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58175791 No.58175791 [Reply] [Original]

is it time?

>> No.58175799

Yeah. Where do I buy.

>> No.58175838
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Title: "The Catcoin Catastrophe: Sheldon's Intervention"

[Scene: Jerry's loft apartment. The tension is palpable as Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer sit around the coffee table, absorbing the news of Jerry's financial loss.]

Jerry: (sheepishly) Guys, I have something to tell you... I lost all my money.

George: (surprised) What? How?

Jerry: (miserably) Catcoin. I went all in on Catcoin, and now I'm broke.

Elaine: (shocked) Catcoin? But you said it was the next big thing!

Kramer: (puzzled) But what happened? Did the cats run away with your money?

Jerry: (sighing) No, the market crashed. Turns out the only thing worse than a Dogecoin knockoff is a Catcoin catastrophe.

[As the gang wallows in despair, the door bursts open, and Sheldon Cooper from "The Big Bang Theory" enters.]

Sheldon: (in his typical deadpan style) I heard there was a discussion about cryptocurrency. Did someone mention blockchain? Or perhaps we're discussing the quadratic reciprocity theorem?

[The gang stares at Sheldon in disbelief.]

Elaine: (bewildered) Who are you?

Sheldon: (ignoring Elaine) Ah, I see you're all experiencing a crisis of faith in the financial markets. Allow me to offer some wisdom from the world of physics: "Money can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be lost in the volatile wilderness of speculative investments."

[The gang exchanges puzzled glances, unsure how to respond to Sheldon's unexpected appearance and peculiar wisdom.]

Sheldon: (with a mischievous grin) I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about cryptocurrency. Might I interest you in investing in BazingaCoin?

Jerry: (skeptically) BazingaCoin?

Jerry: (finally finding his voice) Are you lost?

Sheldon: (smirking) No, I'm just looking for my roommate, Leonard. He said something about a roommate agreement violation involving my spot on the couch.

[The gang stares at Sheldon in disbelief as he exits the apartment, leaving them even more perplexed than before.]

>> No.58175903

A decent buy, it has lp on eth, bnb, sol which is nice. Trying to rival doge but as a cat. Come to think of it, has there ever been a cat coin that went to 1B mcap/binance/coinbase? strange that never happened. There are plenty of contenders though, WEN/MEW/POPCAT/BAG hard to choose from these

>> No.58176270

Whatever became of CATE on BSC? That project seemed like it had some legitimacy. I had a bag in 2021 and it lost like 90% sadly. Still had a few hundred in it.

>> No.58176296

The cat and dog war has begun

>> No.58176297

Lmao i bought this piece of shit last month and it was crabbing so I sold my stack for APU then I sold APU for COPE. Turns out all of these coins ended up mooning.

>> No.58176455

Avoid this piece of shit even if it moons. Devs were sucking it dry with bots for months up until BTC started pumping again. Took me 2 months to be able to break even and get out.

>> No.58176463

LINU on ETH is the real winner this run. The next Shib

>> No.58176485

I mean I only hold a small bag of which I took my initial out, how do you know devs used bots and it's not just whale suppression

>> No.58177740

I think this one might be a mooner.

>> No.58179417

I have 56 billion cat coins, what am I in for bros?