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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58153408 No.58153408 [Reply] [Original]

what exactly triggers a token suddenly going 1000x ballistic? what dynamics are in play here?

is it literally just catching the normie's attention and triggering FOMO in them?

>> No.58153446

when some rich people market buys and pumps something for fun, it attracts attention, then people discover the token, if it has potential, it keeps having its demand increased, and since the crypto ecosystem is largely built around the idea of digital scarcity (even if only 1 coin is truly scarce), it drives the price up

>> No.58153540

Hype, fomo, greed, and attention

>> No.58153874

Coherent harmonic resonances of investor optimism

>> No.58154057
File: 74 KB, 713x1258, plebbit socialfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrative and FOMO. This is most often expressed through strong utility realtor imagined eg btc, eth and doge.
Next trend will be plebbit.

>> No.58154136

>what exactly triggers a token suddenly going 1000x ballistic
market whale market buying on spot at 4am while drunk and high on coke

its literally that

>> No.58154145

You buy before exchanges

>> No.58154178


>> No.58154321

It's just whales manipulating the price it's not that hard to figure out man

>> No.58154334

No. Normies don’t pump coins, despite what you have all been led to believe. Normies are lured in as exit liquidity on pumped coins. This is a very big difference.

>> No.58154402

Call groups/Whales/VCs etc, anyone who has money to move markets gets approached or has preconceived incentives to artificially pump volume on a shitcoin which then catches the attention of degens/jeets who watch aggregator sites 24/7 which then triggers fomo from retail and poors when the run is mostly complete, becoming exit liquidity or perpetual bag holders in hopes of replicating the same result on another run.