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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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581759 No.581759 [Reply] [Original]

Do you follow zerohedge.com?

What's your opinion on the site?

>> No.581764
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>Do you follow zerohedge.com?

It's impossible not to, their acolytes are constantly shitting up every other website even vaguely related to finance.

>What's your opinion on the site?

Pic related.

>> No.581974

zerohedge is a good site.

I don't expect the majority of the shitters here to understand. They're fucking teller kiddies who think keynsianism works.

For what it's worth they have a lot of sensationalism, but it's because they mostly publish independent sources who wouldn't be given a second look if they didn't.

Surprise surprise, zerohedge predicted the subprime meltdown, and regularly publishes dirt on banking scandals that the mainstream media won't even mention in brief. OF course they're "crazy."

Oh, by the way, I'll start trusting conventional sources when they start publishing HALF of the numbers that zerohedge does.

They can't print hte numbers because it destroys their rosy scenario

For what it's worth, former congressional budget chairs and other high profile people publish on the site quite regularly

>> No.582001

You're a fool if you don't follow zero hedge. Of course take everything with grain of salt and follow other news as well but they are a great source.

>> No.582006

19 year old >enlightened angsty rebel edgemasterflex4000 detected

>Do you follow zerohedge.com?

>> No.582016

>zero hedge
>maximum edge

>> No.582019

what was edgy about my post?

the fact that zerohedge is publishing news that mainstreams outlets don't even put blurbs on?

The fact that many reputable people post there?

the fact that anonymous sources regularly use the site to whistleblow? accurately, at that?

the fact that keynsians LOVED modeling and numbers until none of their models or numbers had any predictive power. Now they're just arguing philosophy?

What's edgy? And why should anyone not think you're a complete idiot?

for what it's worth, ZH is banned in a number of countries, and its visitors are put on watchlists. That should tell you something

>> No.582037

le trash.

>> No.582060

/biz/ is actually full of people that think the economy is healthy and there is no way stocks and real estate can go down

I only lurk here for keks

>> No.582064

bretty gud: 9 out 11

Better than Reuters and Bloomberg

>> No.582081

They're right that there are a lot of problems in the financial system and that the US Fed encourages a lot of these problems. Wrong in that they are always predicting crisis regardless of what's going on in the world and are obsessed with gold, so using them as investment advice is a bad idea. I do personally think we will be seeing some sort of financial downturn soon (2015), but Zerohedge has been predicting a financial downturn since its existence.

>> No.582221

how can zerohedge feasibly predict the actions of the central planners? Because those actions are the only thing preventing a market correction.

zerohedge's inability to predict what some club of ex goldmanites are planning behind closed doors isn't any reflection of its accuracy

>> No.582236

the edge in your post lies in your "le keynsian" maymay from which you've learned after browing /pol/ for many moons, that it's engrained so deep in your brain, you cant see anything through

like i implied, there is a 99% chance you are under the age of 20.

every single day, all zerohedge reports on is the doom of the US stock market in one way or another without much weight behind what is being said

tbh i havent been on zerohedge for at least 2 years and i dont even want to take the effort to visit that site now.

0/10 site - equal tier as 4chan's /mlp/

>> No.582247

as soon as QE ended we started getting market volatility again. That was 2 months ago.

Are you mentally handicapped? three or four g20 countries are already in formal recession.

It's obvious the stock market would go up when liquidity is chased out of securities. There is literally no where else for it to go.

Have you looked at durable goods, sales, employment, etc. lately?

>> No.582499


ZeroHedge are for crazy fags.

However, occasionally, I do mean in a stretch. You find an occasion gem on the website.

>> No.582545

It is trash for unsuccessful people who think success it not about hard work but about fallacy.

>> No.582547

His entire world view is highly inaccurate, he tries too hard to be edgy and doesn't really care about the truth but he seems to keep up to date with the news so I skim it at least once a week.

>> No.582549

yes, he doesn't live in a bubble, he likes to drink in information, he is just really bad at analyzing it

>> No.582550
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>get shilled into visiting the site
>admins name is Tyler Durden
>quotes from fight club in the corner

>> No.582590

It's not one guy you dumbfuck.

>> No.582596

zerohedge is a good site.

But its contrarian as smart people often are. (You'll probably make more money doing the opposite of what they say)

>> No.582598

This. Edward Norton was really Tyler Durden too, not just Brad Pitt. Durr.

