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58156774 No.58156774 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do with the $1.1 Billies if you won it? This is all hypothetical of course because I will be the one to win it tonight and I will buy a boat.

>> No.58156792

Buy a couple houses and arable land. Keep it in the family forever and become modern day nobles

>> No.58156816
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I'd also buy some land in northwest Ireland in case anything did happen to America

>> No.58156833

Two chicks at the same time.

>> No.58156834

I'd go with Costa Rica. I just went there a couple of months ago and they have tons of ripe latina women all over.

>> No.58156847

I wouldn't change much

>> No.58156880

Expand the family, new house to fit them. Budget some to "fun" money, the vast majority, invest, retire. Come up with a cover that explains some of the money. Never tell anyone the extent of what I won.

>> No.58156906

I would put my 2 weeks in out of courtesy to my employer who would fire me without giving me a 2 week notice and then I would by a good bit of land that has access to either a river or a lake, build a workshop for wood working or something and probably go to culinary school with my free time. Maybe get a hobby farm after my traveling is complete

>> No.58156971

Take the anual payments because I don't think I can beat 4.5% and I'm not risking the lump payout of 500mil on shitcoins or even BTC. I've already made it, there's no need to gamble. I'm also young enough to where I can wait 30 years to get all of it. I don't want to bet on "safe" shit like the stock market either. Just give me my 30 million a year - 37% tax.

I'd use the money to try and help as many young people buy homes and start families as possible. Not sure how, but I'd take a year and talk to a lot of people and figure out something I could do that would make a dent in this world.

All the social and political shit that bothers me I'd drain my money into trying to fight it. I'd find a way to eradicate black gangster culture in young boys in chicago. Maybe build a tiny city with those micro homes for people trying to get off of fentynal, so they atleast have something to lose and a reason to clean up.

I'd start a few inner city gardens spread out in food deserts, and restaurants that use that produce to make healthy, but cheap food. Give away all the recipies and do bulk weekly meal preps for people. 1 per person so nobody could buy up all my shit just to turn around and sell it at a nasty markup.

I'd just focus my time doing shit like that. Even if they all failed it doesn't matter. Next year I'll get my next payment and build up a new project from scratch.

I would do this while trying to stay as anonymous as possible. Not because I'm a good guy, but because I will need to indulge in countless acts of depravity and wouldn't want my scandals publicized or to effect all the charitable work.

>> No.58156980

I wouldn’t the government uses the lottery to eliminate proles with too high a luck stat.

>> No.58156983

Buy bitcoin

>> No.58157011
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lets say you win: 1.1b, half for lump sum (payments is a dumb idea)
but then you owe taxes on that.. so maybe you keep 60% of 550M: That's only $30M

a better idea is to start a non-profit
pay myself like $50M and the rest goes to the non-profit which pays no taxes.. so about 500M to the non-profit. Only 5% of the income of the non-profit has to be disbursed.
pay my family $300-500k per person so they don't have to work
everyone gets leased cars from the non-profit
the rest gets reinvested for perpetual family wealth
Travel the world, pursue personal interests, whatever

>> No.58157030

$330million.... not 30. fuck

>> No.58157179

what an idiot
>payments instead of lump sum
>giving money to retards that will still hate you
>wanting to save dumbfucks from themselves
you might as well set it on fire

>> No.58157357

I'll be the one sporting the correct numbers for the jackpot win tonight, sorry not sorry anons, but let it be known that I will be hosting 1Eth giveaway threads on the weekly here on our basket weaving forum

>> No.58157829

donate it all to africa

>> No.58159892

First, I will put around 20% in BTC and 10% into altcoins like AAST, DOT, and NEAR. Then invest 20% in real estate. I will keep the remaining 50% in fiat.

>> No.58160124

One billion dollars on red

>> No.58160295

Unironically, put half into dividend etfs, then live my life happily my gf is probably going to leave me because i cant afford to support us and move out of my dads house despite having a decent career(plumber) shits rough out here, aside from that have a family pursue my dream of becoming a bjj competitor(only thing that actually excites me as far as a "job" goes) unfortunately it seems like god wants me to work for a while longer , maybe forever.

>> No.58160336

A giant yacht and live in the sea

>> No.58160341


Boden ll get all your proffits gg

>> No.58160347


Net time go MAGA anon, Trump is the best

>> No.58160396

Do you have two dicks?

>> No.58160415

Pussy. All on a single number or nothing.

>> No.58160458

You can do that even if your poor

>> No.58160513

>pay of my house
>buy land way out in the middle of nowhere
>build a bunker under some LLC
>tell nobody until it's complete
>tell everyone I'm moving to Thailand to work remote
>live in the bunker

>> No.58160601

Buy land as much as i could from lakeshore. Build real stone house there that could house dynasty like British country manors. Create an fund to just take care of the house and the grounds that no idiot descendant could destroy what i created. Breed like an rabbit for an while to creat my dynasty. Set money aside for the next one in line. After all this taken care of, whatever i want. Live like libertine while traveling and then find something else to do.

