the nft's trade on arbitrum, assuming one wanted to buy rather mint one?

>> No.58197528

You can use the ocean one probably. I can't remember it's name or url. Maybe openocean

>> No.58197551

Price crashing. Sold at a loss

>> No.58197820
File: 231 KB, 1024x1024, 1697259595551209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop minting sirs!

>> No.58197987

Forged a legendary blade how many real swords will I be able to buy with this?

>> No.58198485

Well played friend on the exceptional mint. If you have no interest in gaining staking rewards it will fetch a pretty penny on opensea once all nfts are minted

>> No.58198799

2 more weeks guys just 2 more weeks (unironically)

>> No.58198847

It always has been, shits still pumping, nfts are selling out.

>> No.58199023

Cope. The fomo accumulation stage is already here suckdeep

>> No.58199118

But yes, two more weeks. But their github is open and available so everyone can see the actual progress as well

>> No.58199182

This guy eats paneer

>> No.58199398

FOMO on Katana Nft's is real.

FOMO Aabout the token will follow soon.

Buy nft buy token stake & chill.
That's all I gotta say.

>> No.58199505

where can you see the katana sales?

>> No.58199517

My katanas are ready

>> No.58199526

i've minted 11 so far. gonna be rich and comfy with my node rewards on Unchained
there's a buy topic on the official tg that shows NFT mints too

>> No.58199706

Pouya fk my wife pls

>> No.58199780

do you think minting a katana is worth it? i usually hate nft but this seems to have some function

>> No.58199906
File: 221 KB, 1080x617, Screenshot_20240330_150213_Telegram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only gonna be 444 katanas EVER
there wont ever be any other NFT with utility attached to it

>> No.58199977

whats the use case/utility for the nfts?

>> No.58200246
File: 146 KB, 1170x867, IMG_20240329_224545_206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58200363

IS IT WORTH IT OR NOT. Not staking anything in crypto for a measly 7% apr.

>> No.58200372

Absofuckinglutely yes

>> No.58200383
File: 144 KB, 540x529, 1479968274963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why p2e is much better, and GRAVITY is the fking king of that

>> No.58200386

Full of memesht

>> No.58200391

That game is so fking boring anon

>> No.58200401

Already playing and love it

>> No.58200425

jeet scam

>> No.58200528

Validators are gonna need a katana or multiple to be as efficient as possible so yes
Eventually we can sell them katanas at ridiculous prices and they'd have to buy it even if they want to or not
It's a literal monopoly
Get one

>> No.58200916

Jeet FUD kek

>> No.58200976

Yeah maybe i should

>> No.58201250

My kenis stays penis

>> No.58201327

My NFT Katana is getting hard

>> No.58201552
File: 104 KB, 1080x1110, IMG_20240328_210304_735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This project got so much in store dont even know where to begin.

Official TG and docs are the best place if u wanna deep dive in your financial freedom.

100k token sui
1M token make it

>> No.58201571

Got 600k kenis bros. But how do you get the NFTs? Wrapped ETH on Arbitrum?

>> No.58201614

Thank you kindly anon :) I'll try to get another one in the meantime because it'd be hard letting go of my one, but that's tempting

>> No.58201804

Correct anon. Eth on Arb, connect wallet to Kenis staking/NFT page, click mint, approve in wallet. Violin, you have a rare and valuable jpeg.

>> No.58201840

Best and comfiest buy after VET back in the days.

>> No.58201892

NFT Katanas are a game changer. They will keep the project in check from the EIP voting power they wield. Wagmi bros.
There are still a handful of NFTs to mint. Don’t miss out again /biz/.

>> No.58202070

Absolutely. 120+ IQ detected.

>> No.58202441

I got one months ago

>> No.58202467

For months kns is posting on biz from 1M mcap to +30mcap and still u will miss out till +1b mcap

>> No.58202499

Vaporwave trash, only low IQ moonboys fall for this retarded pajeet nigger project and stroke their dicks about fucking nfts of all things lmao

>> No.58202609
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>They had 2 years

>> No.58202618

This guy eats paneer. Don't be like this guy. Thank god Pouya banned the word and keeps the room clean.

