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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 466 KB, 854x456, circle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58167115 No.58167115 [Reply] [Original]

where were you when the circle first appeared?

>> No.58167581

I was making smegma toast when the phone rang
"reality is kill"

>> No.58167641

18$ circlecoin

>> No.58167857

>project is supposed to be volatile and chaotic
>$20 stable coin
what went wrong?

>> No.58167929

I would buy but dextools says it's a honeypot. I can't read solidity contracts so I will stay away.

>> No.58167989

Check out Briun. It's a circle done right. Circle devs are cheap imbeciles, they had first mover advantage but the greed was too strong.

>> No.58168052

Tbh, I had dreams about this coin making me a shitload of money after I bought it. I occasionally dream about shitcoins and over the years have learned to just go with it. Sometimes I dream about dumps before it’s time to sell too.

>> No.58168059

>He says as he greedily shills a shitcoin copy of the original

>> No.58168157

>done right
>just takes Uniswap V3 fees and manually buys with them, could rug that at anytime
>devs too low IQ to copy anything else that Circle does
beyond not understanding how Circle works, the irony is that the Circle dev actually being greedy would have been better. It's random whales stealing LP fees and suppressing price to get more Circles that is the issue

>> No.58168368

> random whales
You meant devs/team/insiders whatever you want to call them

> Circle is automated
Don't lie

>> No.58168404
File: 63 KB, 500x500, avatars-mHcGFUUNmtidlmq4-hfABMw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this instead of aero.

>> No.58168540

>Circle is automated
the functions that make it unique are, in terms of dynamically adjusting liquidity and when it buys and sells. The knockoffs are doing full range LP and manual market buys. Circle is not decentralized currently for sure

>You meant devs/team/insiders whatever you want to call them
why would the dev surpress his own project if it was him? If he was in it for money why would they do zero marketing for the project? This thing would have hit 100M MC weeks ago with marketing and whales not fucking with price

>> No.58168628

clearly they don't believe in the project and are milking newfags. Cheap and lazy approach but but very profitable fot the team. I guess it's just one of many projects that they started on base. I suspect they are behind Briun as well.

>> No.58168684

Lost potential

>> No.58168869

10 dollars to 25 was more than a 2x. 10 dollars was an obvious support level too

>> No.58169034

still early desu, I know of at least 2 legit projects being built by whales around Circle which will increase burn and reduce supply when launched. And a supposed 3rd project that might just be a LARP. Even the worst whales are only doing it because they are bullish long term. Not ruling out the chance they kill this thing due to their greed, the price suppression took it from a top 5 coin on Base to barely top 25. Circle lost a ton of mindshare on Base with all these recent shitcoin launches

>> No.58169050

how would you build a project around Circle? it's not a platform

>> No.58169068

I was on the toilet

>> No.58169148

store of value that literally has a constantly increasing minimum value over time due to how CCTP accumulates ETH from trading fees to set a higher floor on price

>> No.58169177

what are the names of the projects?

>> No.58169220

That's my point anon, I got a 2x instead of a 10x.

>> No.58169304

one is called Void, should be out next week. Goal is to put pressure on the biggest whale by fucking up his plan to keep accumulating at lower prices. I think another is some kind of OHM clone using staked Circle, have less info on that one. All the projects effectively increase burn rate of Circle and reduce available supply

>> No.58169311

Surge, earnfi, briun. The same team. They use circle to fund those other projects. It's good for base ecosystem.

>> No.58169319


>> No.58169402

What's a make it circle bag?

>> No.58169420

hi D-lim
got any 10x gems to share?

>> No.58169992

probably 500

>> No.58170053

Nice. If the circle dev is anything like people say, I figured he'd be working on something to "solve" the whale liquidity issue. I'm glad I kept a tiny bag and hope om eligible for an airdrop of this other stuff.

>> No.58170377

the dev is a biz oldfag, I get the impression he made a bunch on ETH in 2017 and then made more during DeFi summer based on how many DeFi autists are impressed by Circle's tech. hopefully these projects in the next 1-2 weeks end the LP bullshit and price starts to run. I wouldn't go all in on this type of project, but it's worth a potential 100-1000x sui stack moonbag

>> No.58170440

Dev is Brian Armstrong

>> No.58170569

you'll have to tell me when it first appeared and then I'll have to try to remember what I was doing at that date and time.

>> No.58170586

how do other projects influence circle? i didn't know that was possible

>> No.58170606

It's called coping circle

>> No.58170716

some are going to use Circle as their LP instead of ETH, others will have staking rewards, others will do stuff to increase volume and burn rate. Lots of DeFi autists involved with Circle. No clue if they can pull it off but they think that Circle can essentially force Circle as the Base ecosystem token

>> No.58173131

why are you seething so hard?