>> No.582607


>> No.583132

It was solid when it started in 2009. They broke a lot of stories about HFT and market manipulation. Their financial market cynicism was a good counter balance financial media cheerleading. Now it is worth skimming for a good post, but it panders much more to the tinfoil crowd than it used too.

>> No.583143

>people still think Keynesian policies works
You are guaranteeing a crash sometime in the future for a slightly-greater-than-normal growth today. The only people that benefit are at the top, everyone else loses more more and more at every crash. Look at 2008, normal people got fucked hard, haven't recovered nearly what they lost after 6 years, and we are already seeing recessions happening again across the board.

>> No.583193

I worked on a market making desk in one of the more prominent Chicago props, and have quite a few colleagues in comparable companies. The zero hedge twitter is actually a really fast source of information, so if you're able to mentally sift through the 90% shift, it's a great news source.

>> No.583386

Bunch of survivalist-wannabes. Some of the posts are unbelievably moronic, such as the most recent one on "why Russian oil producers won't be affected by the Ruble imploding". I guess the author was too busy digging his bunker to take Econ 101.

>> No.583389

>Using pic of Fight Club guy
>Taken seriously
yeah no

>> No.583413

it's shit

>> No.583430

It's the /pol/ of economics.

>> No.583447

Just because he said Keynesianism doesn't work doesn't make him edgy. It might make him wrong, but not edgy
Nice "le austrian" maymay from which you've learned after sitting in Econ 101 classes for many moons, that its engrained so deep in your brain, you can't see anything through

>> No.583450

>Thinking Zerohedge is bad

Under the name Tyler Durden, Ivandjiiski was interviewed on Bloomberg Radio[4][11] and Zero Hedge has been quoted in the Columbia Journalism Review.[12]

In December 2012, Bank of America blocked its employees' access to Zero Hedge.[13]

Zero Hedge celebrated one billion views in June 2013.[14]

Bill Gross, the former head of PIMCO, is an avid Zero Hedge reader. On August 9, 2013 he tweeted, "Gross: Strategists/writers I follow? Dalio, Durden, Bianco, Arnott, Aitken, Santelli, Grant, Grantham, Inker, Marks, Quaintenance & Brodsky."[15]

Matt Taibbi, in his book Griftopia, cites Zero Hedge in the last chapter as accurately assessing the level of corruption in the banking industry and credits its inside advantage. He questions why the mainstream financial media did not earlier detect the corruption at Goldman Sachs.

>> No.583474

Mainstream media always be like this "Everythings going great, BUY BUY BUY"
while Zero Hedge always be like that "Oh no the sky is falling, SELL SELL SELL"

I'm not trying to make a lame milquetoest "hurr maybe the truth is really in the middle"-argument, I'm rather saying use your own goddamn head and don't take anyone's word simply as gospel. It's good to take a contrarian perspective into account to recognize potential opportunities that the mainstream media might have missed (or rather, didn't want to sell you on), but you're not going to be happy or rich either by always investing like ZH tells you to

>> No.583542

it used to be better 3+ years back

at a certain point after it became very popular something definitely changed about it though

>> No.583890

it keeps my bullishness in check

>> No.583904

Zerohedge didn't predict the subprime meltdown you dumb fuck, Zerohedge wasn't even created until 2009. Since Zerohedge was first created the stock market's more than doubled.

>> No.583906

>It's obvious the stock market would go up when liquidity is chased out of securities.

Makes no sense

>> No.583910
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Please leave /biz/ until you've actually taken some econ classes

>> No.583914

Typical Zerohedge reader.. whoever writes the articles are obviously pretty intelligent, but the comments section is full of people like this who just string together words with no logical connection.

I'm guessing he meant to say that QE was forcing cash into equities by making fixed-income undesirable, temporarily boosting up the stock market. But that's a common perspective you'll hear on daytime CNBC talk shows, only Zerohedge-type folk would think its some secret that the masses of bullish sheeple aren't aware of.

>> No.583950

Tyler was critical of Fed action prior to obama, but since he's been critical of him now you get those kinds of people trolling the site thinking gold standard is the answer to every problem in the world

>> No.584037
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TFW Zerohedgers and Doompaulers realize that even /mlp/ would have outperformed them over the past bull market

>> No.584061

Over the last few weeks it's become extremely obvious that ZH is run by Russians. That and their relentless gold shilling makes it look hilarious right now. I still remember the goldbugs advising a portfolio comprised of 100% physical Au about this time last year as it was plunging.

>> No.584067

0 predictive value
Occasionally good for a laugh
Politics masquerading as finance/economics