>> No.58202652

agreed, jeet scam written all over it. nfts for voting power kek

>> No.58203149

Sad but true. Thankfully this project looks like at least a $100mm MC. Dyor but this project is solid. GitHub is public and devs are consistently updating. Plus the project name itself if very memeable and the unofficial is basically /biz/ without jannies.

>> No.58203207

100mm?! The MC should be at least that today. This thing is going over a billy once the market catches on.

>> No.58203463

500m is actually the estimated market cap for AkoGrid (what is being incorporated into Unchained now) so imagine 500m as a base valuation plus the oracle, indexing and IoT stuff added on top of it.

>> No.58203804
File: 13 KB, 554x554, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be shitskin
>mocks Christ image to make cursed money
>fucks up your lineage for another whole generation

>> No.58204182

Mass replies should be a bannable offence you freak

>> No.58204258
File: 7 KB, 384x384, IMG_6946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint bonkies

>> No.58204800

Wow my Katana NFT is enlarging

>> No.58204883

Does the NFT give your more staking rewards? How's that work?

>> No.58205128

From what I understand you stake your katana alongside the coins and it doubles the staking rewards. Some primal part of me fears "staking" my katana and letting it leave my side/wallet though

>> No.58205457

You can stake for up to 6 months at a time for a 3.5% return but if you mint a nft and stake it too you can get 7%

>> No.58206021

LINK whales are accumulating

>> No.58206028

Less than 100 katanas left. Feeling comfy with my enlarged Katana.

>> No.58206063
File: 155 KB, 838x936, IMG_2452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fomo’d a stack of knives, going along with the 1 knife sui 5 make it. This project looks dope, I’m going to figure out now how I can run a node/validator

>> No.58206270

Based, you will make it
Exciting times ahead for KNS, the team is very active and professional and it shows!

>> No.58206951

My math is mathing

Katanas to +10ETH

KNS to 3-10$

Lean back enjoy the up and downs till arrival.

>> No.58207564

Welcome samurai

>> No.58207603

Yes, don't buy, Rakesh. We'll do fine without your 3 rupees, and we don't want you to shit up the community.

>> No.58207739

Bought my first NFT + sui stack today.

Feelin good+ docs tg and announcements looking bullish asf.

Chart looks sexy as hell. Bought near ath but I'm in for the long run lfg. 5bmcap incoming.

>> No.58207911

ATH imminent, things are so bullish for the samurai clan right now

>> No.58207960

Yea the NFT revenue gives the company money to pay the employees while on boarding clients to Unchained. Very comfy hold.

>> No.58207966

smart lad, just in time for a new ATH baby

>> No.58208000

very promising shit

>> No.58208067
File: 42 KB, 800x471, 1701902307461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We made it back to 4 cents, I can't believe it bros
We were doubted and bullied for an entire month but we made it back. I'm so proud of my samurai bros.

>> No.58208319

Lets goooo

>> No.58208613

Psyched it’s back to 4 cents, plus tons of news coming. Afaik there was a delay getting a signature in person for the final company registration but looks like it should be finished in two (2) more weeks

>> No.58208968

>He was part time before and his workload was incredible.
This. He's a 5000 IQ super savant. Been in kenis for almost two years. Constantly looking for projects, but still all in on kenis, cause there's no fucking project out there that can match it. Not even close. This shit can go to 10-20 dollars this year if it really picks up. Could even surpass Chainlink. It's a one in a million gem. 1-2 dollars as some talk about is literally fud. It'll go to at least 5. Mark mi fooking words, niggers.

>> No.58209048

Bought a make it stack a week ago and never doubted the team, now back at ATH! It was a long journey but we made it boys.

>> No.58209091

Wagmi bros

>> No.58209142
File: 2.99 MB, 260x146, Infinite Gains.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kenis stays penis