>> No.58160630


>> No.58161057

About $500 at your local Korean massage parlor gets you this already.

>> No.58161068

Buy 140,000 ounces of gold. dump it in the Pacific Ocean

Cash: $537,500,000

Net: $308,029,312

>> No.58161127

I’m buying and DRS the remainder of the GME float and watching the world and crypto burn

>> No.58161131

Why not just buy boomer stocks? Even spy would get you 8% annual on average. In truth it's up 10% since January. And if spy ever goes to zero well your money is worthless anyway.

>> No.58161132

What about the other $100m?

>> No.58161141


>> No.58161163

>>tell everyone I'm moving to Thailand to work remote
Everyone will think you're some kind of sexual deviant to some degree

>> No.58161182

Not even. If you're attractive, you can get it for $200-250 tops

>> No.58161190

id donate the entire thing to fund LGBT positivity

>> No.58161204
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Is probably just continue to neet from my parents basement and would never let them know I had won. But at least I’d have the money to renovate the basement and make it look cool.

>> No.58161214

Better than thinking I'm a newly made near billionaire that needs to be extorted for money.

>> No.58161227

You think you can fuck for 125 a girl? Maybe if they're ugly and old. Standard is like $200.

>> No.58161234

Is non-poisoned Wednesday cancelled?

>> No.58161251

Idk, they always treat me well and they're attractive. Sounds like a skill issue

>> No.58161259

My conspiracy theory is that cartels are using drug money to buy lottery tickets. The jackpot has consistently gone into the billions every time.

>> No.58161302

I do see a lot of Mexicans and South Americans buying lottery tickets. Which is funny because you have to show Id to cash out any significant size win and pay taxes so I don’t know what these retards plan is if they actually won big.

>> No.58161332

It's been months since the MM or Powerball jackpots were won. That's why they're so high right now

>> No.58161373

Build a house for each of my immediate family members in a warmer state, preferably a few miles away from each other with plenty of land attached to each. Give each one the divvies off of a $2m trading account in their name to pay their bills. Travel around with my friends for a while. Buy a bunch of motorcycles and maybe a fancy car or two.

>> No.58161399

You have a legal citizen claim the money shuffling through different people you control.
Because the odds of winning are so low. OR because they've infiltrated the system to control the winning numbers. Wouldn't be the first time that's happened by the way. Look it up.

>> No.58161421

They changed the math recently to increase the odds of big payouts. That’s why we’ve seen multiple payouts over a billion in the last couple years.

>> No.58161493

>Put 50% into IBIT ETF.
>Put 25% into VT.
>Put 15% into unlevered single family homes in good neighborhoods with good schools in landlord friendly states.
>Put 9% into BIL ETF for near term liquidity.
>Put 1% into bank accounts for spending and immediate liquidity.
Then travel around the world doing hookers (bareback) and blow until I accidentally OD on some fent laced coke.

>> No.58161659

pump and dump shitcoins until i was a trillionaire

>> No.58162192

The funny thing is you could accomplish your goal while still profiting. It would just be not much profit, which is why the weathy sociopath class doesn't do it.
All you do is build midrise apartment* clusters in housing stressed areas with 2 and 3 bedrooms, build them nice with thick walls and sturdy floors, and give a big discount to married families with kids so one working parent can afford it. Build grocery stores and other basic shopping (but not parasitic stores like fashion and lifestyle) close enough to walk to so mothers can go shopping without the family needing two cars. Make a common community area per building to let the women gab and kids socialize with peers close enough to visit regularly and form lifelong friendships. Take an active roll, hire people to plan design and funnel behavior towards high trust family and community. You'll be manipulative in a good way.
In doing this you'd take the lump sum through an incorporation and gouge big tax breaks for the philanthropic work.
The profit would be low, but there, and you'd be creating a strong base to draw generations of unbroken people from and grow the meme of good living.

*Why apartments? It's more cost effective. It lets you create pocketed villages with high internal cohesion and low external. A detached home can be a worse place to raise a family and most of them are. Some anons will knee jerk and say apartments are for commies or other psyopped bullshit. Suburbs are torment obelisks. They create broken families. Before the advent of modern fucked society, every city was a 15 minute city. Towns in old media look designed for community because they were. Modern cities are designed for value extraction alone.

>> No.58162199

>What would you do with the $1.1 Billies if you won it? This is all hypothetical of course because I will be the one to win it tonight and I will buy a boat.
Give it away and donate it all to charity. I don't take handouts, I'm a hustler

>> No.58162204

this but 5 of them, and all of them are college freshman with fat pale tits and one of them rims me while i cum in another raw.

