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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58190562 No.58190562 [Reply] [Original]

can this piece of shit really moon?
how? it would create thousands of millionaires?

>> No.58190565

can this piece of shit really moon?
how? it would create thousands of millionaires?

>> No.58190866

I honestly think that it can, crazier shit has happened. The coin doesn’t have any true owners, and it is run entirely by the community. The group of people running the Telegram are actually very competent crypto veterans. If fucking “dogwifhat” can reach $4B marketcap then there is no reason why LINU can’t do the same.

>> No.58190882


Why you write like that anon? Maybe bcos getting that coin makes you rtarded...
Ill help you, get GRAVITY... leave all that sht behind

>> No.58190889
File: 15 KB, 300x168, 2hgw42-1923050146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can this piece of shit really moon?
No it can't Rugdish Patel.
Fuck off.

>> No.58190898

crypto is the biggest bull shit pyramid scheme why do people participate in this shit just get a good job

>> No.58190904

can this piece of shit moon? how? it would create thousands of millionaires?

>> No.58190914

my job is to buy more LINU

>> No.58190925

kys faggot. this shit is the only thing on this board that doesnt reek of curry sewage

>> No.58190929

meme coins are liquidity buffers for when large amounts of money are transferred into the crypto ecosystem. Dog coins have market utility this is proven by the longevity of doge. So what qualities would a coin need to have to be positioned for a good chance to be "the dog" of the run?

Good distribution. That's literally it. "memeability" is a joke.
The tail does not wag the dog.

LINU is the only one with real distribution.

>> No.58190940

There aren't any good jobs left

>> No.58190974

get a job goy, be a wage slave to support and perpetuate the society for the future children of the non white hordes invading your country

>> No.58191020

the real story of the meme coin come from flows of value. In the current market people are selling huge of amounts of BTC to institutional holders for $. So imagine you are an early BTC holder who now lives in a gated 20 acre compound with both live-in masseuse and chef. What do you do with the rest of your $? Turn it into ETH. Then the ETH people do the same and the $ ripples on down the chains.

When an event like this happens you need a new tally for this specific occurrence. It's a very useful way to keep track of how valuable shitcoin#4545 is vs shitcoin#8912. This is why a successful meme coin must have a 0% buy/sell tax and 0% burn. Low friction high liquidity buffer.

Because the meme going has to grow to represent or symbolize the new ammount fo value that has entered the market it has to be well distributed. If any entity can reduce the market cap of the token by too much no one will care about it.

LINU is the only coin I can attest to as having a totally fair distribution process. It's still ongoing as a pattern: drop a zero, redistribute for a couple weeks.

>> No.58191045


>> No.58191054

can this piece of shit really moon?
how? it would create thousands of millionaires?

>> No.58191114
File: 3 KB, 152x162, GCh2e4TWoAERHbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're so back

>> No.58191120

oh really faggot?
im 30 yo contractor without a degree that inspects airplane parts for $60 an hour plus $200 per diem a day, i travel to a new city sometimes a new country every 3 months and impress pussy everywhere i go
i know for a fact there has never been a single female that was impressed with your crypto shit

>> No.58191128

youre a massive cock loving faggot too

>> No.58191158

>making money for pussy

>> No.58191156

Look OP, see how mad they get when you bring up LINU? It’s because they are poor faggots who don’t have enough money to flat out buy a make it stack. They push FUD to keep the price low so they can keep buying at lower cost

>> No.58191160

Easily one of the best choices I've done was becoming a PMC. Stupid money, no degree was required. Shits lit yo

>> No.58191194


Already playing, nice game, so addictive

>> No.58191199


P2E games sucks anon

>> No.58191216


You cant talk if you dont try it

>> No.58191243


>> No.58191322

Nope. Who gives a shit about this outside of biz?