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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 200x200, toad-killer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58159821 No.58159821 [Reply] [Original]

Why you fuck my toad?

>> No.58160539

Toad got your tongue?

>> No.58160576

something big is coming

>> No.58160681

Just one more year

>> No.58161719

we are almost there CFUN sisters

>> No.58161789

If toad isn’t all you guys said it was I will go on a rampage and launch an NFT project of my manifesto on shibarium

>> No.58161804

Man I fucking hope so I'm getting scared

>> No.58161890

Toad will make us rich!

>> No.58162824

Step 1. Deploy ToadKiller
Step 2.
Step 3. Profit

>> No.58163145


>> No.58163182

TOAD is either the premier “frog shitcoin” on the Shib blockchain or is going to be TREAT. The total silence around it speaks volumes, I just hope everyone fades the fud and doesn’t miss out.

>> No.58163215

Pepe and other memecoins keep going up while this piece of horseshit just crabs or dumps. They're really taking their time to unveil this as Treat.

>> No.58163223

>The total silence around it speaks volumes
Yes, that it is dead and we lost everything

The current baggie cope is that new people are being banned as soon as they join the telegram because sh*b only wants the (suckers) that are already in to get rich. Lol.

>> No.58163469

It’s either moon or dust, no in between. I have my bag and I mean to see it through.

>> No.58163484

Who fuck frog soup Cafe? I spent my hard earned eth on a soup nigger!!!!!

>> No.58163495

I have a small bag too, I just hate these larp narratives that take forever to resolve. If it dumps to nothing I don't really care, I just want to be done with it. Same goes for LUNC. If it's really this special coin then they should just fucking say so already. The BTC halving is in less than a month, we're almost at the bull cycle and other coins are already moving.

>> No.58163562

I understand your sentiment, I took profit during that ETH Toronto conference so my investment irrelevant. I just know that when the full backing of SHIB is behind TOAD we are going to go parabolic with cex listings.

>> No.58163593

Can't fucking wait, hope it's not too far away.. any idea when shib 1.5 is coming?

>> No.58163594

They can't even get bone on a major cex

>> No.58163735
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A sign!

>> No.58163792
File: 418 KB, 1284x520, IMG_6105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time it’s different

>> No.58163806

Lmfao that makes a bit of sense. Hope it's real..

>> No.58163872

>kill pepe
I can't see the momentum picking up quick enough this cycle to outpace Pepe. The "pepe killer" narrative is over. Dozens of shitcoins popped up since the Pepe scandal all claiming to be the next pepe killer and all have failed. No one even talks about trying to be them anymore except for the random toad thread that pops up every now and then. It's over. Time to move on to other booming projects before this cycle ends

>> No.58163896
File: 10 KB, 363x241, 1684739877686478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're unironically going to break out soon

>> No.58164088

Your comment just made me sell my whole toad stack.

>> No.58164171

Thanks! 1 rupee has just been deposited to my bank account

>> No.58165260

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo jewtoshi is trying to start a pump again to dump on you baggies you know this is the truth too

>> No.58165564
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>> No.58165762
File: 1.01 MB, 1024x1024, ooooooooobaggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the massive, steaming dump from scumtoshi in your baggie mouth, lol

>> No.58165789
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1710806915202134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao wtf was that? Slimmest Bart ever..

>> No.58165870

No u

>> No.58166509

Bros... Toad keeps getting fucked :(

>> No.58166681

They already said that it's gonna moon in September, you fags were just too hopeful they're talking about September 2023 lmao

>> No.58166996
File: 86 KB, 640x640, 829438043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard you faggots were talking shit about Toadkiller. Shit is SO cash, buy now or regret later.

>> No.58167284
File: 5 KB, 240x250, 1702985925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bank account
nigga how are you in the crypto world and still use bank accounts? chose anything else really, like even paypaw is a better alternative than a normal bank, look for online cards without many fees that fuck you in the ass and NO PAYPAL aight?