>> No.58162217

Be bizarro George Soros and finance anticommunist movements around the world.

>> No.58162331


>> No.58162356

Based if you actually did all that.
Bro projects his self-hatred onto everyone. El ehm ayy oh

>> No.58162389

I plan on buying as many homes in super wealthy neighborhoods as possible and then turn them into section 8 housing so all the niggers move in. I just want to see the world burn.

>> No.58162499

That's it.
I'ma win the billy.

>> No.58162973

Hmm yes, build an all black community in the middle of the Hamptons and give them a guaranteed ~$40,000/year each in order to survive and then see how fast it empties out

>> No.58163064

Everyone takes the lump sum. This is actually not that smart. Reason?. Taxes. Your tax hit on the lump sum would be worse than if you did the payment option. You'd get more of the money. Also goddamn the payment per month you'd get would be insane anyway so fuck. Everyone takes the lump. Wham taxes eats around half of it. Ok. Then next year's tax bill comes due. Another pile gone. Etc,etc. Add to that everyone goes nuts and blows a ton. They all end up worse off.

>> No.58163405

The billy?......IS MINES

>> No.58163736

I would buy a massive 100M mansion and a couple exotic cars that cost 1M+each then write a book called "I win you lose" oh and shit tons of cocaine and hookers obviously

>> No.58163899

Why would you pay taxes per year if you take the lump sum?

>> No.58163944

Two chicks, at the same time.

>> No.58164015

Yeah taxes are the dumbest most retarded reason to take the payments over the lump sum. At the end of the day, if your intent is to live off the money and live extravagantly, then payments are better because you can't retard your way into bankruptcy for the next 2 decades. If you think you can beat 3% interest/year and won't spend all the money at once then the lump sum is better.

>> No.58164041

What if you don't think the govt counts that massive lottery winning as "income" your dead wrong. They count it. You can't escape the tax man. Unless you move outside the U.S right after you get the money. Go to any bank. Transfers over 10k get flagged to the IRS. So yeah your on the IRS radar the moment that money lands in your bank account. They don't just keep that kinda money in cash you know. You can't just stuff it in a suit case and run outta the lottery headquarters building. (If you even could?, I dunno)

>> No.58164117

I still don't understand though. If I win $1b and I take out the lump sum and pay the initial tax on it, why would I continue getting taxed on it year after year if it's just sitting in an account with no interest? I don't get taxed on the money I have in my checking account so why would it be any different if I threw lotto earnings in it? Or am I misunderstanding your post?

>> No.58164150

You don't fucking retard its one and done

>> No.58164153

I'm not the original guy, he's either a retard or typed it out wrong because you would only have to pay tax once on it. You'd have to pay tax on any capital gains you make from it if you invest though, but that's completely different

>> No.58164158

quit my job, retire my parents and brothers, buy a large piece of land and setup a campground somewhere and manage it.

>> No.58164190

Just the thought of it makes me puke. I don't need that much money because I want to larp as a homeless person without having to worry about food or basic stuff.

>> No.58164236


win a million - buy a house and new car save the rest - wife will work part time

win 10 million - buy a house and new car save the rest - wife will be a stay at home mom

win 100 million - buy a house and new car save the rest - wife will be a stay at home mom, I will work part time.

Win 1 billion - buy a house and new car save the rest - wife will be a stay at home mom, I will live

>> No.58164258

I bet you're fun at parties

>> No.58164289

That's too much money.

There's no way the Jews or glowies haven't rigged it.

>> No.58164298

I miss being young

>> No.58164413
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Buy a private island and start a honeypot operation for the mossad hbu?

>> No.58164589

As in, you're gonna honeypot the mossad agents?

>> No.58164679

Yes. Christ is king

>> No.58164799


Woah, you Deserve To Win.

>> No.58164814


Start a shit coin, wait to get some holders, and then relentlessly pump my hot, virile liquid funds into it until it was a top coin. Then rug everyone, even at a loss.


>> No.58165060

Guys I forgot to buy my ticket :(

>> No.58165102


>> No.58165110

Donate 95% to the absolute dumbest cause I can find. Therapy for people afraid of apples or something like that.

>> No.58165491

invest into bitcoin, perhaps look for some memecoins, perhaps mumu or another memecoin, given the fact that this is the current pretty much any coin that is popping of or had a good headstart when they launched is a fucking memecoin
it's retarded, but its not important if it gives me more than i already have

Also maybe get a ps5, vr headset, a new tv, etc
Maybe buy some land or a space and make an hotel or something for passive income, etc
and the rest i'll use it to live a life of leisure doing whatever i please

>> No.58165570

I didn't finna win the billy......

>> No.58165599

All in on everest Id