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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58171592 No.58171592 [Reply] [Original]

How did it feel to be debt free?

>> No.58171610

it's ok

>> No.58171648

He supports Israel so anything he says is invalid by default

>> No.58171658
File: 138 KB, 917x871, 1711229640545880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to go into debt again

>> No.58171670

I was never in debt. Because I'm not an idiot. And therefore, I don't listen to this faggot

>> No.58171676

This is not /pol/. Please fuck off.

>> No.58171687


>> No.58171717

Israel sucks sweaty Palestinian peen.

>> No.58171728

If someone's mind is clouded and is so easily influenced, their judgment is to be highly scrutinized. This boomer is a man of low character and not to be taken seriously.

>> No.58171730

Cool story. But I am here to make money

>> No.58171787

Because society rewards you for going into debt.

When you go into debt, you can buy a house, car, nice clothes, fancy entertainment, or a degree and people will be impressed. Or you can buy more stocks and make more money over the long term.

When you pay interest on a loan, the government gives you a tax deduction. But when you are debt-free and receive interest payments, the government taxes that as income.

It's not fair, bros.

>> No.58171793
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Idgaf how much of a ziocuck he is, if he has sound financial advice I will listen.

>> No.58171824

He doesn't have sound financial advice though. He wants you to payoff largest loans before higher APR ones, a high school kid who just learned PeRT should grasp why that's stupid.

>> No.58171864

The snowball effect is there to create a positive feedback loop. For some people that works better

>> No.58171881

his advice is good for completely reckless and retarded normalfags who spend their entire monthly salary within a week, take on payday loans, and buy new cars at 20% APR

his advice is bad for anyone with basic self-control. in fact, his advice is bad for retarded normalfags as soon as they are out of debt and look to start investing, because he refers them to financial planners who will actively manage your investment, and give a kickback to Ramsey Boomer Solutions Inc. when questioned about it he responds by claiming that good managers will earn their fee, which is equivalent to saying you should invest in poker games because you can win big if you just play well lol

>> No.58171883

You know it’s interesting, I have done the whole Dave Ramsey thing and I’ve been debt free for years. And I’ve also lived off credit cards and loans etc when I was younger. I’ll tell you my experience. When you utilize credit you just have a much better quality of life. You take out a loan and get a decent car. You go on vacation and put some nice meals on a credit card. You go treat yourself to something nice on your birthday. Now Dave’s way is a lot more financially responsible but your quality of life just goes to shit. You drive around in a piece of shit $500 car you bought for cash that you’re embarasssed to be seen in public in. You can NEVER go on vacation cause you never have enough extra money. You’re always trying to save for a vacation but your car always blows up or the IRS hits you with a massive bill or something always happens so you haven’t been on vacation in 10 years. And you just never spend money on anything but the essentials because you never have enough spare cash to do anything nice for yourself. So I guess it’s nice not being in debt or having any payments, but objectively my quality of life is really much worse than it was when I just lived beyond my means all the time.

>> No.58171930
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I don't really care, I actually want to use more credit
This month I swapped all my ETH to BRC20 tokens with satoshibank so I don't have anything on my debit cards

>> No.58171985

>that you’re embarasssed to be seen in public in
You seem to care a lot about the opinions of other people

>> No.58172081

having a mortgage is rewarded by society.

being debt free is for losers

>> No.58172129

I'm here to make money and make fun of jews.

>> No.58172319

I just paid off my car loan and have 0 credit card debt so it feels pretty good. I will never go into debt outside of a mortgage ever again. Already saving for my next car so I can just pay in cash.

>> No.58172544

lucky bastard.

>> No.58172821

What does luck have to do with this?

>> No.58172839

This holds no weight coming from an obese loser still living with mommy.

>> No.58172851

Never taken a loan, live on my own and I make six figures WFH. Suck me.

>> No.58172863

Okay so he grifts NPC advice to NPCs, typical boomernigger.

>> No.58173075

He is not grifting at all. It is pretty clear what he is about and he is not deceiving anyone. You can even watch/listen to videos of his advice for free

>> No.58173089

Nice LARP fatty.

>> No.58173153

Its the same thread every day with the same replies.
>he gives bad advice
>he gives good advice for the retarded
What if I don't care? Can you at least put his name somewhere in the post so I can filter it?

>> No.58173211


>Can you at least put his name somewhere in the post so I can filter it?
No. The thread is about being debt free, not him.