>> No.58167458

That's right toad is a nasty little slut, fucks everyone.

>> No.58167463

This anonymous individual is correct.

>> No.58167494

The Chainlink of memecoins

>> No.58167526

:( link is my main holding.. fuck you

>> No.58167532
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>> No.58168176

It’s a mistery anon

>> No.58168221

who fuck my toad?

>> No.58168771

looks like it could moon pretty soon

>> No.58169433

Toad is the Jewish man’s coin. I’ve been saying this since august. My occipital bun is tingling

>> No.58169435
File: 78 KB, 404x422, 1710728074412872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell toad for avi
>avi bag now worth over 100 eth
>toad bag would have been worth less than one eth
>toadies called me a scammer for sharing avi
>despite there being on-chain proof of shytoshi dumping toad for a year straight
>anons are unironically still buying toad thinking shytoshi will just decide to give them free money
ill never understand

>> No.58169569
File: 250 KB, 686x430, 1711398323753581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mightve sold most my toad because of your posts guess we'll never know (tysm fren)

>> No.58169999

you know what the move now is? put that 100 eth into TOAD

>> No.58170051

IT makes more sense when you realize shytoshi Is jew from Israel

>> No.58170293

holy checked

>> No.58170483

Self check and holy checked. If you're Jewish you would buy 10 trillion toad and retire next month. If you're goyim you won't make it.

>> No.58170590

SSM fucked off from the TG, it's over.

>> No.58171961

Ze farm is complete
not even a Ryoshi (even if fake) pinned message can pump et
leave the baggies and dompt et

>> No.58172054

who is ssm

>> No.58173531

Man fuck TOAD, I've been holding for a whole year. Switched to LOBO on base and already made more than this shit every did, but still keeping my TOAD bag, hope it pumps.

>> No.58173882
File: 133 KB, 1147x601, toadshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pumps just a little
>immediately dumps

Every time. The stories are true, huh?

>> No.58173954

What stories? What are you talking about?

>> No.58173974

That it's one giga whale, or one of the devs constantly dumping on us?

>> No.58174766
File: 100 KB, 591x1280, IMG_20240327_194334_410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One year of schizophrenic theories that never came to fruition. One year of sucking the cocks of le ebin shib team members like pic related. One year of being dumped on by jews.

Thanks for this /biz/, seriously.

>> No.58174855

it's over

>> No.58175069

I just checked out the telegram on my spare phone the pinned messages are some screenshots from the old website and a tweet from march last year. Holy kek the saddest baggies in crypto.

>> No.58175070
File: 245 KB, 1290x1903, 1711578582515133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TURD cant even beat a dummy token that was explicitly condemned by shib. Being denounced by shib is more bullish than "hints" and "connections" at this point.

>> No.58175340

You guys can't seriously believe this... right...

>> No.58175690

scared of what? Shit is essentially unrugable.
All of us in aren't pulling out, and "IF" there was a person going to rug, they would be loosing an opportunity of a lifetime.

I'm pretty sure everyone in, is riding this B itch to zero if need be. We aint getting shaken out.

Either way, it will make multiple X's.

Some of you Anon's always tie political forces being behind this meme. At first I was skeptical, shrugged it out as larp, but after a few restless nights, I do feel some energy from external forces behind this project.

>> No.58175767

Hoichi 2.0

>> No.58176225

>I'm pretty sure everyone in, is riding this B itch to zero if need be. We aint getting shaken out.
This. Not selling my potential meal ticket of a lifetime because some zoomie retard is bored and impatient and starts exaggerating the situation to try and be edgy and ironic. I’ll wait as long as it takes and slurp more if the price is right

>> No.58176312

I hope there's no one seriously still holding this on /biz/. You guys already missed half the bull run lmao the winners have been picked

>> No.58176474

Don’t be retarded desu. Buy back soon or you’ll regret it for a lifetime

>> No.58177027

Green ID I buy another 50b

>> No.58177101

do it

>> No.58177114

I'll play. Will add to my bag if green